>In the new Star Wars movie, we shockingly learn that the First Order is able to track the Resistance through hyperspace, rendering any plans for them to escape useless.
>Much of the movie's middle section focuses on their attempts to survive as they try to conserve their last bit of fuel, while Finn and Rose find a hacker that can dislodge the First Order's tracking device.
>However, it turns out that that incredibly advanced tracking tech may have its roots in the Empire, as Rogue One contains a little nugget of info you may have missed.
In one scene from the spin-off movie, we see Jyn Erso and Cassian attempt to locate the Empire's Death Star plans on Scarif.
>Amid their searches, we see Jyn find a plan for "hyperspace tracking" – as shown in this screengrab by Twitter user "Des".
>So it seems that the tech had been in the pipeline for decades, and could prove a clue as to how the First Order managed to get so powerful.
>Pretty damn neat, eh?

Other urls found in this thread:

i can't believe i read all of that
i feel stupid :(

>>Pretty damn neat, eh?

not really

>Pretty damn neat, eh?
...I guess? Not really that much.

Well the Black Janitor knew about it.


AND THEY ONLY HAD 1, NuWars must be the most stupid fanfic ever

Sup Forums contrarians will try to downplay this but that's some impressive foreshadowing.

You mean to say that two movies in the same series that were being filmed at the same time... had references to one another?

I have another easter egg, hard to notice, but they had spaceships in RO, and guess where they had them too?
That's right, in TLJ.

How many years have passed from Rogue One to The Last jedi, 30 or 40?

>Knights of Ren are the survivors of Rogue One squad
Neat eh?

How hard would it have been to just make it "They can track the rebel ship because the FUCKING STORMTROOPER the rebels have on board can be tracked through some kind of subdermal implant"? It would give you an excuse to get Finn onto the Snoki with Little China Girl, it would give him an excuse to actually fight Phasma (make it so that she has his tracker or some dumb shit as his "commander"), it would have saved us from all of the Casino bullshit and Benicio Del Terrible. 3 issues removed in one tiny change to the plot.

Foreshadowing or they watched Rogue One and used this bit for a plot point.

That's fucking insane. Someone at Disney actually thought about continuity AND has possibly watched a previous star wars film. I never thought we'd have proof of this.

It indicates that they might be putting a tiny modicum of effort into tying these films together.

Which is nice since right now it just feels like different directors each imposing their personal vision on the franchise


Not to be a dick but didn't they plant something like that on the Millennium Falcon in ANH? Wasn't that the device they used to track down the Rebel base on Yavin IV?

Obi wan had some kind of round thing the size of an oreo cookie, he tracked jango fette with it.

no its capeshit tier bullshit
scarif was destroyed
all of that knowledge is lost

I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao

As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies

They can't win because people will bitch if they tie the films together and people will bitch if they have them stand alone. There's always someone who will be unsatisfied.

Truly the franchise is saved. There is hope again

>if you blow up one library it destroys all books everywhere

big if true

You forgot it would make an excuse for Holdo not to tell anyone Leia's plan cause they know there's a spy on board.

Tying films together to the same fictional universe and following its conventions does not mean callbacks and fanservice cameos.

Nice try with the
>we tried doing things new this time and you still hated it!
damage control

Here's how I would have done it

Finn was a stormtrooper. Who's to say The First Order didn't put some sort of tracking implant in their soldiers to monitor them?

This way, the Rebels would have figured out that Finn was being tracked and then you'd have the whole romance subplot of Rose trying to clear Finn's name or something.

there's a bunch of other "secret projects" in the archive that they go through

DarkSaber, etc

No. Shit movie. Both of them.

This would have been a neat little easter egg if ep 8 was any good, unfortunatley it is shit and this easter egg wont save the movie for anyone

Then how did Vader managed to track the rebel scum that ran away in R1 at the beginning of ep IV?
Checkmate atheists, Vader clearly had multiple floppy discs with the tech hidden.

Lol, the Disney defense force is going all out on this thread trying to defend the poor writing through a meaningless easter egg.

Both Finn and Rose were aware of the technology and how it basically "worked" during the movie.

>imperial remnant has tech from the empire


>Not to be a dick but didn't they plant something like that on the Millennium Falcon in ANH? Wasn't that the device they used to track down the Rebel base on Yavin IV?
No, Leia gave up Yavin IV as they were about to blow up Alderaan

>pretty damn neat
>generic sci-fi macguffin with no explanation besides "hey it was there 30 years ago"
definitely not

I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao

As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies

>30 years ago they developed hyperspace tracking

The Rebellion would have been BTFO by then.


Or just a coincidence.

>tying these films together
Other than same name, same universe, same story line, same goal, one is directly related to the other....

omg incredible
wait I don't care

Yet, the entirety of Last Jedi was dropping any plot importance that was foreshadowed in Force Awakens. Making Rogue One interesting by being shit at everything else will never make Last Jedi good.

So you're telling me they went out of their way to foreshadow something? Pretty legendary desu

How the fuck is this an "easter egg", that would assume it was put in this movie with the intent of being referenced by another movie in the future. The director just fucking watched this movie and said "oh I'll use that", jesus christ. Here's another easter egg, Darth Vader is in all the other movies and he's also in Rogue One. MIND BLOWN

>here's how I would have done it
>rose gets an even bigger roll

Would have made for a more coherent story, otherwise we wouldn't have to hear about

What does this mean for the future? Sup Forums decides:

The had been able to detect hyperspace jump coordinates all along - by the exit trajectory or some shit.

That's how Vader catches up to Tantive IV in ANH

She gave up dantooine

Leia gave up Dantooine and escapes.
You could argue she confessed "yavin 4" under torture, but the Millenium Falcon was tracked to Yavin 4


>i never actually watched the OT
well thanks for the input i guess

how do we know that Disney didn't go full Lucas editing the DVD/BR versions to include this easter egg

Heres what I would have done.
>Take out purple hair
>Take out both Asians
>Never show glasses migit
>Never show kids
>Cut out all cute animal scenes
>Don't hint at kylo's redemption and then do a complete 180 at the worst possible moment

What else she says when try to steal deathstar blueprint? Black saber? Stardust? I forgotten the whole thing

Literally an user can make a better plot than TLJ.

- completely cut out casino
- cut out luke's death in the end, just leave him sitting there

god dammit, this is so much better than the plot we got.

what is their excuse? they can cram as much stupid superficial bullshit as they want in the movie but why can't the plot follow a basic internal logic? any screenwriting 101 graduate should be able to do this. a competent plot should NOT be too much to ask.

they could have luke rip his dick off and shove it up his butt while saying "look! i'm a star wars fanboy!" for all i care, as long as the story made any damn sense.

Stellar Sphere
Mark Omega
Pax Aurora
War Mantle
Cluster Prism
Black Saber
Star Dust - Death Star


But they already had the technology in New Hope and didn't they used that to track the Falcon to Yavin?

Didn't Vader track Leia's ship in A New Hope..through hyperspace?

Vader had already tracked Tantive IV through hyperspace.

They can calculate destination through exit trajectory. Could have tracked the Falcon same way.

Just because you know which direction someone is going doesn't mean you know where they are going to stop.

Good afternoon Heisenberg

It doesn't take much to blow peoples minds these days it seems.

So basically it's not an Easter egg. People just try to find connections that would imply TLJ isn't the pile that it is?

The only copy of the death star plans was on Scarif tho.

Remember when Jyn and Cassian where retrieving the disk. All of a sudden they decide to remove their imperial clothes and go back to their original costume.

People get paid to write articles about something like that?

yeah it does. Just look at Yoda and his acts of destroying priceless knowledge because he did not like Paige Turner

It always bothered me. Noone would wear two complete outfits on one another. But hey who cares nowadays. They must have changed their outfit in the loading screen.

Rogue One was unironically loads better than TLJ

they can gather the amount of power residue and calculate the length of the jump

i dont know all the details, it's been done in the EU

Rey took the books. They were on the Falcon at the end. Yoda burned the tree to fuck with Luke and get him to help his friends.

> as Rogue One contains a little nugget of info you may have missed
took them 20+? years and Empire's collapse to get it function?

So what was this magnificent piece of tech? A gadget? A piece of code? A spy holding this tech?
We didn't get answers to these which just opens a question how did they know why they would have to go to Snoke's ship to disable it or what kind of tech would they had to have to disable it??????

Oh heavenly Jesus, OP. That is pretty damn neat!

>ftl travel in SW based around hyperspace routes
>Routes the Hutts control
>Therefore, only a limited amount of entrances and exits exist
>The Hutts most likely have sensors set up to detect who comes and goes from the routes hence why they're able to control said routes
>The Hutts most likely gave the tech to Sheev in exchange for him not wiping their species off the galaxy
>Through Sheev, the FO gets the control over hyperspace
>Even easier, it would easy to track disturbances in hyperspace due to the limited nature of who comes and goes in
>ie follow the hole through to the end
>You don't need to directly follow the ships either via hyperspace, you can just calculate which route they took and follow the accompanying hyperspace radiation coming off the ships

Hyperspace routes would most likely have the main routes, and side routes. You know how routes work, right? There's stops, usually based around major planet and side routes going from the major planet to other side planets. Given the odd nature of ftl in SW, the ship would most likely be glowing all sorts of radiation, tracking it becomes easy. If the ship lands on the nearby planet, barricade it. If the ship goes on a side route, there will be insane radiation indicating this, then you barricade the side planet.

>as shown in this screengrab by Twitter user "Des"


arguments in ships

thoughts on this new title?

>A resistance fighter also says, “Let’s do this, Rogue One™ style!” While they’re fighting the First Order.

Jesus fucking christ

No. There's no way that's true. Please no.


le 56% greeting

maybe the referred to Rogue Squadron (elite starfighter unit)