Who are some balding actors?

Who are some balding actors?

We've been over this: he just has thin hair. Always has. Notice the hairline is actually as dense as the rest of his hair if you look at more images.

That guy who played Don Draper is balding hard, though.

This. Based on that picture he doesn't look bald at all. That's just what it looks like when hair is "wet" or slicked with gel. You see "holes". OP do you have running water and a mirror?

Pic related is going to be bald very soon unless he gets hair plugs.

>hat guy who played Don Draper is balding hard, though.
No, he's not.




Why do handsome men bald? I thought this was going to stop with Jude Law

I can see my hair looking like this in about 3-5 years

>tfw when only in my early 30s

he also has a neck tattoo? it's clearly makeup and a toupee to make him look like a sleazeball

too much testosterone

NOOOOOOO my husbando ;_;

if he shaved his head, he would still look pretty alright.

Guy with thin hair here. Hes has thin hair. I have the same hair amount and still not balding. Born with it.


I can confirm this i look the same out of the shower

He’s a wig guy.

4 u


Looks thin just.

I know a man who has a full intact hairline but his hair Is so thin you can see his scalp.

Anyway, only facelets worry about this kind of thing.

based :>

bruh, look that this dude

wait til you see the OH NONONONONONO




i think he just has thin hair and whatever product he has is accentuating it, i could be wrong but his hairline looks solid.

nah, he's a baldy

There was a point over a year ago when I thought I was balding. I even asked my doctor for a prescription of finasteride

But the side effects freaked me out enough and I decided that I’d rather go bald than have a broken dick. So here I am a year later with pretty much the same amount of hair as I did last year

All in all I freaked out because I have thin hair, not actually balding

he wasn't bald in the movie though

why is nature cruel ;_;

uhhhhhh you don't get to bring hair

the DHT rises

user I...

This thread is hitting too close to home...

Bought some Rogaine and have been using it for the last week. Pray to god it helps.

Combine it with derma rolling. And Nizoral.

Justin Theroux. But his U shaped hairline has looked the same since American psycho as it has now with the Leftovers.