Here are some harsh truths

Here are some harsh truths.

1. The people who defended Zack Snyder for turning Superman into an autistic sociopath who murders people on a whim are now the same ones screeching for Rian Johnson's head because of what he did with Luke Skywalker.

2. Luke Skywalker was a boring-ass character in the OT. Plain, generic, wide-eyed hero. Take off your nostalgia goggles and this is clear as day. The only thing that made him work was Hamill's wonderful, relatable performance which grounded him and made him likeable.

3. It makes complete sense that Luke, who was young and optimistic and full of hope as a young man, would not retain every iota of that optimism as he grew older. Because no one does. Especially if you take into account all the terrible things that happened to him, first with his father and then with Ben.

4. In the Last Jedi he is flawed and nuanced in a way he has never been before. Making a grave mistake and then finding redemption is more interesting than anything Luke did in the OT.

5. Even if you DIDN'T like the film, screaming and crying about it and exclaiming that Johnson "destroyed a character that everyone looks up to", you are being a fucking child. No one over the age of 8 looks up to Luke Skywalker because he's a fictional Space Wizard. Once you reach a certain age you're suppose to grow up, realize Santa doesn't exist, realize that Superman is not a role model, and start looking for inspiration in deeper and realer places. Like actual historical figures who accomplished truly amazing things, for example.

Johnson tried some new and risky things because I think he genuinely believed that Star Wars fans were intelligent enough and open-minded enough to accept or even embrace change. And you know what? He was wrong. You idiots wanted nothing more than a clone of ESB and all your complaints about TFA being redundant have been revealed as completely hypocritical.

I would say I expected better from this board, but that would be a lie.

Other urls found in this thread:


>muh star wars needs to be dark and realistic

Fanboys are saying it because it's completely true, you scruffy nerfherder

Yeah everyone hated Empire for doing that.

Oh wait.

search your feelings, you know it to be true

>muh tlj has too much quips

This is all true.

The problem is with Star Wars itself. The current owners are trying to redeem it, but it's irredeemable. It will only ever be a racist fantasy, gleefully appropriating chunks of Japanese culture and film history while relegating all non-human characters to punchline status.

You can't salvage this one, Mouse. You fucked up big time.

You know I searched your comment high and low and couldn't find a single counter argument or point being made. So here's a nutty idea, maybe don't make a comment in the first place unless you have one of those.

The Luke thing is like the least of my issues with TLJ, I could have forgiven it if the rest of the film had any sort of additional substance, but no, it was the biggest piece of shit I've seen this year.

>searched your comment high and low
Stop talking like some pederast French baron from the 1700s, jesus christ

>Some nameless idiot's opinion on Youtube

Even if you hated TLJ, if you think it's worse than the prequels, you're a retard.

>Posting in le ebin Disney shill thread

1. nope, i hated superman and murderous luke
2. nothing wrong with a classic trope executed well, and it was
3. nope, he overcame all those terrible things with his optimism. the only "tragedy" that happened after that was him sensing darkness in a teenager. not enough to push anyone over the edge, let alone luke
4. making a mistake is fine, making a mistake that goes against the previous 30 years of his life is not
5. did you have a point here? yes it's just a movie, doesn't make it immune to critique. if you dont like reading opinions, why are you here?

I'm glad that my choice of words made you upset.


you know Luke murdered like 30 people at Jabba's palace in ROTJ, right?


Stopped there. TLJ is shit but not DC levels of shit. I just hate TLJ more because I care about SW more.

Your "choice of words" outs you as a friendless loser with unwarranted self importance

how many of them were innocent children?

>nothing wrong with a classic trope executed well

In 1977, maybe. Not today.

>sensing darkness in a teenager. not enough to push anyone over the edge

It didn't, stupid.

>making a mistake that goes against the previous 30 years of his life is not


>did you have a point here? yes it's just a movie, doesn't make it immune to critique

There's a difference between critiquing a movie and throwing a fit because it offended your childhood or some stupid nonsense.

I don't get this "fanboys hate TLJ for being different" thing

Pretty much every TLJ scene felt like a slightly altered scene of either the Star Wars OT or the Lord of the Rings to me, there were very few original scenes

It was a bold move that paid off, but you have to understand that most of the people were children when they saw the original Star Wars movies. They cant see this thing for what it is.

The argument is the same as "You just don't get what "Maaarthaa!" really symbolizes". People know what Rian wanted to do with Luke but the execution was so piss poor that it made him look like a sociopath rather than a conflicted individual. Personally I don't really care about this scene but I am absolutly disgusting about the whole hologram death and the fact that he didn't even get a last fucking epic fight scene. People have waited for decades to see that.

>I can tell who you are because you said something that annoyed me on an anonymous image board

You're autistic and/or have no social skills to speak of if you genuinely believe this.

>In 1977, maybe. Not today.
Well-executed classic trope worked fine for a couple millenia. Being an edgy piece of shit - not that much.

Last I checked, Luke didn't murder any innocent children in TLJ

>"you're a friendless loser"
>"no u"
Good one, really got the neurons firing

>there were no edgy pieces of shit before 2000

Who is Frederick Neitzche

>The people who defended Zack Snyder for turning Superman into an autistic sociopath
Who defended this?

Nah. Luke in the OT was great because he was an archetype, a embodiment of the timeless classical hero. Turning Luke into just a normal guy with problems is boring and dissapointing.

>"not that much" means "never"
It's tough, that English.

>it's impossible for someone who poses a criticism for them to be also hypocritically guilty of that same issue they're being critical about

I dunno, it happens pretty fucking often on this board. There's even a word for it: projecting.

The snyder fanboys I follow on twitter all love TLJ and are favorably comparing it to BvS

Oh please. You were implying that modern day cynicism is the problem and that the same old generic story is 'timeless' or something. Stop backpedaling.



>Racist fantasy
>appropriating Japanese culture
>appropriating film history (???)
The absolute state of NuWars fans, folks. I'm glad you wrote this unironically so people can see it for themselves.

TFA and TLJ are redunant for the wrong reasons: references and aesthetics. But what made the OT special is not present at all here. Its just a shell with a totally different ethos, its just that most fans can't verbalize it propertly.

>OP: I don't understand what a Jungian archetype is or why it's important. Nor do I care. If you do, you're a child who still believes in Santa.

Did you just not frequent this board a year ago?

>literally "I liked The Last Jedi: Here's 5 Reasons Why The Haters Are Wrong!" the post
This is the Sup Forums post equivalent of a clickbait article

You have some reading comprehension issues. Consider education.

Not like you've ever been on this board long enough to know, soulless Disney automaton

I bet you’re the guy who made the thread whining about “obvious Disney shills” on Sup Forums lmao

As if Disney would waste their time on a group that doesn’t pay to see movies

>oh look, there's another person in the thread who agrees with me, that means I'm right

Actually no

>Turned Superman into an autistic sociopath who murders on a whim

Superman was far from autistic in MoS. He was actually rather charming and eternally patient. And killing one enemy, who was hell-bent on destroying humans until he died, who was literally seconds away from murdering a family, after begging him not to kill any humans is pretty fucking far from murdering on a whim.

It's pretty obvious that whoever posted is someone on your side trying to make people who enjoyed the new film look bad. In fact, it was probably you.

>1. The people who defended Zack Snyder for turning Superman into an autistic sociopath who murders people on a whim are now the same ones screeching for Rian Johnson's head because of what he did with Luke Skywalker.
What he did to Luke Skywalker is turning him into an utistic sociopath who was about to murder his own nephew in his sleep though.

I didn't read the rest of your shillpost, I hope it gets better because jesus christ

If you don't have any legitimate points to make, please find another thread to shitpost in.

Because being different isn't enough to be good.

>whoops I was caught blatantly backpedaling
>better resort to substanceless ad hominem

>In 1977, maybe. Not today.
>Literally using the "current year" argument
Where the FUCK do you think you are?

>2. Luke Skywalker was a boring-ass character in the OT.

>Superman is not a role model
Shut your whore mouth.

This is a bait but here is something for you.

I absolutely hated Zack Snyders MOS, BVS and Just League and I also hated TLJ
It's a bullshit movie.

It's not just about Luke.
Look at all the other characters. No one cares about them. Even in the prequesls, people cared about the characters. This trilogy is dead bub.

Also, this is the first thread I saged in years.

It's a good thing that it was the best SW film since Empire then.

>The people who defended Zack Snyder for turning Superman into an autistic sociopath who murders people on a whim are now the same ones screeching for Rian Johnson's head because of what he did with Luke Skywalker.
Got any proof amigo? Sup Forums hated Man of Steel along with every one else.

>I don't understand Rashomon

The way Ben portrayed it is not the way it actually happened, numbnuts

people who defend Master Z only watch good movies and haven't seen Star Wars 8

hey look, manchildren


Empire was scary, and the officers were sharp and efficient (even though dispatched left and right by Vader for their fuckups).

Not like the First Order assclowns.

>johnson tried new and different things
nu-wars still revolves around the old characters and themes
the bad guys are the not-empire led by the not-sith
and dont get me started on the fucking retards who thought a sith apprentice killing his master was a bold subversive move

We actually saw how Luke portrays it after that, and it's still pretty bad. Not that it's the worst part of the movie, though.

>No one cares about the characters because I didn't
What are you, a fucking ostrich?

>Even in the prequesls, people cared about the characters

>This trilogy is dead bub
It made like 500 million dollars already, I'm pretty sure they're going to keep making them even though you didn't like it.

>i-it didn't happen though
>fucking KUROSAWA reference
*breathes in*

>best SW film since Empire

Does sage still work? I heard they removed it.

56% audience score

>I don't understand what a Jungian archetype is
of course I do.
>or why it's important
It's not.

"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce."

It's actually a quite apt metaphor for real-life geopolitics

He could have lost his youtful optimism without being a coward or embracing his worst character flaws. He could have played the crotchety old sensei living on the mountain that begrudingly starts to teach Rey after she proves herself worthy of his wisdom.

Instead he is a coward, Rey realizes he is a coward and leaves having learned nothing. This is not character progression. Its degeneration. I think the writers who wrote this had a hard on in the same way a vandal does when he is destroying a priceless work of art.

But it wasn't an ice planet, it was a SALT planet! What an innovative movie.

I'm not convinced you've seen Snyder's movies.

Kurosawa directed Rashomon, which is arguably the first film to popularize the technique of telling the same story from multiple points of view and having them portrayed differently according to the biases and disposition of the character telling the story. TLJ uses this technique, just as many have in various mediums. You are an idiot with nothing to say. Hang yourself by the neck until dead.

>It made like 500 million dollars already, I'm pretty sure they're going to keep making them even though you didn't like it.

Do you know something about death user? people don't just die. They have funeral. Big people have big funerals. This will make money as it is the funeral of Star wars.

Same way, BvS was a funeral of DCEU. See how much money JUST league is making.

Now just wait for Episode IX.

STARWARS is dead, bury it, consider this mercy

I'm not here to kowtow to you, Mouse. They turned Luke into Zach Snyder Superman so you can go fuck yourself.

And the walkers were at the END of the movie, instead of the start! Bravo Johnson!

>1. The people who defended Zack Snyder for turning Superman into an autistic sociopath who murders people on a whim

wtf i love superman now

Stopped reading after part 1. Pure speculation and it could be flipped for people who hated BvS and liked TLJ

>RT scores don't mean a thing except when they agree with me

Check the audience score for Justice League and compare it to the critic score.

There's your answer. Audiences are stupid and they want the same boring shit they got last time.

>1. The people who defended Zack Snyder for turning Superman into an autistic sociopath
I can tell you're some salty fag from Sup Forums if you think that Superman is anywhere near as relevant as Star Wars.

No one has cared about Superman since Christopher Reeve, get over it. You lost to marvel

>i-it didn't happen it's kurosawa's fault
What did my sides ever do to you man?

>begrudingly starts to teach Rey after she proves herself worthy of his wisdom.
This is what happens in the movie, stupid.


Star Wars is not a work of art. It's a series of films for children that happens to be a commercial juggernaut. No priceless works of art show up as tiny plastic renderings in a happy meal. Stop with the hyperbolic bullshit.

Star Wars is fucking gay you nerds, it's a hasbeen franchise

Do you know how much money Disney has invested in Star Wars? Enough for them to legit consider murdering a critic for daring to write anything below a 4/5 review. Best case scenario the writer from the shit blog or failing print paper will never be invited on set, interview actors or go to a premier again. Worst case Disney will literally murder them. We are talking 1 trillion dollars here over the next few decades.

No critic is stupid enough to criticise these films.

Lol sure they do, you can buy shitty toys of the Mona Lisa as well

You had trouble understanding a Star Wars film because it utilizes a story telling technique as old as dirt. You're an idiot and what you say doesn't matter. This is the last reply you're getting, so cherish it.

56% audience score

Hmmm I wonder why these critics haven't been disappeared by Disney's secret police yet

Is it old as dirt or did Kurasowa invent it?

No its not. Where you not there when she looked into the darkside mirror and realized she had learned nothing? Luke didnt teach her shit
The entire sequence was a post modernist deconstruction of how old fashioned education and training just perpetuate artificial structures that hide the fact there is nothing behind them. When Rey realized this "truth" she set out to confront Snoke.

But I just explained that. Do try to keep up.

>eternally patient
He fucking destroyed a guy's truck for no good reason.
>He was actually rather charming
When did he ever display any charm? He spent most of the movie brooding.

>utilizes a story telling technique as old as dirt
>which consists in showing you something without casting any doubt over it's unreliability and wait for shills to headcanon it away in Taiwanese duck hunting forums
I'd say that's pretty new though, a revolution in shit movie making if you will

I said Kurosawa popularized it.

Reading comprehension is important.

even Mark himself hated the new Luke, don't try to tell us that we including Mark are babies for not liking a good character turned into shit

Oh sorry, I didn't read that. I did read about that 56% audience score some shills are doing damage control about though