How would you like JJ to handle Snoke in Episode 9?

How would you like JJ to handle Snoke in Episode 9?

>1) He's still alive somehow because he's Plagueis and cheating death is his thing
>2) We get a flash-back scene showing who he was and how him and Ben met but he's still dead
>3) Kylo/Rey has to go to wherever Snoke came from (the unexplored regions or whatever) for some plot-related reason and finds out more about him
>4) He returns as the first "dark side" force ghost and explains who he is a bit more himself through talking to Kylo or Rey or someone else
>5) He's never brought up again and some shitty comic book explains who he was
>6) Other

1) but minus Plagueis

I think he was actually being controlled by Hux in some way and Hux is the mastermind behind all of it.

>snoke doesn't comeback
>we never learn anything

Episode 9 opens with a flashback scene showing a young Palpatine (played by Ian McDiarmid made to look younger with CGI) killing "Snoke" before the events of the prequel trilogy, then cutting to present day Snoke in the process of regenerating himself and opening his eyes.

who gives a flying fuck about backstory for a throwaway villain

6.) Other - The Last Jedi was mostly a mental projection into Kylo's head to see how he would betray his master.

I guess #5. I want them to move forward and focus totally on Kylo. Leave Snoke as a mystery perhaps filled in by a novel or something

Does Disney not understand 3 act structure?

They set everything up so well with TFA, how did they trip over themselves so fucking bad this time

This is the best thing I’ve ever heard.

Wouldn't be surprised if they do that, especially with how incompetent they make hux in this one. Honestly thought he was going to pull a lightsaber out towards the end when he found snoke dead

That’s fucking dumb. Chances are Kylo would have known Snoke could cheat death and wouldn’t have tried to kill him.

Yeah the part where he was going to pull something out made me think something was up. There is also that part at the start where Snoke says something about controlling the weak in relation to Hux. With the few lines Snoke even says I think that one was important in terms of what type of character he was. Then snoke gets killed off way too easily. Either way I think those two have some important relation that will be explained in episode 9.

This is what happens to a franchise when you have zero long term plans in place, and then hire a quirky indie director who you give full creative control. Lucasfilm is run by morons, Disney needs to start running their ship more firmly.

It was clearly a blaster, he was going to put a hole in Kylo's head and assume full control for himself. But then Kylo woke up so plan aborted.

Rian came out and said he wrote his script before even fucking watching TFA

It was his force body double that they killed. The real snoke is still hiding.

>intro sequence to episode 9, before the timeskip, shows his body parts twitching before vanishing
>it was a hologram
>shows up 1/3 in to take back the first order

The mouse did say that episode 9 would tie everything together

They are talking out their ass, JJ only just turned in a story treatment for approval. They haven't even started on a script yet.

its probably that considering this is Disneywars and nothing actually interesting will come of it.

I'm glad Johnson swerved away from the predictable showdown with Snoke in episode 9. Now we can focus on Kylo as the conflicted character not under the thumb of anyone. This is new for the saga. Vader was always submissive to Palpatine. Kylo answers to no one. It would be as if Vader or Dooku or Maul had killed their master and seized control. It is uncharted territory.

He wasn't really in the throne room or he's Plagueis

This would be pretty neat.

>episode nine involves Kylo and Hux trying to keep the fact that Snokes still alive a secret from the first order to keep power, while Kylo tries to think of a way to confront him, which might require the help of Rey or Luke in some way.

How would you react?

What did Rian mean by this?

I'd like for them to never mention him again. Anything else they'd do would be an obvious ass pull because it's obvious they have no idea what to do with him. They created a slightly interested (granted extremely vague) primary antagonist for the series but wanted to break convention in the second film and because they had no idea what to do with him to begin with they went through with it.

That said if they were going to have him return the dark side force ghost would be the best option as it's a newly developed idea that's already been presented in the trilogy.

Episode 9 opens with a flashback of a blue-eyed kid in rainy planet playing with floating ball over his hand. There's another kid next to him, and both are wearing mourning clothes, the other kid asking the blue-eyes one what's his greatest dream, he replies "Forever, I want to live forever."

They also said many things about episode VIII, in fact there is a thread right now with a quote from Kathleen Kennedy about how Phasma was going to be an important character. Sorry cuck, you got duped again.

Snoke was an astral projection all along.

The only time you should honestly expect a story to have a real point to things that aren't just randomly created each season is when you're operating with a story that's already been completed from beginning to end before it starts. So if you're working with a trilogy of books that somebody spent 15 years writing before it got published then the shit inside the story probably is planned out. If you're operating like SWs is where a story got bought by a massive company looking to cash in on it then the most important thing is to push that shit out to the market and let morons lap it up. The writers didn't plot out a 3 story arc before the finalizing the script for the first movie. They pushed something through with random mystery holes to be plugged into later on.

honestly 1) is a huge copout but sadly it's more interesting than the alternatives

I can't believe I'm praying for JJ to pull a retcon

snoke cheating death isn't really a retcon. just look at him

People who did the cartoons for CW/Rebels aren't involved with Episode 7/8/9

>Snoke return as the big bad, Plagueis or not
>Rey sacrifices herself to kill Snoke
>Kylo goes full retarded and still the villain in the next trilogy

I want him to be alive inside Kylo. So maybe some version of number 1.

>this will never happen
Why can't we have nice things?

This. I always wanted to know how a Skywalker would rule the galaxy. Even the EU wasn't that radical (excluding Jacen).

1 & 4
plageus is a dark side force ghost

I have a feeling this will be the best Star Wars ever if Snoke is Plageuis

And to make things easier for Disney, this is what happens in the 5th page of this novel so just copy that

That doesn't happen until the end of the book.

Flawed Clone Emperor Darth Sidious.

Perfect Clone Emperor shows up in episode 9 with Mara Jade as his apprentice. He clones Luke back to life and converts him to the dark side.

I like it.

Luke and Snoke are exposed in flash backs to show Kylo's inner struggle.


>Dont kill him in 8 and make him the big bad of 9

Technically, it happens at the beginning and then most of the rest is flashback.

non kino

Him not being in the throne room at al could be cool

They already set it up by having him use the force on Hux from light years away

snoke isn't dead, "snoke" is a flesh puppet. snoke is known to be incredibly secretive and he doesn't want anybody to know his true identity.

that mind link skill he used with kylo and rey? he is very skilled with telepathy, talking via the mind and joining minds together. he uses his telepathy to manipulate people and slowly take control of their minds, and eventually erasing their entire identity. he did it to the now dead "snoke" and he plans to do it to kylo.

in fact, he invented the sith specifically as a way to search for the most powerful possible vessel to control for himself. the temptation of the dark side of the force being snoke himself prodding force users to prove themselves. sith becoming pale and sickly? glowing yellow eyes? those are symptoms of snoke's increasing influence over his victims as he siphons their life essence and souls out of them to sustain himself.

when kylo killed "snoke" he became the first person to prove themselves as the strongest entity in the universe, and worthy of representing him in the flesh as "snoke" once did.

his downfall will be that he cannot tell when kylo and rey speak telepathically, and kylo will use this as an achilles heel to betray him and they will smoke him out for real.

there were two concept art pieces for "snoke" during the making of TFA and I think they used both. the real snoke being a snake because he's like the snake from the garden of eden, tempting humanity with knowledge of the force.


This would be fucking amazing.

It's going to be fucking 5 and you all know it.

This would be actually pretty great.

Plagueis actually dies sometime between AOTC and ROTS.

Dude is dead, leave it be. Think of how little we knew about the Emperor before the shitshow that was the prequels. The guy's character traits were being vaguely menacing, speaking slowly in a growl, and laughing. That's all Snoke was, too. And when we expanded on "Sheev" it made him shit.
We don't need to know more about him. He's dead.

[citation needed]

I think it's between TPM and AOTC, isn't it?