Mods are awake, post Batman threads

Mods are awake, post Batman threads.
Batman is the son of wealthy parents who were killed by his future-main-antagonist. He studied martial arts across the world so he can fight evil. Even though he's confronted his parents' killer many times, the killer always escapes and causes more havoc.

Bruce Wayne created the persona of Batman after training for many years so he could win every fight in every situation.

>were killed by his future-main-antagonist
Joe Chill is not his main antagonist

In some versions, Joe Chill is the Joker.

Jack Napier was the man who shot Bruce Wayne's parents normie. Read a book

Here we see a half-naked Batman palling around with Lois Lane, effectively cucking Superman.

Name literally one besides the movie

DCAU had the WORST relationships.

I never got the appeal of Batman honestly. His job was to catch criminals, but he'd always let them go even when he knew they could just as easily escape and cause more death and destruction. His rationale is "but if I kill them then I'll be no different than people who destroy homes and kill innocent civilians for their own personal gain" which is the same kind of hackey motivation that has been done to death and was illogical to begin with. If he just snapped the Joker's neck whenever he gets the chance he could prevent so many more innocent lives from being lost.

He doesn't even have to kill him, he can just cut off his hands or something.

Yeah and Superman should just kill every murderer and rapist in the world!

Or throw them in the sun

meta reason: no recurring villains = no sales (and a killcount that would rival both world wars at that point)
non meta reason: fair trials, plus batman would end up in a governmental kill-list fairly quickly.

The punisher is a batman that kills, and is a way less interesting character IMO.

That's why we have this badass.

>he'd always let them go

He doesn't. That's Arkham Asylum's staff and Gotham authorities incompetence.

I find Batman rule of not killing something really cool. Justice, not vengance.


The Flash could do it in a fucking attosecond.

So why doesn't he knock out the criminals and drive them to Metropolis, who have much better and less corrupt ways of handling Meta threats?

But user, why the fuck do you think Superman's villains aren't escaping every time a writer wants to reuse them?

I mean, literally every fucking superhero has their villains ZOMG ESCAPE AGAIN AND AGAIN, OH WHEN WILL THE CARNAGE END??? but nobody gets shit for it besides Batman.

Why not? Through evolution, people who are genetically predisposed to crime would be weeded out within three or four generations. You gotta crack some eggs if you want to make an omelette.

It doesn't work that way because of sexual selection. Not even superheroes could get around that.

>Mods are awake

Since criminal tendencies manifest in late teens, it'd work, unless criminals will be having babies before they start their life of crime.

Anyway, even those who start their life of crime after they start breeding will be weeded out of the population, providing they have less babies than those without criminal tendencies.

Heyllo everybody, I am sorry if english no god but this Batan correct?

Batan the hero of darky night fight bad so to make happy both dad parents. No kill be cause Chilly Joe is kill Batan's motar and fatar. His in cave is computer with Butter Afred?

>Eugenics will totally save the world!
gb2ded Hitler