That fast!?

That fast!?

They're panicking and I only hope their desperation leads to an even bigger fuck up

>That fast!?

Of course

They trashed the michael ardnt script and shat out his version for TFA so fast

not quite as fast as when TFA was greenlit, written and began production within 24 hours of Lucasfilm being signed over to Disney

that explains its quality

He wait 2 fuckin years for this. fuckin lol

This hack will never be able to finish the trilogy and tie up all the loose ends.

The prick can't even manage a decent 3rd act, let alone the climactic final part of a trilogy.

Shouldn't this have been pitched already? Why are they making it up as they go?

The next director is Colin Trevorrow and you know it.

"In episode 9, they find out that it was all an elaborate dream. In fact they all died in episode 7." -JJ

>they don't have everything planned out and written already
what the fuck are they doing. only thing they should be changing is leia's role since she's fucking dead

>they don't have everything planned out and written already
George Lucas didn't either. Luke and Leia were not siblings when they kissed in ANH, and weren't for much of Empire as the shooting script even ended with them in a more romantic position.

>Why are they making it up as they go?

Because that's how Lucas did the OT.

we're not talking about lucas in the 70s, we're talking about the disney empire. I would have expected they'd have all this shit planned out from the start, at least for a set of movies in a trilogy, and not making shit up as they go along

Loose ends don't seem to matter in Star Wars movies anymore. As long as most of the surviving characters come back, he can do what he wants. I see Princess Leia using a new force power to look like Meryl Streep.

>First scene: Luke Skywalker wakes up startled
>Luke: "That was a weird nightmare."

Lucas had a big grand plan for The Star Wars, he rewrote the treatments and scripts for it several times

Would probably be better then yet another movie where Kylo gets shit on by Rey.

Literally how could they fuck up worse than they already did

Literally fucking how

Every single thing they had of value they already wasted and ruined for nothing, every character, every plot thread, all wasted and gone

I don't think they have enough characters to even write a full length movie left, let alone good ones

Based JJ saving this franchise.

what the fuck does this have to do with disney not planning their shit out so it doesn't fall apart? they're fucking this up for no reason

This. I have never felt such despair. Luke is dead. The franchise is dead. And normies love it.

>I would have expected they'd have all this shit planned out from the start

Same here. It's utterly baffling to me that a trillion dollar company that announces a Star Wars movie every year for the next 500 years doesn't bother to write them as a cohesive shared whole, but instead just makes shit up like it's some child writing a webcomic.

there's nothing based about a 50 year old manchild whose sole purpose in life seems to be to ruin the childhoods of slightly younger manchildren to make himself feel like he matters

>Zack Snyder in a mustache and psuedonym directs Star Wars 9 but makes it bad on purpose this time for revenge
>they panic and ask Whedon to fix it

It's a production line, OP.

>Literally how could they fuck up worse than they already did

everyone gets force powers

I honestly don't think that could be any worse than the shit we already got.

>And normies love it.

Don't fall for the shill memes.

Does it matter anymore? Fuck, just make everyone levitate and shoot lightning. I don't give a fuck at this point. All the good characters are dead. All the okay ones are dead too. Most of the shitty and worthless characters are dead. It doesn't matter what the fuck happens now.

I think the only stories they can write that would even make sense anymore are flashback stories.


They're always shitting up star trek with dumb time travel crap. I say it's about time star wars gets some time travel. How about Chewbaca goes back in time 2 billion years and jizzes in a primordial pond. He goes back to the future where everyone is wookie, peace reigns in the galaxy, the end.

Abrams doesn't write stories. Only action scenes. Jew Jew is just a pretentious Michael Bay.

>Movie makes another 200m+ opening

I hated the movie too, user, but believing Disney cares about what 500000 negative reviews on Rotten tomatoes from hardcore fans who'll see it anyway say is pretty silly.

No, it's not because this movie is making money on the good will of TFA. Word of mouth will affect it and I promise you IX will not have as big an oppening.

Both look equally Jewy

>J&J Abrams to co-direct IX
He is literally two goblins combined into mega goblin

This. People hating a movie doesn't affect the sales of the hated movie, it affects the sales of the movie after it. People go to these movies based on how much they liked the previous one.

>time jump, Leia dies offscreen
>resistance is rebuilding by gathering force sensitive people. Across the galaxy random people like Rey are gaining use of the Force. Maz is a huge help in finding people
>their search leads them to Rey's parents. In a fit of rage Rey is tempted to kill them but stops herself, but realizes Kylo's motivations all the same
>she joins Kylo, audience doesn't know it's a plan to convert him to the Jedi though. Kylo said he saw her join him on the dark side when he saw her future in TLJ
>Rey and Kylo act as Sith until Hux betrays Kylo in some way
>Rey brings Kylo to the resistance and they defeat Hux and the first order
>Rey and Kylo rebuild Luke's Jedi school for the young Force sensitive people like broom boy
>also at some point Luke will appear as a strong force sensitive ghost and wreck shit
>next trilogy with the Jedi back fully like in the prequels is established

It writes itself

I'd believe this if it weren't for the fact that it's Star Wars. By the time Episode IX comes around people will want to give it another chance since it's the final film in the trilogy. Not to mention that Disney will bribe everyone into thinking it's good again. Plus I'm betting on them whoring out Carrie Fisher's memory in order to get sales.

How is it a trilogy if they are just writing the story day by day?

>Starkiller actually killed everything when it first fired
>the characters are in a force dream world that they need to escape from or accept

Because it is. I don't get the point you're trying to make there. Have you seen all the posts about how Lucas was making shit up as he goes in the OT?

At least it was one man's vision at that point.

Blandest fucking shit ever

But why would Disney do that? They paid top dollar for Star Wars, so you'd think they'd put some thought into making a planned out, coherent story for their trilogy of movies.

This is so sloppy.

>wookies are peaceful

wtf is wrong with his face looks like one of those memes

Why not? Disney can half-ass anything and still make mega profits from them, especially when it's got a fanbase full of rabid normies and autists like Star Wars. I'm fairly certain they don't care about Star Wars as anything other than a cash cow.

>The Empire has built a death star the size of a sun.
>Rey turns into a 20ft force woman giant.
Bravo JJ

I think so too, his head is just so disproportionate

Thats bs. The OT had an obvious solid story inspired by classic fantasy tales. He didn't need to make up shit.

Penis nose intensifies

>Make the worst star wars movie in existence.
>Give the filmmaking to another director.
>He makes an even worst movie.
>Suddenly you're a better film maker in comparison.

Like pottery.

Wow genius.

nah, Colin Trevorrow will be secretly working with JJ behind Disney's backs.

...the perfect revenge.

Attack of the Clones made less than half of what Phantom Menace made. You're in denial of a pretty universal concept that shitty movies hurt sequels

And yet Episode 3 still made more than Episode 2, which proves my point about how people will see the final film regardless because it's the final film of the trilogy and they want it to be worthwhile.

sequels in planned trilogies are usually weak because they are the filler plot.


So, do directors pretty much make the whole fucking film now? I thought the point of a director was to take the script and turn it into a movie. Not write the script and then make his own movie. Has this always been this way? Whats the point of a script then

Because people trusted the critics who said it was a better movie than attack of the clones you dipshit.

is this a joke? trevorrow was ousted months ago.

That just makes it all the more likely.

Leia should have died in this movie instead of Luke. People might not have liked it, but it would have been better than Superwoman.

>Snoke is a force parasite, switching hosts as they die
>It was his plan all along to die and take control of rey after laying dormant in her during some incubation period
>Rey is a clone with skywalker DNA that snoke engineered especially for that purpose, that's why she only saw herself in the mirror. She has no parents.
>She will become the ultimate bad and Kylo has to stop her.

It's fucking easy to come up with something.

>yfw Luke comes out of the ground and tells Kylo “do you bleeeed?”

fuck thats hot Rey got impregnated by a ghost.

And that's exactly what's going to happen for Episode 9 you mega dipshit.

This isn''t a brand new film series. It's STAR WARS. Not only that it's now owned by Disney, there's no way they aren't going to go all in with the marketing and the shills.

Based dan laidacker

That would require Disney being willing to show Rey as anything less than the perfect good guy

The problem with this is it's cool and makes sense. They definately won't be doing that.

>The Hidden: Star Wars Edition
So does that mean Kylo teams up with Dale Cooper as a heroic force parasite?

What if Snoke was the Emprah all along.

If you cant see this difference youre retarded

Oh shieeeeet.

The only problem is to come up with something interesting for the supporting cast.

they werent wrong tho

>episode 8 was all a dream

>It's been outright stated that it's a trilogy by Disney
>Even though it wasn't all written at the same time it's always been planned as a trilogy
>'it's not tho'

I'm not the retarded one here.

Can someone explain to me what the point of even having Snoke exist as a character was? We don't get a backstory or explanation as to how he's a sith lord or anything

And then Kylo Ren redeems himsel.... haha whoops just kidding that would mean there's no villain anymore!

he's not a sith lord, just a dark side user, which was stated in one of those picture books

there's probably going to be official canon novels about him at some point

Okay, now what about the part where they waste everybody's time for an hour with the "conflict" in Kylo and have him kill off his master for no reason?

they don't give a shit, now you buy porg merchandise you fuck


Technically she died after the end of filming but Disney said (for what it's worth) that they won't digitally recreate her. But they definitely could have killed her in TLJ. it wouldn't have been perfect and would have costed a bit of money bit it could have been done in post prod.

>Leia survives the vacuum but is really weak
>she doesn't wake up when they evacuate so she's still in bed during the attack on the salt planet
>When Rey tries to lift the rocks, she fails, Leia is the one to actually do it, but the effort kills her

Boom, done. Not perfect, but it would have been better than killing Luke and very probably killing Leia off screen like it going to be the case in X.

People would have liked it more purely because every one knows Carrie's dead and it could have been a good send off for her. Having it be Luke was just plain stupid.

I would enjoy this desu. too bad disney will never do it

They weren't siblings at all in ESB. Star wars was going to just keep going and have parts 4 and 5 after a 3rd movie. They were supposed to introduce a new female character. When Harrison Ford wanted to quit Lucas didn't want to do the next 3 movies without Han Solo. So he begged Ford to do one more, which would be the finale. Since ROTJ became a finale he had to tie up loose ends. Such as yoda claiming there is another skywalker. Lucas didn't want to introduce a new character, so he made it leia.

Its a leftist meme. Hes supposed to represent a frail disfigured old white man.

While I agree with criticizing the notion that cinematic series have to have an established 'canon' or something juvenile like that which completely stifens the ability to tell an interesting story without constraints, I think its baffling and absolutely retarded that someone can push a new connected 'trilogy' of movies where they literally only plan out one at a time and have no idea beforehand where its going.
Especially with the notion that you would just switch directors for each one, switch writers, and apparently not even tell the next one what the previous one was planning? I don't know if that's just incredibly lazy or if that's how things are done normally, but if its the latter, that's even more ridiculous. You wouldn't have three different playwrights write one act each of a three act play with the understanding that each one can take it whatever direction they want without any idea what the previous or next one had planned.

Star Wars 9: Beyond Shit

>Empire strikes back is consiedered to be the best of the OT
your wrong

You should learn to read. Also fuck off idiot.

>on track to top out at 800 million




>michael ardnt script
elaborate user

>JJ attempts to make the new star trek films more culturally relevent than new star wars

Wait, you're telling me they didn't plan this shit out from the beginning?

It this how it should work? Writing the story as they go along, through pitches from different people with different visions? This is like expecting to get a story out of those one word write-a-letter posts here on 4ch.

You'd think they would at least somekind of singular vision instead of them playing hot potato.

>Rian should be taken out back and shot