Lol what the fuck is marvel doing, it's like they want to fail

lol what the fuck is marvel doing, it's like they want to fail

Sounds like Marvel's dealing with a bunch of idiots anyway.

what LGBTQ means?

>fucking fags and jews don't want to be cool nazis like Captain America


Lesbian Gay Black Travolta Queers.

It means they're an attention seeking fuckface. Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans or Queer, why queer gets it's own I have no idea.



They're all just different types of Queers

You're triggered.

ITT gonna read "hand-selling" as "selling"

They know that Hydra isn't real, right?

because some women aren't lesbians or bi but still want to be special and part of the lgbt community

it used to be questioning

good lord it's just fucking comic books

real or fictional no one should support nazis

it might encourage real nazis

Five Flavors of Faggotry.


I can understand not wanting to jump through all these hoops to sell Marvel's books. But for fuck sake it is fake organization, not real Natzis.

isn't lesbian and gay the same thing?

They're not supporting them.

Because they aren't real.

It's a marketing gimmick.



It doesn't matter whether or not they're a real group, or that they're not even actual Nazis in the fiction. Public perception has labeled them as such, and, quite rightfully, nobody wants to be associated with that.


Look, we can go on and on about how Marvel distanced it from the Nazi's in the MCU, about how in recent years they've done it in the comics too. About how Captain Hydra threw the Red Skull out a window.

But for decades upon decades Hydra were Nazis. That was their deal, a way for Captain America to continue to fight super science Nazis after the war. They're a Nazi organization designed to be national socialist fascists for the American superhero to punch. That is never going away.

The OP picture is still retarded, of course, but that's besides the point.

> hand-selling

Am I the only one here who's never heard this term before? I am, aren't I?

'Not sure yet'

It's if you're unsure about your sexuality i think

Stormtroopers were Nazi analogies too. People still dress like them though. Why? Because they're fucking fake.

BTW, /this/ is the shirt everyone is throwing a hissy fit about.

They don't know if they pee with dick or vagina

Yeah I'm triggered by retards being retards
>Don't label me cisscum, but here are my labels
For what purpose?

Stormtroopers weren't literal Nazis like Zemo though

I'm not saying they aren't real Natzi in the comic, they just aren't in real life. It would be like saying dressing up as Jason on Halloween is supporting murder.

On another note, while the event may probably be dogshit, I do think that shirt looks kinda badass.

Anyone know where I can get one?

It's not like they'er real Nazis


plastering Marvel swastikas all over your shop shows that maybe nazis aren't so bad and opens the way for more people like Richard Spencer and Jontron to gain power

Everything that isn't just heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality is just an illment that can be cured. That include every queer shit, fetish shit and asexuality. Its all a work for a mental doctor, while the main 3 preferneces are biological.

Fun fact: It used to be GLBT, but the lesbians bitched that they were oppressed and moved the L to the front.


It still doesn't justify changing your store's logo to a marvel property, someone needs to tell marvel/disney they ain't shit if they ain't selling

They were the space equivalent of Nazis though. Obviously they weren't /actual/ Nazis, because believing Germans are the superior race is the prerequisite to being a Nazi and there is no Germany is space.

Regardless, Zemo is not a Nazi, his father was.

>is just an illment that can be cured
just because it's mental illness doesn't mean it can always be cured.

Hydra was created to fight SHIELD, not Captain America

Did jontron self-destruct because he is legitimately racist and stupid enough to openly air those racist opinions or was he banking on pulling a pewdiepie and getting a boost to his viewership by cashing in on the alt-right crowd at the expense of a portion of his old viewers and sponsors?

If the later the question is why did he get so desperate? Rising production costs and diminishing returns?

The Nazis were evil because they committed Genocide

The Empire committed much more genocide than the Nazis

The Empire is more evil than the Nazis

legitimately racist and stupid enough to openly air those racist opinions

Not that it even hurt him that much.

>Being this afraid that a Sup Forums shitposter and a video game reviewer will gain power.

Man, Tumblr is pathetic. You wanna know the real reason why people are warming up to them? Because they're not the one acting like terrorists

Also, neither of them are Nazis.

Richard Spencer is a white supremacist (there are distinct differences between white supremacy and Nazism, if you'd only read a damn history book)

And Jontron just believes that it's not the governments responsibility to provide free abortions.

He sucks at debating and doesn't understand statistics and people don't work when trying to prove a point

Maybe he got sick of the PC climate and felt he could finally display his opinion. Trump election actually free public speach, for better or worse i don't know.

>Stormtroopers weren't literal Nazis
remember when the empire blew up an entire planet because some girl wouldn't tell them where something was?

The Empire was meant to imply the menace of the Nazi Germany war machine, but it was never actually very Nazi's like aside from being scary military guys. In the movies, anyway. There's the obvious implications of the Empire being all white guys and the rebellion a mix of every kind of human and alien, that's true. But all the more Nazi racial fascist stuff came up in the EU later on. It was, obviously, taking the logical conclusion of those visual designs, but it still wasn't actually in the movies.

Being double fictional Nazis is important too. Hydra may be a fake organization, but the Marvel comics have always prided themselves on being "reality, but with Superheroes." You can't really have it both ways, saying that and then going "but well Hydra are just fake Nazis." They're meant, or they were meant, to occupy the same historical space in a world much like ours. Not a fantastical space opera villain.

Neither, he was asked to give his opinion and he did. If you'd actual watch the livestream he did not once mention race.

He received a boost in viewership.

I don't think it's either. I think he's going through some identity crisis and resolved to stick it to the SJW that bothered him on twitter once or twice, so he latched on to Sup Forums memes and figured he was some expert. I think it's just a fase he's going through and it'll die down eventually. Best to just ignore him for now. It's not like he'll actually make any new video for the next few months.

Wouldn't that be bisexual?

Are we talking about something other than the time he was shitting on rich black people, or does that not count as mentioning race?

>doesn't understand statistics
how so?

Are americans that incapable of separating real life from fiction

That would explain Disneyland, but still

>Marvel is just trying to have some fun
>uppity faggots who claim they don't belong to a "designated label" but label themselves anyway get offended at the thought of someone having fun
>reduce their maximum profit by refusing to sell Marvel just so they can bitch

Remember when people did stunts like these and no one gave a fuck? good times.

>Being double fictional Nazis is important too. Hydra may be a fake organization, but the Marvel comics have always prided themselves on being "reality, but with Superheroes." You can't really have it both ways, saying that and then going "but well Hydra are just fake Nazis." They're meant, or they were meant, to occupy the same historical space in a world much like ours. Not a fantastical space opera villain.

But Hydra is a separate entity from Nazism. They've allied themselves with Nazis before, but the organization doesn't share the same values persay, They'll adopt the values of whatever dominant threat is rising, so they can assimilate their forces as Hydra and eventually overthrow it.

That's if you like both it's possible but unlikely to like none

If you are referring to that, Jontron stated that statistically rich black kids are more likely to commit crimes than poor black kids.

His problem was not citing. What the statistic Jontron was referring to showed that rich black kids were more likely to get arrested, so he's technically not wrong.

Now, there is the question of whether this is proof that black people commit more crimes, or proof that cops arrest black people more. And there just isn't enough proof to dictate which is true.

They can't take a fucking joke. Last year they had this campaign to promote The Man in the High Castle, and people lost their damn minds.


It's a dumb marketing gimmick but this store owner is a dumb SJW if he thinks dressing up like Hydra means you support nazi ideology. Does he ban Darth Vader merch in his store?

classic dykes

>meanwhile as jon is battling sjws on the internet dannys band has already sold out their first national tour
Got to have priorities I guess.

The shirt looks cool too.

Jontron has also voiced support for the ethnic exodus BS that Spencer has been trying to peddle. He's not a nazi, no.

>fetish shit
so everyone on the face of the earth has a mental illness? fuck off

.. but Hydra isn't real nor is it's Logo offensive. I hate this fucking planet.

>being this buttblasted about a fictional group
And the fuck is hand-selling?

Fun fact, stormtrooper costumes were banned recently at a Star Wars party in Princeton because apparently they looked like nazis somehow.

>Jontron has also voiced support for the ethnic exodus BS that Spencer has been trying to peddle.

Source or you pulled that out of your ass.

>He's not a nazi, no.

No, it would make him a white supremacist if it's in fact true. Do you faggots really not know what a fucking Nazi is?

Wouldn't that statistic would make him technically wrong since being arrested doesn't mean you commited a crime?

I wanted to sit on that fucking train. I wish I did. What a fucking wast.

This is true. But couples with the fact that blacks commit something like 10x more murders per person than whites makes it more damning. Harder to be ambiguous about an actual murder happening.

I think it's certainly fair to say the fact that rich blacks getting convicted for crimes more than poor whites suggests that it does in fact happen. Maybe it's completely to do with pure racism, but the fact that other statistics that rule out police racism are inline with blacks committing more crime and bring more violent suggest that it is probably not 100% due to racism.

though all studies like this are subject to doubt and anyone can believe what they want if they really want to by just doubting all the statistics that suggest views of the world they don't like.

Physical goods by the sound of it. So it seems their convictions aren't strong enough to stop them selling online apparently.

You grossly overestimate that number

fuck it, I quit this earth. Time to move away

Depends on how you look at it I assume. He looked at the evidence and drew that conclusion. I wouldn't say he's "wrong", but I'd definitely he's misinformed and didn't take enough time to reflect on the information.

>demanding to be spoonfed
>talking down to people about the difference between white supremacist groups and white supremacist groups

what does white supremacy mean?

Why should someone do this?
Without getting paid why should a shop promote Marvel without anything in return than maybe sell a handfull of copies?

Because it's fun?

The fuck sort of war did I miss?

Stormtroopers don't in any way look anything like Nazi officers OR Wehrmacht.

>white supremacist
>isn't even white himself
really gets my noggin joggin.

The costumes literally are variants of german soldier helmets, Vader has one. The blasters stormtroopers use are literally decommissioned german ww2 guns with added features to look 'futuristic'

They blew up an entire planet. They wiped out planets of non-humans and humans that went against them. They had a very prominent no non-humans policy.

And this is all before the whole sjw phase.

It can't really be denied that the Empire is space Nazis. We all just admit they look really cool.

why would someone do something to help them sell more product and earn more money? Yeah, that's a mystery..

Is there a version without the stupid "secret empire, hail hydra and marvel logo"?

"I'm a fucking special snowflake"



>stormtrooper costumes were banned recently at a Star Wars party

I really hate this modern world. I get called a dinosaur but I'd rather be that than a complete faggot.

>Makes a claim

>Cant substantiate it.

>doesn't know what a Nazi is.

Dictionary definition? A supporter of the german NSDAP party that was active between 20's and 40's.

American definition? A cartoonish personification of evil.

I wish people would use the term fascist more. It's a legitimate political label that accurately defines the current jingoistic, nationalist, militarist and corporatist agenda of the american government. The only thing missing is a violent suppression of the population (which arguably is already happening) and a shift into a single-party totalitarian system (which ironically enough for all intents and purposes already has happened).

not long now until you can't dress up as any antagonist from a fictional story, otherwise you are obviously endorsing that characters values.

Legal Grandfather Banging Teen Qties.

Nobody is saying that should do it, they are saying this is a stupid reason not to do it and an overreaction. Not wanting to do it simply because you don't feel like it is more credible than this.


Just the shield and skullopus would be great

So where did this meme that Hydra are Nazi come from? This shit wasn't even mentioned in the movies

>we live in a world where one day soon Plankton from Sponge Bob will be treated the same as Hitler, wearing a Reverse Flash shirt will get you beaten and dressing up as MoJo Jo Jo will land you 6 months

End it all.

Dan, I want that shirt.