Is he a terrible person?

Sup Forums what are your thoughts on Alex Hirsch? I've heard things like, he was a drunkard, he wants to fuck his sister, he got mad when fans kept solving his puzzles. Is any of that true? >Discuss.

Never met the guy, op

He's just your typical millennial libcuck

He's not a terrible person, he's just a fag that couldn't handle the presure

If you binge the show, its great without all the waiting and fan speculation

Everything you've "heard" from Sup Forums is shitposting.

He's whiny and Gravity Falls was a bit overrated, but that's it.

He had the easy street into the industry thanks to his (((connections))) and he still managed to fuck it all up. Disney took a chance with him and he left them high and dry because he was mad they wouldn't let him show a kid getting his neck snapped or whatever sick shit he kept coming up with, and even then he still got away with a lot. As a final fuck you to Disney and his fans he made a clause that Gravity Falls could never continue without his input which he has no intention of seriously doing. He's easily one of the biggest pieces of shit in the industry.

...this, for instance, isn't true.

Like LoK being worse the Last Airbender film, or every critic in the US being paid off by Disney to give Marvel films good reviews, this is what you might consider to be a "shitty Sup Forums meme". I don't know where or why they start, but there you go.

Who cares?

What part of my post isn't true? He was handed a show gift-wrapped after working for 3 years on two unremarkable ones. He was upset about censorship (the neck snapping thing refers to the original script to Weird Part 2 which had Dipper killing his radical clone) there are plenty of other examples and Alex himself tweeted a lot about the Disney censors. He still got away with some edgy shit like the taxidermy animals bleeding from the eyes or Stan outright drugging and kidnapping someone. The last part of my post I vaguely recall it being said that Gravity Falls would not continue with Alex Hirsch's approval and that he basically co-owned the rights to it with Disney, that I'm iffy on but I don't see it continuing without him either way.

I don't know who he is.

Does anyone know if Hirsch is working on anything new, if he is going to make a new cartoon, a new movie or something?

How the fuck should we know? Why don't you go cyberstalk some chick you once knew in high school, you fucking creeper.

He's working on a new animated show for FOX, and writing a live action Pokémon movie

And that's about it

Little bitch made ass faggot who blames the fans for his inability to manage a show properly.

>Live action pokémon

Do we have any information on that animated show for FOX? What's it's name?

>millennials calling millennials millennials

ITT: Bitter unemployed virgins who will never get the privilege of making their own cartoon and who have no talent to create anything good judge actual hardworking talented show creators

>he wants to fuck his sister

Hold up, let's not start kink-shaming.

He wrote weirdmageddon, so probably yes.

Hi Alex.

Probably 90% of the butthurt at Alex Hirsch is related to how he didn't make your personal ship canon and waaaahhh, it's so unfair that they couldn't show underage characters having explicit sex on Disney of all channels.

Hey, Alex, have you fucked your sister yet?

I think the important question here is: Is her sister hot?

I see you Alex.

>wasting three quarters of your show's run on your Lauren Faust self insert crush

>live action Pokémon movie

What the fuck who asked for this


I don't like him.
Also he made a bad cartoon, mostly due to him being a lazy over emotional bitch.
AYYYYY lamanlet

I didn't know Alex browsed Sup Forums, I thought it was just his gf

is he actually a bad person or did he just not write a show in the way Sup Forums wanted him to? because there's a big difference between the two

I saw Alex Hirsch at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

He's doing that stupid serious face with one raised eyebrow, so of course he's a scumbag

It's been a while since I've seen this pasta

What's wrong with that?

>said crush is apparently a main character, but is invoked in maybe four episodes out of forty and never gets the slightest bit of development

He broke up with manzi :(

>As a final fuck you to Disney and his fans

of fuck off, get a life loser!

The guy did a cartoon and Sup Forums hates him now because he is moving on with his life instead of doing what Sup Forums wants

>Bitter unemployed virgins

>or did he just not write a show in the way Sup Forums wanted him to?
right here


the reasons for hating him that Sup Forums mentioned are fucking retarded but i'll tell you this.
The guys popped up in my life on several occasions (one of them being a house party in my freshman year) and the dudes just fucking awkard. kind of a dick too.

Also he shat in the desk of his drawer in his office at Disney. He's a mess.

Sup Forums hates on him unecessarily. This is very true. However, the point about his connections is true. Does Alex has talent? Absolutely. Do a lot of other people have more talent than him? He freely admits this. The difference is that he had a lot of advantages over other animators because he shelled out for CalArts. The old boys network is a very real thing in animation. If you're a studio executive whose work are you going to notice? The talented fuck who posts their animated film on youtube alongside the millions of other talented fucks who post their work on youtube? Or are you going to just look at the few films from the CalArts annual producers show? Are you going to give the random smuck on tumblr a pitch meeting, or are you going to give it to your friend you got drunk with one time in college?

Alex isn't a terrible person. I think Butch Hartman must be a giant ass though. I saw a panel with Him, Hirsch, Sugar, Faust, and McCracken. And his interactions with everyone else seemed really adversarial. It didn't help that Hartman clearly thinks he's brilliant when he's more McFarland than John K

this Sup Forums can't understand why he would drop a piece of ass like that because our autism can't understand people don't work out

Not for any of the reasons Sup Forums bitches about, mostly they just hate that he doesn't like Trump and his politics in general.

But yeah I mean a lot of people from connected families who were pretty sheltered end up being at least mild jerks because they aren't always aware of all the advantages they have and people gives such kids a massively inflated sense of their own importance and abilities it's not even really their fault. Media is mostly dominated by an interconnected social circle of families and friends in Cali and NY, mostly, who are pretty well to do and people outside do break in but it's kind of a fluke when they do. I mean even for people in those groups there's a lot of luck involved so for every well off California boy who gets a hit tons more don't. Not saying they're talentless just that yes many people who are incredibly more talented and hardworking will have little chance of success because of their circumstances.
That's just reality.

Maybe his breaking up with his gf was done in a jerk way. We only got one side of that story. But most priviledged Cali 20 somethings are kind of jerks or are huge fucking assholes. This isn't some special circumstance Sup Forums is just stupid.

He's a hack and I will never forgive him
I wanted to believe

Yes, he's literally Hitler, OP.