*holds out arms when speaking and puts them down when silent*

>*holds out arms when speaking and puts them down when silent*

Other urls found in this thread:


You think that's bad...

>''Peetah, I can't believe you actually...''

Remember when this show was funny?

Someone post that image. You know the one.


>Character is sitting down
>Stands up when begins to talk

>Background it's characters is just a still image yet is implied to be making sound

>*slowly tilts head while squinting eyes*


Eh, it's had funny moments, but no single episode was specifically a 'hit' for me.

Which one?

>Pita I can't believe we're in Crash Bandicoot

>Angry eyes
>Bent back
>Clenched fist
>Character is angry or wants to fight




This is just like the time I

What was wrong with pre-cancellation Family Guy again?

Too expensive and shitty timeslots

Oh, man, this is just like the time my face was ripped right off of my skull and yet I survived for long enough that my body naturally healed myself without any surgery or skin repair necessary.

I always lose it at that line

No wait I lied its

Is FG relevant at all anymore? I remember in high school people used to quote it regularly, but now it just sort of exists.

>...kick it


Nope. I only watch it because the subhuman dialogue puts me to sleep.

Really, none of Fox's shows, let alone their cartoons are all that relevant these days. No matter how hard they try to force them down the collective public's throats.

If this show lasted one season, these repetitive bland moments would be memes
If this show lasted 4, that'd be something
If it lasted 15, it'd be fucking ridiculous just how much money they've made.

Why are they so obsessed with that one "hurt" pose?

The one with the alien and the fish.

Idk, I don't think i've ever seen anyone fall with their arm behind them like that.

family guy or south park

>I'm so sorry (whoever)
>I just wanted to (do something) so bad
>I guess I forgot what was really important
>Can you ever forgive me?
>Orchestra indicates a tender moment
>Camera slowly pushes in on character
>A smile slowly breaks across characters face as head roatates and lower eyelids raise to indicate forgiveness
>Other character does the same
>Orchestra crescendos as characters kiss/embrace
>It's good to have you back (whoever)
>Hey whatever happened to (callback to earlier joke)
>Callback to earlier joke
>Family guy instrumental theme plays over end credits

Now you can write an insincere schmaltzy ending complete with lazy callback just like the pros!

How many years has it been since a Family Guy episode has actually had a plot to it?

It's the closest thing to an animation style they have. That one pose.


I'm glad I'm not the only autist that noticed the "arm-behind-back-injured" pose

>blank face
>"something outrageous"
>shocked expression


The episode with Norm MacDonald voicing Death is the best episode in the series. Prove me wrong.

there's like a few episodes where norm macdonald voiced death.

No, there isn't. Norm only voiced Death the very first time. All subsequent appearances ever since then were Adam Carolla.

>"Oh my god [character], you're right!"

>Forgetting the indiscreet shading on the character currently facing away from the camera

>Something dramatic or dangerous happens to a character
>They end up lying on the ground
>Bystanders widen their eyes, slightly arch their backs forward and position their arms slightly forward from their bodies

>what the hell

>Now you can write an insincere schmaltzy ending complete with lazy callback just like the pros!
Nah nigga. Homo Sapiens are too smart a species to work on FG. They need other mammals for that shit. By the way thats what always pissed me off about Family Guy. Seth is smart, the cuck himself tried to bring back Cosmos for Christ's sakes, how the fuck do you degrade yourself by doing shit like this. In terms of animation he's also not bad: youtube.com/watch?v=wuSu07KiMjs. This reminds of that one FG creepy pasta about a depressed Seth hiring some asshole to run FG for a while, only to make it edgier, a theory that I am starting to believe.

Came in here to post this

Autism is hardly required to notice it. It's like the Dreamworks Face of the show.

>episode starts or comes back from commercial
>entire family on the couch
>"We now return to, [some old show/movie with an incredibly obvious joke twist]
> characters start talking about something completely different, as if they were all silently watching commercials, then decided to talk as their program came back on.

I hate this show.

Does this 'We now return to X' business actually happen in America?

Same show



Found Pan

Not for like 30 years.

>something bad happens and its over the top
>characters shrug it off
>"hahaha what the fuck that was serious and they just shrug it off haha that's messed up man"

It does for real shows not cartoons.
They even have a short clip between commercials saying well be right back

I dunno. This still makes me laugh:

I may be wrong but I remember that in an episode a lot of people fall and everyone of them has that goddamn pose

Yea but when was the last time you've seen a "we're back" bumper? it usually cuts back to it instantly

Any crowd murdering scene?


The funny thing is that it looks like it was made on GoAnimate, when in actual fact, it's actually shipped of to some shitty Korean animation studio that takes almost a year or something to produce an episode.

what is this anomaly anyway? i see "my reaction to" videos on youtube with it and it's weird

why is it mcfarlane copied?

Jesus it's so robotic

Seth's humour is a mix of pop culture, smut but not edgyness and old school. Look at Ted

Throw enough shit against the wall, something will stick

i watched one episode the other week because fuck watching any ongoing series, its all lost all over again and it ends with a fat kid dacning on ddr
Of course thats pretty hard to actually animate so instead the entire body was static moving fowards and backwards while the legs moved all over the place in comletely unnatural ways
Its funny when they think they are actually making animation, no guys, your characters stand and sit around and you stick to the poses unless its a peter fights something scene wich you dont do anymore

What about The Ginder (cancelled after one season despite critical praise)?

Was I the only one surprised that the show is still animated frame-by-frame (no auto-tween)?

>*falls down with right arm bent behind his back*

Remember when the show didn't stoop to the low level of excessive vulgarity and shock humor to try and be edgy.

Tfw peter will never be an almost Chevy Chase style goofy retro dad like he was in season 1 again

R.I.P. Family Guy, you will not be missed by me

They said in a commentary all the way back in season one that they really liked the pose so now It's a running Joke that ran way too long.

Nothing really, each episode had one coherent narrative, an A plot and a B plot, there were cutaway gags buy they weren't forced and bitter, the show was a little edgy but not in a completely detached way, and it still had a lot of heart and the characters were shown to ultimately care about each other.

Now it's just a dead eyed bore fest where everyone competes to be the most uninspired sociopath.

mcfarlane storyboards haha


i'm pretty sure it's there just to give FOX something low effort to shit out and for Seth and the rest to get their paycheck from

The board tests look a bit better

I know this is just a short clip, so they had more to work with, but look at the movements.

Fucking south park has more expressive storyboards than that.

It's frowned upon and considered a storyboard cheat to use ripped models.It's only socially accepted if it's a very designed model like a freaky demon.

No wonder his shows keep going, aside from the teenage fanbase even the storyboard cut every corner