I didn't know I was going to die

Why did no one tell me?

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Anyone had audio of this? I've yet to see it posted anywhere.

feels bad man

literally ruined my childhood

they killed him in post production. He was originally supposed to be on the salt planet, and him meditating on the rock was from a deleted scene earlier in the movie. He handed Leia the dice, he was there.

I felt exactly what Mark did when I saw the movie. It really hurts me, I can't imagine how he felt.

post the source please

Holy shit, is Mark okay?

He looks fucking shellshocked.

this is worse than brendan fraser

Then why's he fall over after meditating

No fucking way he didn't read the entire script...

the movie sucked ass and killed off the most iconic character in the trilogy just to make room for some ugly dog, nigger and fat asian chick.

The movie was nearly 3 hours long, I'm sure there were scenes that were cut from the island. It could have been anything.
I don't think he got to read the part where his character was killed, look at the the shock on his face.

>That look he gives Rian when he turns his head

Holy shit.

Mark Hamill knew he was going to die and approved of the script. He liked it. You guys are going to have to find some other way to rationalize your hate of TLJ.

I think thats it, im not sure

I've seen this webm so many times and my heart sinks every time.

I'm sure there will be some obvious damage control tweet of him saying something like "whoa I sure looked sleepy, it was past my bed time haha XD I knew what was gonna happen, glad you guys liked the movie!"

But you can see it all over the man's face. No amount of legal NDA bullshit can cover up that pure look of shock, rage, and disgust.

If it was anyone else I don't think I'd care as much, but he seems like one of the few cast members who really gave a shit beyond a pay check.

It is, starts at 2:04

>After reading the script for the film, Mark Hamill told director Rian Johnson, "I pretty much fundamentally disagree with every choice you've made for this character [Luke Skywalker]. Now, having said that, I have gotten it off my chest, and my job now is to take what you've created and do my best to realize your vision."

Hamill is nort Ford, he'll stay diplomatic for a few years, at least until he's fully done with SW, and since JJ is pissed with RJ for fucking up TLJ and killing off Luke like that, it might be later rather than sooner, but I'm sure he'll be honest and say how pissed he was in the end.

How the fuck can you look at that clip and draw that conclusion? He looks like he's going to have a panic attack he's that pissed.

No he didn't like it. At all. See

Not to be a party pooper, but the clip in itself doesn't talk about Luke's death at that moment.

was this after the premiere or something? what exactly is going on here?

the look on hamill's face certainly suggests shock and disgust but without context it's hard to determine anything.


This. We need audio or that look he gives Rian means nothing. This feels deliberately misleading.

>Mark Hamill approved of the script. He liked it.

How much of a shill do you have to be to write this:


Rather than just his face, look at his chest. I don't think you ever breathe like that unless you're trying to dissipate destructive emotions building up inside.

all other comments aside, hamill seems like everyone's favorite professor. such a bro.

man, Hamill looked like he was having the time of his life during the promotional tour of The Force Awakens.

That's how much of a fuckin' disaster The Last Jedi is. It broke his heart.

I will recap what was being said
>Its the second movie in the trilogy and I think we have been trained to expect itll be a little darker and obviously it looks a little darker the thing is though
>mark hamill looks over
>it, for me. I love the tone that was established in the original films and also that JJ captured in the force awakens
At this point it zooms in on the talker and the wwebm ends

He looks like he is having a actual stroke.

A great plot twist would’ve been that Luke was a force ghost for the entire movie and only Rey and Kylo can see him

this doesn't explain much, though. why would he react like that?

The dice dissapeared too, jackass

I feel bad for Mark, he knew his character better than any of those stupid executive kikes and he knew the fans would not enjoy what they did to him either

I was unironically expecting this after the scene where Rey "couldn't see Luke at all in the Force".

He talked with Colin Trevorrow about their plans for Luke in IX and said Colin actually understood Luke.
>he liked it
He's being a professional not shitting on the movie. That is not the face of a satisfied man, though, and his critiques in interviews (they only care about money, I fundamentally disagreed with everything) are said much more convincingly than when he walks them back a bit.

how much cock do you need to taste to make a post like this one?
gotta be at least ten dirty dicks in a row

That's why he plays a professor in Kingsman.

He's such a gift to Mankind. Once in a while I pop up his twitter account, it's heart warming.

Or like he became a force ghost when the tree burnt down or something. Having him die lacklusterly moments after the big Kylo confrontation scene was completely stupid.

Post prod, possibly. I thought it as weird for him to give Leia the dice, only for her to leave it here, even if it was going to disappear unless they wanted to show Kylo realising Luke is dead.

>He talked with Colin Trevorrow about their plans for Luke in IX and said Colin actually understood Luke.
That's really the biggest thing to know that the decision to "kill" Luke came in super late in the game.

>If it was anyone else I don't think I'd care as much, but he seems like one of the few cast members who really gave a shit beyond a pay check.
this/ He knows star wars MADE him and provided everything for his family (inb4 other roles and shit, nothing compares to being Luke Skywalker). He honestly was excited to do some final films and the jews cucked us all by cucking mark in front of our eyes

I don't always agree with him on politics but he really just seems like a great guy. Feels bad man.

They would probably omit his death in the script in case of a leak. It's the one big surprise they can keep secret since it's at the very end

have you seen Sushi Girl? Hamill was a great psychopath in it.

The closest thing we'll get to seeing him play The Joker in a live action movie.

Taking note of it then.

t. Disney

The reddit threads are insufferable.

>"The deconstruction of Star Wars needed to happen in order to continue the franchise. Rian saved it."

First of all, no it didn't you fucking mongrels. There was no need to desecrate the OT in order to create the NT. The OT characters were clearly a cashgrab, shoehorned in by Disney who had NO IDEA what to do with them, so they stuck them in the background and killed them off as soon as they took up too much space. The entire plotline of TFA and TLJ works without Luke's character assassination, and without Leia at all. You can "deconstruct" Star Wars tropes in a new film without rendering the OT moot in posterity.

>Without Leia
True enough, she doesn't do anything that impacts the scenario in the movie.

You have to go back

This christmas I'll go see TLJ again, but my dad and sis will be joining me and they will have not seen it yet. What can I do to help ease their suffering after seeing it? Especially my dad. He's not the biggest star wars fan but I remember being a kid and when me and my brother (won't be at christmas :c ) discovered star wars my dad bought all 6 dvds and we marathoned them together. It's killing me knowing he's going to watch Luke die in such a bullshit way at the end of le strong womyn the movie
>pic related

Does anyone even know the source?

rewatching ANH, ESB, and ROTJ over and over while ignoring the ST entirely.

George-canon is officially my only-canon.

doesn't explain much about his facial expressions, though. that's why I want to know when this interview occurred. if it happened right after they walked out of the premiere and mark didn't know luke was getting killed off, then that would say it all right there.

What's this look meant to convey?

who was this lady?? Her nose is almost as long as my dick. Was really distracting.

This, and you can still have optimistic characters in a deconstruction. I know GoT is normie or whatever but Ser Duncan in the Hedge Knight books is a good example of an optimistic, pretty traditional hero in a deconstruction of a traditional fantasy setting.

It's all such a disappointment after all the promo shit, that picture of him outside the gym buff as fuck, TFA premiere looking baller as hell. Just for JJ to sideline him until the very end so we wait 2 more years nursing blueballs wondering what kind of ass he'll kick in VIII. And they turn him into a crazy old man who's only "fight" is him pretending to dodge shit.

It's all so fucking bizarre.

>He talked with Colin Trevorrow about their plans for Luke in IX and said Colin actually understood Luke.

>I could strangle this faggot a good minute or so before being taken down

The man on the left is in damage control mode. He is to afraid to confront the man on the right and his body posture is always pointing away from him indicating he is uncomfortable sitting near him.

The star wars reddit are cucks

An interview with Hamill about Colin Trevorrow, it's up on YT

he just looks anxious, probably suffering from blood pressure problems

soooooo is episode IX going to take place within a week or even a month of VIII? So far the entire ST spans maybe a week....

Amanda lawrence I think. I saw TLJ in 3D and i don't know how her nose could even fit on a 2D screen

GoT is normie. ASoIaF is historic, and Hedge Knight was as great as you can get with a short story like that. You're absolutely correct, and to go even further he didn't obtain his morality and judgement froma family, it was just his mentor. If only Rian could have learned that mentor/student relationship and utilized it for TLJ :(

It's the purest look of disgust and loathing I've ever seen.

I wonder what carrie would say

someone plug it into an emotion reader app

Can someone please give me the shareable link to his death?

That expression is clearly conveying "I want you to die you little ginger piece of shit."


Imagine being Mark in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Rian Johnson, you fuckin' fine, all smart with your subversion of tropes and horrific anticlimatic subplots. I would totally be directed by you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is bum another cigarette butt from that old trail they put out of Daisy's trailer. Like seriously imagine having to be Mark and not only stand on that cliff while Daisy Ridley beats the shit out of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her british teeths and leathery gums, and just stand there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected her lightsaber moves. Not only having to tolerate her coke bloated face but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, DAISY ACTS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and watch her mannish fucking xenomorph visage contort into types of dull witted "reactions" you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been voice-overing nothing but a healthy diet of vidya and saturday morning cartoons and later CW original series for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Oakland. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her five head as she writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in her "gracious (for that is what she calls herself)" agility, the agility she worked so hard for with her coreographer in the previous months. And then Rian calls for another child murder, and you know you could never kill your beloved nephew just because he has some bad dreams before the entire studio could convince you otherwise, but you stand there and light your lighsaber, because you're fucking Mark Hamill You're not going to let your beloved wife killed over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.


Nicely done.

checked, right in the feels

:( now im imagining Mark going back to his trailer after a day of shooting this SJW crap and him just being sad :(

Shut up, dumb shit. Astral Luke looked the way he looked in the flashback. They didn't cgi his hair and beard in post. Pull your head out of your asshole.


man that was kinda hard to watch even without sounds you can just see how fucking sad Mark is. I don't agree with his politics but I practically grew up with Star Wars since my mom is a huge fan and seeing him betrayed like this just fucking hurts

I was Snoke before being twisted by the dark side.

fuck, I can see that bitch being revealed as Snoke's sister.

Maybe SHE was the First Order mole this whole time. Apologies to Laura Dern

...fuck Rose, though. She still screams "First Order Spy" to me.

He sees the dark side in Rian's mind and thinks he could end it all right there


Anyone else not mad at all at Luke dying because this is star wars and they have ghosts.

why don't you be honest with your family and tell them it's really, really bad

Is there a source for JJ being pissed? I've seen that a few times on here but no source was provided.

ghosts can only appear in places strong in the force like ireland
source: out of my ass but it's the first cop out I can think of for why they aren't constantly fucking people up with lightning

I don't care that Luke dies, it's the way it's supposed to be. But did they really needed to ruin all of his character by making him first a little coward bitch, then a wannabe child-murderer, a frail cartoon relief?
You don't need to destroy the old for people to appreciate the new, you just need to make the new as compelling.


Someone shoop mark Luke standing over rian with his lightsaber with his disgusted face