What the fuck

What the fuck

I keep meaning to actually watch this movie. Never got around to it.

I almost watched it, but I don't know. I don't know if it's worth my time.

Allow me to save you an hour and a half: don't bother

pleb filter

Is the wall made of titans?

asians too incompetent to beat fucking spiders

Good enough for me. I won't bother lol


>chinese movie
>set in medieval china
>battling monsters/aliens
>starring white person

Don't listen to user. The bungee jumping scenes are hilarious to watch.

Same shit with kung pao

Same,I downladed the movie months ago.

>Chinese director
>Chinese studio
>filmed in China
>intended for a Chinese audience

>story is about a white guy who's kind of dumb and has poor manners but is incredibly tough, brave and competent, saves China from an army of monsters and immediately gets an invincible Chinese warrior woman chasing his dick

I don't really understand what the subtext of this propaganda was supposed to be

I heard apparently Matt Damon is pretty popular in China, he was a western character they would like

Movie is cool. The Chinese come up with all sorts of creative and fantastic ways to kill themselves.

This isn't star wars

Kung Pow was a fucking absurdist comedy and basically a parody of an old movie. Nothing at all like this movie. Don't be stupid

the subtext is white men are the best. We cucked all of asian with the bomb back in ww2. Suck my white dick chinks

>gets an invincible Chinese warrior woman chasing his dick
they never even kiss. fucking cocktease of a movie. I wanted elaborate wire-fu power sex

It's not that bad. Not that good either but got cool battle scenes.

The monsters weren't remotely scary. They looked like cartoon dogs. And how'd they all deactivate when the queen died? It's one thing when an army routs after the mothership or whatever explodes but they all dropped dead which is bullshit.

I barely even bothered watching this, half the time I was switching back and forth to South Park.

>The monsters weren't remotely scary. They looked like cartoon dogs. And how'd they all deactivate when the queen died?
Well this isn't totally unlike how ants operate. When you poison the queen of an ant colony, the worker ants sort of, I dunno, lose the will to live so to speak.


this. pure popcorn kino

The Great Wall easily crosses into "so bad it's good" territory.

Not quite imo. Now, pic related. That's The Room-tier

>last nigga on earth
>starring Tom Hanks

Chinese audience.

Chinese propaganda.

Weird as fuck but unironically better than Jew propaganda.

And what exactly is the propaganda message of this film ?