Spectacular Spider-Man

What went so right? Favorite moments? And is there any hope that the series will be revived considering Samurai Jack is pulling numbers and Young Justice season 3 is on the horizon?

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>And is there any hope that the series will be revived
No. Also, what happened with Weisman between this and young justice for the writing to take such a massive nose dive?

>Young Justice
Speaking of which, I completely forgot Josh Keaton voiced Black Spider too

Testicular, testicular

>What went so right?

A crew that was passionate about Spider-Man lore and limited corporate interference.

>Favorite moments?

The fight scenes were terrific. Even Spidey foiling mundane robberies or preventing accidents were made exciting due to animation, storyboarding, and Josh Keaton's quality quips.

>And is there any hope that the series will be revived considering Samurai Jack is pulling numbers and Young Justice season 3 is on the horizon?

Sony owns the rights and Marvel isn't interested in paying to use the rights for the show when they can just make their own show.

Also, Weisman is already busy with Young Justice and writing some World of Warcraft Young Adult novels on the side.

He is so lucky.

My favorite moment is Mary's frist appearance


Which do you like best?

Left or Right?

>Young Justice season 3
Don't remind me. I'm still pissed.

Fuck yeah a Spectacular thread. Posting thread theme.

>What went so right?
A proper compacted but overarching story, barely touching his origin story, great versions of rogues gallery.

>Favorite moments?
When the Symbiote faces off against the Sinister 6. Possibly the BEST animation Spider-man has ever had, good god the action excelled when they were on their A game.

And for the people who say the style's shit. Artstyle =/= Animation.

>And is there any hope that the series will be revived considering Samurai Jack is pulling numbers and Young Justice season 3 is on the horizon?
Wasn't there a giant legal tangle with Sony and Disney XD that makes season 3 impossible?

also posting rest of the S6 fight.


Final part.

>writing some World of Warcraft Young Adult novels on the side.

The fuck? That's some serious faggotry there.

The intro was so catchy.

I also loved how they dealt with the symbiote suit.

They started off with a black recolor of the classic suit from S3 and made it progress throughout the season into the full blown symbiote suit.

Spectacular was taken too soon and I honestly wished more people knew about this gem.

There were probably more quotas to fulfill witch caused the bad pacing and time skipping.


He didn't have a job between the first season of Rebels and YJ season three. He had to do some freelance writing gigs for TV and books to get by.

I suppose he's bound by contract to finish the WoW series he started. Wouldn't want to leave something unfinished, you know?

Oh okay, then I'm much less negative about it.

Although I've grown to hate her in the comics, Gwen. They did so many things right with her in this series.

A hit from Shocker's vibrations really should have taken out the symbiote

I think in that instance the gauntlet exploded before it could set off a shockwave

I did like the little detail in where the suit starts to tweak when the gauntlet gets close to Spidey.

Shit I didn't catch that the few times I saw this. I love small details

Because it got greenlit over Teen Titans season 6.

TT's had a good run, its just a shame TTGO replaced it and the ending was lackluster.

Well I never thought I would see Young Justice 3, but it's happening. If we screech autistically about this enough maybe we can get it to happen too. I'd be down to make an absolute ass of myself on the internet if it meant I could get more of this masterpiece.

It's frankly absurd that YJ was the one that got a third season and not this.

Goes to show which fanbase is more autistic.

Again, read It can't be done, no matter how much you whine about it. YJ didn't have the same licensing issue that SSM did, so that got to return.



The entire episode of Spider-Man vs. Tombstone vs. Dr. Octopus vs. Silvermane was god tier. Probably my favorite episode of the series.

What is your favorite episode?

Opera fight scene and the Play fight scene were pure magic for me.

Dam, I ever noticed that