Sup Forums will defend this

>Sup Forums will defend this

new OTP

>"Wow, what a dickhead!"
What the hell, Genndy?

Yeah, looking back at it now this was pretty tasteless.

>was a weakling who died in a single hit
>plot felt rushed as fuck and he was dealt with in four minutes despite half a season of built up
>greatest and most majestic character design up until his reveal
>Sup Forums will STILL defend this

Fucking ruined.

It was a metaphor you fuck
Still agree the climax could've been a tad more exciting

Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him!

Maybe you missed the point of it. He was hounding Jack, waiting for him to fuck up once, and when Jack found out that he saved those children and that his deeds have really changed the lives of people for the better, he had no more power over him.

>That squish noise as the dickman takes Scaramouche off

I hope Sup Forums noticed this

That doesn't make it a satisfying conclusion

>to skiddly bop badoo, or not to scoop da diddleroo, that is the question

>robot knows what human dick looks like

confirmed for giant slut

Fuck your headcanonnons little bitch.

>Sup Forums will demand this

I still think it is not over yet

Yeah, I can imagine this scene hitting to close to dickheads.

It's pretty similar to The Beast from OTGW when you think about it.
He persuades the protagonist into giving up hope, is a looming presence throughout the season and once the main character decide to ignore him and fight back he turns into an easily
defeated pussy.
I personally like what they did with him; as soon as Jack regained his determination The Omen lost all power over Jack and could no longer harm him.

>o died in a single hit

way to miss the point.

All I read here is, yet again, ''it needed more fight scenes because the episode was literally nothing!!!!''

to the death

>that motherfucker looked like a cock!

It was a different time...

I'm sad I was ever hyped for this revival series. Fucking dropped.


I'm not sure how I feel about how quick it was dealt with because I can't think of a longer way to resolve it that wouldn't just be filler.

So for those complaining about it, what would your solutions be, Sup Forums?

Remember if you see a thread that is trashing Samurai Jack for pathetic reasons like "le Genndy is a hack" or "not muh nostalgia", what you are seeing is a slide thread by a paid SU shill. They are trying to infiltrate to trail away from real Samurai Jack discussions. Ignore and Sage all SUIDF threads.

confirmed for SHAREWARE WHORE

underrated post

20 minute episodes are terrible for what they're trying to do with this season.

>tfw didn't recognize the phallic imagery until it was said