Am I the only one who liked the newest Star Wars movie?

Am I the only one who liked the newest Star Wars movie?

Sleep it off, Rian

you disgust me

You're not the only one

You just don't get it.

Many didn't like it, some liked it, some hated it
It fuckin sucked

I have a love hate relationship with it. Most things it does is cool, but on the downside it completely destroys the star wars lore.

I liked it a lot actually.

No most people liked it.

No, you're part of the 56%. Congrats

ive watched it twice not sure if i should watch again.

Denial will wash over soon.

You’ll be with us in no time

my girlfriend liked it. thankfully i dont give a shit if she was awful taste in film

only people from leddit hate it because it didn't do a rehash like ep 7 "MUH LORE" AH HAHA you cocks

No, there are other idiots out there who think that is a good movie.

fuck off shill, you'd have to be some kind of mental midget or be really fucking wasted to think that was even an okay movie

You aren’t you stupid cunt.

“Am I the onl-“ No. You aren’t. You're just a stupid fucking retard.

nor should you

There are plenty of retards like you

It's a polarizing movie.

I liked it.
Some things introduced in TFA really pissed me off.
I hated Snoke right from the start and didnt give a single fuck about who Rey's parents were.
All the retarded fan theories and questions that TFA spawned were just so artificial to me and frankly seemed a little desperate because JJ Abrams is so fucking vague that fans had to go to desperate lenghts to justify some shit.
So when Rian Johnson takes over and says Rey is a nobody and kills Snoke off in a really disrespectful way, I was fucking thrilled.

Imagine being this bitter over a kids movie

Not over the movie.

>7 BILLION people on earth
>this guy asks the question if he is the only one to like the new STAR WARS film
>cherry on top: le blinking twitter man

I'm not going to watch it but I will enthusiastically read Armond White's scathing review

Like John Cena is a polarizing wrestler


Shitting on lore and canon is only a fraction of what was wrong with that movie. I don't know what Disney is thinking.

It made $220 million opening weekend, I'm pretty sure you're not the only one who liked it you attention whoring faggot.

No, this board just turns into weeks of shitposting every year a new SW is released.
TLJ will be remembered as one of the better episodes in a few months time.

I honestly loved the way they handled the Luke shit. I think it was pure kino having him succumb to the same fate as the Jedi order before him.

You don't have to like the Last Jedi but you have to respect it

>being so autistic you cant understand general cultural expressions not meant to be taken literally
kill yourself