Weird idea I was thinking of:

Weird idea I was thinking of:

Marvel Legacy's big shock? How about preggers MJ? With a boy?

Spidey's big plotline in the story is that MJ and Peter fuck after a chance reunion and over the course of the issue, several months past as MJ desperately tries to get ahold of Peter. Finally, in the final pages, she arrives at Aunt May's house and Peter arrives, because Aunt May/MJ have a big announcement. Peter is worried that MJ's getting married to someone else but MJ's announcement? She's pregnant with Peter's child.

And the "break the internet" twist to an already major shock moment?

MJ presents Peter with a sonogram showing that their kid? Not a fucking girl like all previous versions MJ/Peter spawn. Peter and MJ are going to have a boy, which is another sort of mea culpa to male comic fans who have been pissed the fuck off at Marvel shitting all over them to promote third wave feminazism......

Peter's canon child will be a boy. He'll be a father to a son as the ultimate apology/peace offering to male comic book fans.

The internet would break in two from Spider-fags who are pissed Mayday no longer exists and is being replaced with Ned Parker (more old school pandering in terms of naming the kid after Ned Leeds). Feminists get pissed the fuck off with Marvel telling them that Spider-Man must have a SON never a daughter, to punish feminists for killing sales at Marvel like feminists did.

we already know what it is. It was leaked. Spoilers related

Will never happen but damn, if they present it that way it would definitely break the internet and then some.

"Sorry ladies, but you assholes didn't buy all of those affirmative action comics we put out over the last couple of years! So we are giving Spider-Man a son and erasing May Parker from existence as the one true child of Peter Parker and MJ Watson!"

Not to mention the backlash from the press for Peter having a bastard child.... Or the publicity they'll get for Peter and MJ's shotgun wedding!



Sup Forums does like to be triggered.

Gotta say, even as a fan of Mayday, I can't really say I'd be offended or particularly angered by this.

You are a pathetic manchild.

Dude, I forgot about that episode. I need to rewatch the first couple seasons.

Thread for this spoiler?

Don't you mean illegal immigration?


Worry about yourself. Or teach people to be good for their neighbor.


What kind? Are we fighting the Russians?

>Political correctness

Make up your mind! Do you know want people to have morals or not?

Let's not forget Globalism. What about that Third Reich, huh?

Don't you get it maaaan, it's a metaphor that America has literally been taken over by Nazis like Donald Trump. You see, the fact that Captain Auschwitz can pick up the hammer despite not being worthy is a metaphor for how Trump stole the Presidency from the squeaky clean, completely righteous woman Hillary Clinton. You just don't understand Spencer's cape kino.

It's a reference to Antifa and Marxist shit being pushed on students at universities.

OP is probably the same guy who starts the fake "Marvel/DC Insider" threads.

Sounds good.

>against Islam

That's for Secret Empire not Legacy

Fucking casuals

This is more of a reflection of the Alt-Right than the Nazis. The Nazis believed in the whole White Man's Burden in regards to Black people while the Alt-Right is leave them be. They liked the Muslims because they hated the Jews too and because the Ottomans were their ally in WW1.

This topic is going to end poorly.

In ww1 and post ww1 the worst race riots ever in American history were because of Woodrow Wilson.

I shouldn't have to say it but he was elected as a progressive Democrat. He did a lot of very shitty stuff actually as president that caused a super majority in Senate and Congress in the following election because he burned every bridge with everyone who elected him by being extremely against everything he was elected for. Including sending the army in to essentially go out with the lynch mobs after a people got antsy that black people would want rights after giving their lives in the war and everyone basically wanted them to sit down and shut up even though veterans came back and were essentially accused of sedition.

So yeah. Biggest race riots and largest police action in America including a raid on 200,000 people for 19 draft dodgers. Because of a progressive.

Secret reveal is definitely going to be the marriage. They've been hinting at it forever.

My one problem with this is the fact that Slott will be writing Spider-Man and he'll sabotage the damn thing every chance he gets because he thinks MJ is "anti-Marvel".

At this point, Slott would be pro-marriage if only because it's the only thing he has left to salvage his shitty as fuck legacy on the book.

Actually the alt right is anti Islam.

One of the biggest recruiting tools for the alt right is the anti-Islam angle, in particular it's a tool that has recruited a LOT of former left wingers who have gone red pill from watching SJW excuse everything INCLUDING RAPE AND MASS MURDER from Muslims and branding anyone who doesn't behave like a total Islam apologist when they rape and mass murder people, as racist if they go against the SJW narrative.

Basically a sort of "Then Let Me Be Evil" sort of slippery slope that democrats and left leaning Progressives have fallen into where they leave the left in disgust and fall in with the alt right because the SJW mafia have falsely branded them racist.

While I wouldn't put it this way, I can understand the sentiment.

Why not just have a boy and a girl? So you can have Ned or Ben or whatever you want to call him and then the girl can be Mayday. That way everyone is pleased and not angry.

Well there is the new ground aspect.

We've had two realities where Peter had girls with MJ. Why not do one where MJ only gives Peter sons?

Plus Spider-Boy can happen and give more reason to have Miles finally meet his end dangling from a rope in terms of killing him off so baby Ned can have his costume and become Spider-Boy. Just like Connor was finally mercy killed once and for all in order for Johnathon to come along

The recent apologism for Islam in light of nations that have sharia law and are predominately Islamic where it's legal to literally round up homosexuals and execute them is really hard to defend, particularly last week's Chechen debacle where they rounded up 100 men and tortured and executed them for being gay.

This is also not the only nation where being gay is something you can be executed for. It's hard to defend this when in those same countries, the number of Muslims who believe it is immoral is on average 70 or more. And those who believe it's immoral, most believe the penalty should be death or imprisonment.

I'm not even right wing, but how people defend Islam when the vast majority of Muslims and Islamic states preach and practice active homophobia to the point of genocide, you cannot reconcile this with modern first world nations that believe they should be given the same rights as everyone else.

because 'muh progressivism'

Communism definitely isn't a pressing issue, but the observant political bystander can see that anti-capitalism is an increasingly mainstream position.
For some time now capitalist has been a synonym for greedy extortionist in most youth circles. Martin Shrekli is seen as the ur-example of succesful people in today's society. All economic woes are seen as having a very simple cause: capitalism.
The thought process that if capitalism is the source of all evil than crushing it would make all the evil go away isn't far off.
This sentiment isn't just limited to arthouse hipsters and indie vidya devs. It's omni-present. I mean look at the ancap memes. They're not about how silly it is to believe an anarchist society could work, they're not mocking naivety, they're accusatory. All ancap memes are about how what ancaps really want is to keep child sex slaves and kill people with guns over minor infractions.
The academic objections to anarcho-capitalism are a totally different beast than the popular culture ones. In popular culture, the voice of the people, capitalism is just evil.

Already leftist populists are receiving significant support. Melachon was a close runner up in the last french election. That guy's policies are batshit insane. But the overall sentiment in the west is that rich people making money means that there's less left for the rest of us. Invest in gold ma dudes.

They should probably wait until capitalism actually becomes obsolete with the automatization of 70% or so of the jobs occupied by humans before trying to kill actually kill it off though

Who will do the remaining 30% of the jobs?

Do you mean if capitalism isn't changed by then?
The people who are in charge of the big industries, the ones that fix and/or program the AI, people who are in charge of supervise the machines working, and mechanics most likely
Thinking about it it's probably more like a 10% of the population that actually have jobs remaining though

I really get the felling that people who rags on it the most are the people who least understand it.
Wait a minute does this mean That Gorr wasn't right?

I get what you're saying but I would still prefer both a son and a daughter. That way we could have Spider-Boy AND Spider-Girl. Also I know you say you want Ned to take Miles' costume but damn I can't deny there's a part of me that wants Ned's costume to resemble pic related.