I want to read Batman and Superman comics but considering its atleast 60 years old I cant read that much so from where...

I want to read Batman and Superman comics but considering its atleast 60 years old I cant read that much so from where should I start reading to get the story and the relationships between the characters?

self bump

Here's a tip:

Comics are not a saga, they're a setting. Batman is not one ongoing story, it's just lots of different stories using the same characters and universe.

So you're not looking for a place to start and go forward, because that's not how comics work.

But we can point you towards some good stories that are good for beginners.

>Batman: Year One
>Batman: Hush
>Batman Vol. 1: The Court of Owls

>Superman: Secret Origin
>Superman: Action Comics, Vol. 1: Superman and the Men of Steel
>Superman/Batman Vol. 1

These are the extremely beginner-friendly ones many start with. Through those you should be able to understand the self-contained nature of most of these stories and how continuity does not matter between the stories, just that you know who the characters are.

All of those can be found on Amazon or Comixology or most book stores.

thanks for the advice, where would you suggest I go after that?


That is to say, come back here and discuss comics with us.

Well, that'll depend on what you want to read at that point. Court of the Owls continues into Vol. 2: City of Owls, Vol. 3: Death of the Family, and so on up to Vol. 10. That's all one run by one writer/artist team. Action Comics continues into Vol. 2 and 3, but in Vol. 4 a new writer and artist take over and it's pretty bad. Superman/Batman also has a great second volume.

So at that point you gotta ask if you wanna continue just reading Superman and Batman, do you want to read another character, do you want to read more short graphic novels like Year One and Secret Origin, or do you want to read really long ones like Batman Vol. 1-10?

I think "Batman: A Celebration of 75 Years" and "Superman: A Celebration of 75 Years" are pretty good introductory books. They're pretty good "sampler" books, you get stories from 1930s up to New 52.

Literally just pick something that looks interesting or uses concepts you had an affinity for from those previous stories.

Once you have enough under your belt, however, the only correct way to read cape comics is by paying more attention to the creative teams than the characters involved.

well none of the other flagship DC characters like Flash, or GL strike me as interesting so I'm mostly interested in Superman, Batman and a little of Wonder woman. TT was also good as a cartoon so I was thinking about reading the comics for that

If you really want to care about characters, read something that exposes you to a large swath of the universe, so you can get little tastes of more than just A-listers. I would recommend Crisis on Infinite Earths for that purpose, it is a contained story that touches on most every corner of the DCU, and gets mist every character voice down pat - as well as being a classic keystone of comic books

Unless you're reading a specific writer that cares a lot about continuity then you don't need to worry about it. Each writer tends to do his own thing, and they always try to bring something new to the table. As long as you know the basics of the character you should be able to follow what's going on.

I've been posting quite a bit of Wonder Woman's best stuff over here Teen Titans has two main introductory points:
One is the 80's comic, New Teen Titans, that the cartoon was based on. However, a lot of younger people, especially ones who grew up with the cartoon don't really like it because it's a bit on the serious, soap-opera-y side.
The other is Teen Titans by Geoff Johns, which is more "modern" in its presentation and combines characters from the show like Raven and Starfire with characters from Young Justice (the replacement of Titans in the early 2000's). Fans of the show tend to like this one better, but diehard fans of either TT or YJ hate this one for putting the TT and YJ teams together.

However, if you liked the cartoon, I most strongly recommend the comic Young Justice, as tonally it's very close to the cartoon (humorous with strong characterization and fun action). It's being reprinted next month as "Young Justice Book One".

You can read everything online, ignore shills

I used to feel the same as you.

I still find The Flash fairly boring, but Green Lantern books are really rich in content. Green Lantern involves the cosmic DC universe and really has some nice stuff; along with a large cast of lanterns. Both current GL books are team books, with "Hal Jordan and the Green Lanterns" being a large cast.

Visit viewcomic and check out "Hal Jordan and the Green Lanterns" issue 1, I'd link the site but Sup Forums will mark it as spam. Google it and it'll show up.

>TT was also good as a cartoon so I was thinking about reading the comics for that
Poor, misguided soul.

I was once like you. So sweet and naive.

Please learn from my mistakes - don't bother with Teen Titans comics. Except for the Teen Titans: Rock, Paper Stone one-shot, if you can find it.


I either use storytimes on here, use win-o threads and "cdisplay" to read the .cbr files or I visit viewcomic.com

If I like a book I'll buy it as a trade; but to be honest none of the new52 books are worth it in my opinion. I'm enjoyed some new52 and I like the rebirth titles, but none of it is as rich as titles such as Batman: The Long Halloween or Kingdom come, or even Final Crisis.

If I can give you my suggestions from my own personal favorite stories for Batman and Supes.
Batman: The Long Halloween
Batman: Dark Victory (sequel to long halloween)
Batman: Year one
Kingdom Come
Superman Red Son

thanks, I'll make sure to check that out.

actually what I enjoy is the complex social interactions between the heroes beyond a purely professional relationship. Like the interactions between the batfamily and how it got to the point where it's currently at.

hold on but how does the interactions between the lanterns work? beyond the view that they are all lanterns fighting evul

I'd recommend searching for the essential reads of each character, making your own opinion of each one and looking more of certain authors you like or just asking Sup Forums

Here are some of them

Geoff Johns pretty much rebooted the idea about the lantern corps in his gigantic run. It is a very good space opera, but some people dislike how everything became part of the "emotional spectrum."

Look up the mid 2000s "Green Lantern: Rebirth" and continue from there (not the 2016 Rebirth initiative). There was an old torrent that I had which had collected story arcs from both that series and the Green Lantern Corps series in the correct order, but whoever made that torrent package changed the entire thing and the nice ordered version no longer exists.

I honestly did not give a single shit about the Green Lanterns until I read the Johns run.

sounds nice, think I try finding a trade or just reading online

They've all got different characteristics, Guy Gardner is the best Green Lantern IMO.

I know Hal is the one people associate with the Green Lantern titles, and he's cool but he isn't really the best of the cast. They've all got their own shit going on too which is nice.

And then theres different lantern corps, and you see them interact during the books and their different view points.

A high point for me was the "Red Lanterns" ongoing which had Guy Gardner go undercover for the Green Lanterns and join the Red Lanterns, only to become leader and lose touch with the mission because he associated with the Red Lanterns and understood they were all emotional prisoners of their own anger (Red Lanterns are powered by anger, just as Greens are powered by will)

Honestly, at first I wasn't keen on multiverse stuff or the "far out there" stuff in the DC universe, but 9 years on and I dig it. Your main heroes like Superman and Batman was stuck in limbo, they can't have too much character development because people need to use them as jumping on points. The lesser known books really have some good character growth because they aren't constrained by editorial.

My own personal favorite series was "The Question" by O'Neil. Theres a story in which he befriends a racist guy to get close to him, and then at the end of the story the racist guy saves the undercover "The Question" by taking a bullet for him to be a hero, although hes still a racist he was also a hero. It made "The Question" ask "Maybe there are no heroes or villains, no one is all good or all bad".

Shit like that is why I love comics, not so much the current rubbish which is just 2dimension villains and fights every issue.

If you have the cash and know how to read an omnibus (i.e. not break it immediately), most of the entire thing is collected in three gigantic books (it does not contain all of the "Green Lantern Corps" stuff, because that was another author). DC is kind of hit and miss though with their large collected editions.

Pic related is what they look like, but it is not my picture

IMO omnis are typically more for collecting than reading. If you're reading something for the first time, it's better to buy the trades, because 1. it's easier to physically read and carry around and 2. if you end up not liking it you don't have to buy the rest.

Usually this works out to being more expensive in the long run, though.

I only get omnis for stuff I've read before and know I'll read many times again.

You are absolutely right about it being very pricey for a first read through. I guess the one problem that you could have is that some trades might go out of print quicker than you might assume, but with DC it is less likely for that to happen.

At least there does seem to be an initiative over at DC to reprint their older, more popular things, indefinitely in larger editions (see the new Stephanie Batgirl collection)

My own two cents would be to stick to older stories -- way older stories (pre-1986 for many properties, and even pre-1970 for particularly old ones).

Characters like Batman and Superman were at their most accessible and (IMO) most entertaining during their early years, before continuity was such a big part of comics.

Certainly, one could argue that non-canon stories are a solution, too, but they're non-canon strictly in the sense that they don't take place in the main universe, and *not* in the sense that a reader isn't required to have known about the character before reading the story.


I think ill just get trades, those just look painful to carry around