Why doesn't Anakin's force ghost reach out to Kylo and tell him what he's doing is wrong?

Why doesn't Anakin's force ghost reach out to Kylo and tell him what he's doing is wrong?

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too busy

fucking padme

Because those movies are written bu idiots.

Remember Kylo being Vader's fanboy? Rian sure doesn't.

Yoda burned him into a cd and put that into the Jedi Library Tree and then set everything on fire


Luke had access to united knowledge of Yoda, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Anakin - those guys obviously knew a thing or two about teaching, temptation of Dark Side, how to spot it and what to do with that.

But that would be proper continuity, thus unacceptable in Soy Wars.

Yoda murdered the rest of the force ghosts because he went crazy.
That's why he burned that tree, but Rey stole the books so she unconspiciously saved them.

I think jedi ghosts only care talking with living jedis.

actually a good point

Why the FUCK didn’t Force Ghost Yoda just destroy Snoke’s ship with lightning?


Force Ghosts only appeared to Luke though, what if he's the only one who can see them?

>burned alive
>burned into a cd
>burned when in the cd

Can't he get a break?


how did Yoda learn force lightning?
how could he do it as a force ghost?
why did he suddenly want destroy jedi property even though he was such a pro jedi in all the other movie?
why is force projection a thing and why do you die after using it?

Because this movie was garbage

IIRC, it's implied in the movie that the lighting striking the tree was a coincidence, but that Yoda played along and pretended it was him to get out a last little prank on Luke.

>mental gymnastics
wow, i'm impressed, now explain how hyperspace ramming doesn't break star wars, i want to see you pull that one off

Well it's implied in the movie that a black hole surged coincidentally as the fight was peaking between the last rebel flagship and the Supremacy. Was you see tearing apart the Empire's force isn't the Raddus, since it of course slipped into hyperspace for Holdo to escape the black hole, but the black hole tearing through the empire.
Holdo's entire strategy was to bring the empire close to the black hole.

You see hints of the black hole starting to form with gravity in acting abnormally, like how the bombs from the rebel ships dropped directly to the dreadnought and how the shelling of the Raddus by the empire were curving, as if there were gravity (there actually was! it was the black hole starting to appear).

what if luke is just schizophrenic

Better question is why do you hate Seb Shaw?

yeah Kilo turning evil makes no fucking sense. The entire plot is retarded from the start.

because Hayden doesn't want to be involved in this trash heap. he actually has respect for George and the material unlike the OT cast.

Why didn't Anakin's force ghost help Luke out when he tried to murder his nephew?

you know exactly why

i hate how i could see this being something someone would actually try and argue, you forgot to call anyone who disagrees a stupid drumpf supporter though

if that was the case, Ewan McGregor would've not recorded a piece of dialog for Episode VII.

brainlets will miss this detail everytime

he literally just said one word.

Otherwise, no movie.
Next plothole plz

This. Making Anakin's lightside form into the tall, dashingly handsome Roger Moore-esque figure that he would have been had he never fallen in the first place was an utterly k i n o move on the part of Lucas.

Making him into Hayden to symbolize the Anakin that died on Mustafar was pure autism on Lucas' part that completely ignored the fact that the redeemed Vader died bathed in the light as Anakin Skywalker, meaning that his force ghost should be as he would have been at that age.

>tell your sister, you were right.

Kylo revered Darth Vader, not Anakin.

Why didn’t Yoda or Obi-Wan or Anakin visit Luke sooner? All he really seemed to need was a pep talk.

Padme went to hell.

Also how the fuck did Anakin learn Force vhosf bullshit?

Ewan is not Hayden. Ewan is a Star Wars fan in general and I think Hayden is just appreciative of Lucas for having him start in one of the greatest film franchises in history.

Because then they couldn't write him out of character and make he useless so we can have more of the new and BETTER characters.

Probably because he's never met him.
I'm going to guess you can only force ghost to people you've known.

Tbh the movie explains that in order for there to be balance, there must be a negative for a positive. The whole thing revolves around balance.

Luke Snoke
Rey Kylo

Snoke dies? Alright we need his counterpart on the light side to go since there must be balance.

It's literally given to you on a plate. When Kylo got softer, Rey was drawn more towards the dark side. Whenever Kylo was being a whiny darkside bitch Rey moved towards the light side.

I love Porgs!

The real reason? Disney wants no part of Hayden Christensen or any other prequel actor in their movies.

Why didn't anybody just try spinning, it's a good trick

>Luke did I ever tell you about the lizard midwifes who preserved an ancient Jedi temple and it's sacred teachings for thousands of years before Yoda blew it all up? He was a good friend.

>a black hole suddenly appearing

he needs to check his privilege first

At this point they should. The new movies suck more than the prequels.

>ignoring the magnitude of that word

Did they really drop the 'Kylo is a Vader fanboy' arc in this movie? I hope not because it's definitively the one thing TFA got right considering it keeps Anakin as the focal character for the entirety of the main saga.

He's too busy using his lightning fingers on sand people's ancient books.

Force ghosts are such a plot problem, especially now that yoda can fry anyone with lightning this whole time

They need to make it a rule that you can only see and hear a force ghost if you watched them die.

This is the one thing I really hope JarJar Abrams rectifies. The main saga was always meant to revolve around Anakin Skywalker.

why wasnt hayden in the flick

There's only one way to find out:


Obi Wan and Sheev posting are literally the best.

dude yoda knew rey had the books at the time. he literally says "Rey possesses everything that library ever had" which is why he also burned it before luke had a chance to notice the books werent there. fucking brainlet

The whole Vader subplot has been dropped. I don't think Kylo gives a shit anymore. The director definitely doesn't.

So he should have had a burned zombie face? Anakain never looked like a regular old guy.

In the span of 16 hours she shows up on achto, shows luke she's stronger than him, belittles him, cheats in a fight, steals 3(three) books from a library, and the force ghost of a 900 yo former grandmaster who taught Luke sides with her and burns the library down covering her tracks, just so we're all clear

didnt you hear him after snoke made fun of the helmet


The only way force ghosts make a lick of sense at this point is that they don't actually exist and they are just Luke's hallucinations
He was never talking with anyone and he himself burned the fucking tree

literally has nothing to do with the original topic of where yodas intentions were when he burned the tree.

your new argument of time inconsistencies is valid and im not saying anything about that. just defeding yoda. because yoda is the balls.

That's bullshit. The dark side existing at all is supposed to be the imbalance.

>shutter island 2: abloo bloo

>you didn't hear it, but your brain did

Is it canon?

This makes perfect sense, they even foreshadowed the black hole by showing its gravity earlier in the movie as it pulled a corpse from deep space back into a rebel ship.

Stop spamming your shitty fucking poll


>Did they really drop the 'Kylo is a Vader fanboy' arc in this movie?
Yes, and heavy handedly. Just go watch it dude.

In Snoke's chambers, Snoke tells Kylo to take off that "ridiculous thing" (mask) and calls him a child and taunts him for hesitating to kill Han. Kylo then falls into rage in an elevator afterwards and Hulk smashes his Vaderboy mask into a wall. That ends his Vader fanboyism. It happens in the first quarter of the movie.

You niggers could argue all you guys want
At the end of the day, the only reason why we havent seen Kylo speaking with Anakin/Darth Vader is that they would have to literally cast Hayden and that would be too much in your face of the nufags that everything in the prequel trilogy is cannon, and they're avoiding those references, choosing then little nods like unnammed lava planet, Luke's "I have failed you ben" and lowkey referencing the prequel trilogy but not confirming everything innit (like midchlorians).
They think that way they can avoid backlash or open up old sores. So only original trilogy references.

Do you honestly believe no one in the writting room thought "y'know... This snooke fella is def plagueis" and wasnt shutdown by the insecure director who opted to take him out as a nobody without further explanation.

This enrages me for some reason. You bought the franchise, you said the prequels happened, FUCKING USE THE WHOLE PACKAGE FUCKWITS, not just the nostalgia driven safe details.

It didn't help that Lucas used a shot in which Anakin had a typical creepy grin.

Finally someone getsi it.