Short Swamp Thing storytime

I feel like shit today because i'm a massive asshole that fucks over all my friends so I thought it would be an excellent time to finally take a stab at the whole storytime thing.

I'll be doing my favorite Swamp Thing arc because fuck you

Other urls found in this thread:




Also this is my first time doing one of these so if I fuck it up somehow feel free to chew me out




Oh boy, Swampy. Just in time to get hoip for Injustice 2! Can't wait to give some niggas the green thumb with my boy the walking compost heap.


Is he going to be in it? That's pretty cool

This is why you don't accept drinks from weird strangers


Yeah dog, he's got vine tentacles and throws logs at you and shit. Super cool.


I wish I was more into fighting games










Half way done now

>"that place"

It's kind of adorable how you can tell Moore's a yuro with no real conception of how big the US really is. His characters talk about states like they were little UK townships.


Pretend I made some kind of Stephen King reference here.

Wait how am I getting Maine confused with Pennsylvania. I'm tired as fuck right now




I think one of my favorite parts of these runs is how a lot of the side characters in these one off stories come back later down the line



little bump, goodnight op




>Billy Hatcher

I feel like regardless of what year this is set in this would have been an incredibly retarded idea but whatever





I could never decide if I actually liked Abby or not






I like that we never really get closure on this. The husband and wife turn back up down the line but as far as I know we never find out what happened to old Nukeface here. I think it works better like that

That's it by the way. I hope anyone that was reading had some fun

Thanks, Opie. Always enjoy me some Swampy, even weird shit like this.


Those are all real newspaper clippings.


That was interesting. Thanks OP

Thank you.

Sup Forums would love this guy




When do they bring back the husband and wife? I don't remember seeing them showing up again (which makes the ending all the more scarier).

spoilers of course but the wife ends up miscarrying the baby and getting really horrible cancer. Chester gives the husband one of Swamp Things LSD fruits so that he can give it to his dying wife and she can pass on peacefully. Afterwords the husband hangs around with Chester environmental group for a little bit to try and make up for all the damage hes done to nature but gets killed during a protest when one of the guards to a factory ends up slamming his truck into him since he wouldn't get out of the way.