Is he right?

Is he right?


So which did we decide was the best fedora movie of the year? BR49 was way better, but was it more fedora-y?

Cringe. The same guy who thought Finn should have a chip in his head from his Stormtrooping days that Ren activates to make him turn on the rebels mid-fight? What low IQ subhumans follow this faggot?

Dunkirk is Saving Private Ryan without the heart.

>no synth cords
I am perplexed.

>Finn should have a chip in his head from his Stormtrooping days that Ren activates to make him turn on the rebels mid-fight?

Sounds better than what we got in The Last Jedi desu

Blade runner 2049 wasn't even that neon coloured

>Nolan doesn’t rely on trends

>overly-loud capeshit sound design
>muh Nazis
>le shot on real film
>emotions being drawn out by loud, sad music instead of character development

> why isn't hitler killing us all off
> no need to endanger your tanks if you can pick us off one by one on the beach
yeah that's really why hitler didn't attack, sure

>this can’t be allowed but the trope of the apprentice (Kylo) killing the master (Snoke) can be retread in every new trilogy

I’m guessing that op doesn’t actually now what synth means. He/she probably equates that 80s metallic-synth sound with synth in general.

>synth chords
Literally the biggest complaint about 2049 was that it had a shitty Hans Zimmer french horn farts for a soundtrack. That right there is proof that faggot never saw the new Blade Runner.

Those aren’t trends retard

>that first one

If anything Nolan was the trendsetter. Not his fault every capeshit film borrows his aesthetics

hi le review screw. you churn out clickbait and would starve without google adrevenue just like everyone else

Why do you keep shilling yourself you beyond pathetic literal who?

There is not a single french horn in the entire BR2049 soundtrack you dumb ape

he didn't even show a single nazi in the movie though. how is this "muh nazis"?

>a prevailing tendency or inclination

Kind of. Neo-80s is a really shitty aesthetic, and cyberpunk as a setting has become painfully dull (dude night, rain, and robots LMAO!). Blade Runner only appeals to the few holdouts who will continue to cobble up those traits.

Are you dumb?

>pinnacle of film-making
Look at this fag masturbating to one of Nolan's weakest movies.
The movie relies too much on the trending capeshit-tier soundtrack to bring any emotion to it. It tries too hard to evoke emotion through loud noises. Not every movie has to be character driven, but it feels like Nolan didn't try hard enough in this one.

When did I ever praise Ren killing Snoke you autistic faggot?
>this terrible moment happened so that means we should allow this other uwe boll-tier moment to be in the movie


>pinnacle of filmmaking

Nolan is a fucking sloppy filmmaker and his films are riddled with glaring plotholes and shitty takes.

No, you're wrong. Dunkirk is not the pinnacle of filmmaking.


Finn should be jango fetts clone and not a nigger or at least manu Bennett

What a dork.

Solid argument

Based review screw

br2049 is overrated u have to admit

Pathetic attempt of a bump you degenerate samefag

It's not a legendary film but I liked it a lot, one of the best films this year. It captures the experience very well

It’s rated appropriately I’d say but Dunkirk is definitely the better movie

This is OP, this is who you are arguing with.

both are shit. the only plus of Dunkirk is it doesn't have a story or characters, otherwise they would be shit

>only follows luc besson

I love him already

Stop spamming your twitter. You're such a giant faggot. Sage.

SW9 is for you phaggot.

Dunkirk is great

It's underrated if anything. It having a lower RT score than Dunkirk is absurd

How i know this is a bullshit post.

The guy cannot enjoy both, And he complaints about the soundtrack when both movies were scored by Zimmer and Walfisch.

Christopher Nolan is an autist who doesn't understand how human relations work. And he can't make up for that lack of decent characterization by being one of the best filmmakers alive, like fellow autist Stanley Kubrick could. Blade Runner worked because the characters are interesting enough to carry it. Nolan doesn't seem to understand that the only purpose of plot is to reveal character, not to be the thing in itself.

Piratecucks need to be rangebanned.

>it’s a based review screw thread

my favorite desu

could you samefag more you pathetic shit. your reviews are shit and you have no refined taste.

Not at all. It's a sequel that no one was looking for, but ended up being a worthy successor to the original.

Using a chip to control soldiers minds sort of undermines using the force to manipulate people’s thoughts.

its actually underrated, you probably just don't like good films :)

So what was order 66 then?

nazis capture the big guy at the end

who tf is that fag?

Suddenly I'm imagining a WW2 movie a with a synth neo-80's soundtrack and neon colours and it's AWESOME

Dunkirk is like the Fight Club of war movies. It was a movie this current generation of man-children really needed to see. I loved how young the actors actually were, 18 year old kids with death looming behind them. Men of honor and sacrifice staying behind for the greater good. Huge moral dilemmas. Good stuff.

>Dunkirk is like the Fight Club of war movies
overrated reddit trash?

>fight club

You must be new to 4chin, kid.

>Review screw
>Reviews crew


Dunkirk was a nearly 3 hour snorefest with no resolve.
Blade Runner 2045 was a pretty standard sci fi action that kept me entertained but didn't blow my mind.

Both of your points are retarded.
Dunkirk is 2 hours long and is the second shortest Nolan film after Following.
And please tell me how BR2049 is a "standard sci fi action" film? Give me any other recent film that is even remotely similar to it


Dumbass redditor you don’t even know the title of the movie you’re throwing faux-praise on



Not Based


Dunkirk is a really terribly made film BR49 has flaws but is mostly well made.

I only listen to razorfist he's always right

I only listen to uridon he's always right

What a brainlet post.

>Dunkirk is Saving Private Ryan without the heart.
you know what's a dumber opinion than suggesting Finn have a mind control chip in his head? This here, what you just wrote.

>Dunkirk is Saving Private Ryan without the heart.
That's extremely generous. Dunkirk doesn't have anything approaching the scenes in Saving Private Ryan, even taking the emotional aspect out of it.
Dunkirk was a hack trying to make a kino, but all the things that would have made it an interesting movie in the hands of another, more talented filmmaker worked against it

Have some respect for yourself my young friend. Dunkirk is very obvious propaganda and made by a complete puppet of a filmmaker, didn't the fact that this supposed great director made a PG-13 movie tip you off?

Please tell me where is the "propaganda" part in Dunkirk?

Dunkirk is pro war propagnda and has no purpose other than that. Check out how COOL the cinematography is when Tom Hardy's plane goes down and he's captured as an honorable soldier compared to the other cowards who get to safety and cost that kid on the sailing boat his life.

Now go check out the reviews for this piece of shit and put it all together.

i like both a lot

Imagine being this much of a delusional brainlet, so it's "pro war" propaganda because of that one scene where he is captured?
What about Hardy indirectly killing an entire group of his countrymen by shooting down that bomber above them and burning most of them to death?

He’s right

He's wrong

Quality argument.

>pro-war propganda

This is like saying Titantic is pro-shipsinking propaganda. You've missed the meaning entirely. This doesn't surprise me, though. Most NEET's feel intimidated by such life and death decisions because the hardest part of their day is deciding what to order at Starbucks.

Dunkirk is in no way even trying to be anything like Saving Private Ryan, it's entirely stripped off of that fake empathy schlock shit and focused on the event itself.
Also SPR focuses on the physical fear of being dismemberment while Dunkirk focuses on the psychological fears.

Dunkirk is more similar to a film like The Wages of Fear than SPR.

The scene at the end is there to redeem him my friend he's a "good soldier" like all the young children who saw the movie will strive to be. Especially once it wins an Academy Award

If you do not see it instantly then I'd say theirs a critical part of films your not understanding. Dunkirk is not art it's a product meant to push a message it's PG-13 rating is the most evident aspect of this but once you watch the movie you can feel that it is devoid of love or passion, everything from the lackluster cinematography to the awful editing in the very last scene show it's true colors.

I don't understand, so should the ending scene be with everyone booing at Hardy?
And for something to be "propaganda" it should be propaganda all the way through, not just in a 5 second scene of a singke narrative of a 2 hour film. Do you really think a british film about a british ww2 event with a full white brit male cast with zero quips in 2017 is the best vehicle to deliver a "propaganda" message to the audience, kids especially?

>b-but muh PG-13 rating
Do you really want the usual over the top guts and limbs flying all over the place Hollywood bullshit everytime? Do you think war is just thousands of bullets flying left and right 24/7? Things like that attract braindead kids the most

>devoid of love or passion

That's the fucking point, you halfwit. There are no winners in war.

>implying Nolan wasn't riding the hype of Call of Duty: WWII

For you

BR2049 doesn't even have that muh 80's style, it's surprisingly fresh aesthetically.

both are garbage for plebs

Dunkirk was released almost half a year before that degenerate cash-in videogame you dumb Sup Forums tourist

both are kinos for patricians

It lacks passion because Nolan lacks humanity, and this is appealing because his audience is just the same. There may be no winners in war but Nolan makes it clear for everyone that there is an "enemy" it's the real reason we don't see the Germans so that we can use anyone as a placeholder. The rest of the film is culturally empty in the same way because Nolan is without fervor for anything as he makes his products. Hacksaw Ridge shows there are no winners but does it with a lot of human understanding.

I could talk about how the film is not directed at all as well but i think that's pretty obvious.

It was announced months before Dunkirk was released.


>Hacksaw Ridge shows there are no winners
What? It shows the japs in the most ridiculous over the top ultimate nomoral demons while the brave morally perfect american soldier is fighting against them. If your idea of "human understanding" is a soldier carrrying a human torso in one hand as a shield and making straight headshots with a BAR with the other hand than I don't know what to tell you.

>film is not directed at all
This is just a straight up retarded statement. Please do talk about how it's "not directed at all", amuse me.

>this is appealing because his audience is just the same

Who are you to know what appeals to the audience? This is mind projection, and its a terrible way to start off an argument.

>The rest of the film is culturally empty

Did you even watch the film? I'm an American and after watching it, I was saying 'For King and Country' after, it was that powerful.

>Cyberpunk film relies too much on cyberpunk themes, and it sucks because it became mainstream!

So... Who's this nu-male?

Hacksaw Ridge portrays the Japanese as nationalistic countrymen fighting in a war fueled by propaganda but this is the reality of War if u didn't catch the subtle cues in the acting to suggest the American's and there "good ol boy" attitude being used as a cover for latent sociopathic tendencies try watching it again.

And Dunkirk makes very little use of it's camera just mostly emphasizes slow panning shots with little direction at all. Even the opening of the film uses the most amateur tracking shot at the slowest pace imaginable. Nolan had very few visual idea's or made use of any technical skill to make the film. Keep watching films and try to get a feel for how director's try to make use of cameras to invoke feelings if you come back to Dunkirk in a few weeks( i hope you don't because it's trash) you'll see what i mean.

>Who are you to know what appeals to the audience?
A fan of cinema and it's quite easy to deduce what people "like" though in all honesty most people don't have real opinions and what they "enjoy" is usually controlled by the media.

>Did you even watch the film? I'm an American and after watching it, I was saying 'For King and Country' after, it was that powerful.
You're either a trained shill or not emotionally immature. This film has no roots in any real culture because Nolan has no understanding of culture. The reason you got excited is because there was no cultural boundary keeping you from enjoying this product the same way there are probably kids in Hong Kong or Brussels who love Captain America and wear his shirts. The reason this is possible is because CA represents nothing really american and he's just his costume which has our flag on it but nothing inside his character represents a real country. All MCU heroes are palpable because they are just colorful costumes and have no real characters or identifiable traits with which to alienate the normalfag masses from them.

Dunkirk is very much the same.

blade runner 2049: moves the universe and themes on so much from the 80s movie is its own animal, libshits dont like it because the meme is its sexist despite having 7 better written female characters than all their favourite forced diversity movies put together

dunkirk: technically very well made movie but suffers from the usual nolan problems of plots that go no-where, great performances lost in editing, somehow making the battle of fucking dunkirk seem small scale, and his trademark inaudible dialog

>Comparing the character dynamic of Jesse and Walt to Kylo and Snoke

Literal autism

It literally is.
>Hitler: so now I send in the tanks?
>von Rundesdt: nigga what? our troops are exhausted and there are 50,000 French troops armed to the teeth who want to exact a Verdun 2.0 on us if we attack. I want nothing to do with that bruh
>Goering: akshually, my planes can do the job ;) ;)
>Hitler: lol ok let's do that

I have yet to hear anything actual explanation of how a film can be "dishonest". Every time I see someone try to explain it their expanding boils down to "it's pretentious" or "it takes itself too seriously" which are both meme criticisms