Why didn't he just use the force to open the laser doors and let obi wan through?

why didn't he just use the force to open the laser doors and let obi wan through?

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theres so much wrong with that whole fight im not even gonna start..

Why'd they kill him off so quickly? It's like they killed him for the sake of pissing off the Qui Gon fans. It's been around 17 years and I'm still pissed off

why didn't obi wan go back to the hangar and get a naboo fighter then fly it at hyperspeed thru darth maul


because he's not a whamen

Or y'know not exhaust yourself by using the force and just stick your lightsaber in the laser emitters on the side.

There's a reason people like you don't write for.... wait do you write for hollywood? That would explain some shit.

Why didn't Obi Wan use his super speed which was displayed a few scenes earlier?

Why didn't he just use force projection to open the doors? Why didn't he just levitate his lightsaber and turn it on next to Maul's head? Why didn't he just become a force ghost and shoot lightning at Sheev?

why didn't Obi Wan use lightning speed which WE SEE THEM USE EARLIER IN THE MOVIE to get to Qui Gon in time?

I already asked that fagmo

Because the prequels had some common sense and didn't resolve everything with ex machinas.

still no answer though

It's force speed. And when did he use it?


they use it to escape the Droidekas early in the film

better idea is Obi Wan using force hologram on darts meal and fight them 3 to 1 they could have win

y didnt obewun jus asstral prujjekt himselve inna the dor


why didn't obi wan use force shrink and go under the doors

Jesus those textures look awful

>use force speed
>run into the laser gate because you're going too fast to stop
>get fried

How do you know what it's called but not when they use it? It's literally the only time in any film this shit is used

>When he starts meditating
Кинo, pure кинo.

Because they call it Force Speed in the video games, including video games that predate the prequels.


Now shut up.

what makes you think they can't stop abruptly?
or he could just jump over the hole

even if he fell down the hole he could have used force speed to run up along the sides of the cylinder like sonic.


That's not how momentum works, faggot

Wait, you're not actually being serious right? You understand the video is a joke right?

>why didnt he just use the force to fly

why didn't obi wan use force bridge

you need purple hair to do that

It would have made him vulnerable to a quick stab from Maul. Probably chews up force stamina too.

This shit being in this high of a resolution is a crime
It looks even shittier

He was too busy mind fucking Shmee one last time.

Qui Gon had fans?

It was a different time..

Why didn't Sheev just fly back up?

Qui Gon returns in Episode 9 to finish what Luke started. You heard it first here, JJ told me as I passed by him in my morning commune.

This was unironically a very kino scene, the suspense is fantastic.

Because the force is female and wouldn't have saved a white male

who the hell is qui gon?

this guy

qui gon even existed before episode 1?

fuckin comic book nerds man
proper geeks kek


Wow killing off a character before we know his backstory? Fuck you Johnson! Wait...

What episode of Reboot is this?

Woah they're fast.

Because he intended on dying. It was the only way that Obi-Wan could advance and take on his own apprentice. To Qui Gon his own life was less important than annakin's training.

Please don't insult ReBoot.

hes talking about darth maul

Why didn't Qui-gon force astral project into the room and completely punk Darth Maul

i laughed. Great point

Thanks Frodo.

>Damage controlling TLJ so hard you have to compare its flaws to the worst movie of the series


Why didn't Qui Gonna force ghost behind Anakin and pull the rest of him into lava?

>nothing personnel kid


Patience my young padawan. Be mindful of living force.

Why didn’t obi wan use force hyperdrive to ram Maul?

>those textuures
Jesus christ. What gba game is this?

darth maul even existed before episode 1?

fuckin comic book nerds man
proper geeks kek

Wow they killed off darth maul while we didn't know anything about him? Where's MY BACKSTORY REEEEEEEEEEEEE

Why didn't they all just shoot him? Is he that powerful that he could have deflected every single shot?


actualllllyyy in uh some of the uh aforementioned video games it's uh it's referred to as force *mehem* haste

Yes, Darth Maul is a waste of time non-character in a bad movie. What was your point again?

>Character who first appears in the first episode
>Character who first appears in the seventh episode with no explanation as to where he was during the previous six episodes despite supposedly being both super old and super important

>Why didn't they all just shoot him?
Because Star Wars fans (faggots) demand lightsaber fights at every opportunity, even when it's just against a literally who.

We can justify things in this saga any number of ways, and we can tear it apart by even more strands of logic it makes it very difficult to establish any sort of logic wheb the disny gresh fej bick to sweece tomorrow.

jfc what happened

You alright there, bud?

This would have happened youtube.com/watch?v=t3dI-ghYimg

He's in a better place now lads

based texture snob

its a matte painting and its past your bedtime