Questionable Content Thread #876 - Tranny moves in edition

At last, Hacques finally finds a non-offensive purpose for the Useless Tranny! But at the expense of Robosexuals! Commence the butthurt!!

This is like an alien approximation, like what an AI thinks people want to read.

And it's fucking nothing.
Bravo Stabby.




Seems like a fairly unclimactic time to drop an I Love You for the first time.

robosexuals seems fucking stupid but whatever this guy is doing these days is probably too boring to bother with

i didn't click the thumbnail

Let me guess... Someone complained that Clair was a mooch.

I'm not sure if this is satire or not. Do you even like the comic, OP?

Kinda this here.
It seems many complained that there were several strips without the tranny.
Maybe he looked at his metrics? Without Claire the clicks and patreons went down.

bless you

not the OP, but I am never sure if I actually like the comic or if I just read it because it updates daily?

It is far from being BAD, it is at least interesting and has better art than most webcomics. I just don't know if I would call it GOOD.

no it's pretty bad

I mean, everyone SAYS that, but Sup Forums is a fucking terrible barometer for quality. You cunts have unreasonably high standards for everything.


Why is Marten so gay?


Forcing this to be normal is just wrong

She's moving in all right...

Right in Martin's ass...

and she's bringing all her luggage.

Remember when we used to ironically have these threads

Yes. I have nothing but distaste for how Sup Forums has become. This all went wrong when the tranny was introduced and the threads jokingly wanted to 'fuck the trap'. It was like asking Sup Forums and other losers to shit the place up.

quads don't lie, this shit used to be funny, now it is just kind of sad watching you guys cling to the past


Does she have a dick or not ?

It's not normal no. The liberal hive mind does try to force it as well.

But it's really up to people and what they want to do with their bodies and who they want to fuck and spend time with.

Sure the science behind it is usually complete bullshit. But if that person needs it to be happy and isn't hurting someone else. Just let it be.

She's trans so I'm assuming that she has a mutilated dick that looks kinda like a vagina. Then again she isn't a realistic portrayal of a trans man anyway.

How long have they even been dating at this point?

I'm in a somewhat odd place with regards to it. If someone had transitioned and passed pretty well before I met them and was introduced as their new gender I'd probably treat them like it because I would assume they had a pretty decent reason to go through all that trouble.

But recently two of my friends announced they now identify as a girl and while I haven't known them their entire lives, I've known them for the past 4 years or so and it just doesn't make any sense to me. Nothing about them the last 4 years ever indicated it. What are they trying to accomplish?

She was squeamish about getting her ears pierced, so she was pre-op when introduced. Though now she's put a hole through her nose and stretched out her ears so she's fully open to all kinds of body mutilations and may have done so behind the scenes.

>But recently two of my friends announced they now identify as a girl and while I haven't known them their entire lives, I've known them for the past 4 years or so and it just doesn't make any sense to me. Nothing about them the last 4 years ever indicated it.
Come on dude. You know someone for only four years and you're not even around that entire time. Of course there's going to be tons of shit you never saw and of course they'd hide shit like that from you. People who feel like they want to be a girl go out of their way to hide it until they're ready to take the plunge because that's the kind of thing that totally changes how people treat you forever.

Their fulfilling a desire they have. You'll probably never know when and at what time the decision was made by them, but if your really their friend you should just respect their decision. If not just stop being friends with them.

I personally don't think getting aesthetic surgery is an answer to the problem of wanting to be another gender. Because it doesn't solve the problem it only masks it. Their going to run into problems that will remind them their not truly the gender they want in the long run. When you get old your going to hit the biological gender wall when they start to develop health problems related to their true biological gender. the mask is going to fall off eventually so what's the point?

Yeah I recognize that but I still thought there would be some indication in behavior or something, it just felt completely out of left field. Now I'm not their confidante so like you said there could be a lot of stuff going on that I'm not privy to.

I'm not gonna stop being friends with them, they're good people. But I don't know if I'll be able to think of them as not-guys in my mind. Is it bad to not treat them any differently than I have been treating them as if nothing changed?

She looks so cute when the nose piercing is barely visible. But the moment you can tell it is there...

I just don't get it. If you are trying to make yourself passable why make yourself more ugly

I don't think it makes you a bad person to not want something you have always known to change. But the fact of the matter is that things have changed and you need to accept that.

You can still disagree with someone and be friends, but if the other person wants to be treated differently and you still want to be their friend you need to respect their decisions. In turn though your friend should respect that don't completely agree with it.

Just be open and honest about why you feel the way you do and if it doesn't workout then you just need to accept you've grown apart as people and move on.

So he's in the need for more patreonbux since this happened?

pic related timeline needs an update but one month comic-time (see September 1, 2005) took 276 days our time (to October 2005 comic time), so I'd guess 12 weeks or so.
But I don't read QC, just Sup Forums threads.

wtf this is actually funny
don't bring this shit here again, QC threads are humor free buddy!

People mention this but I've never seen any evidence for it.
Pic related shows last 15 months and shows a steady growth: data's too coarse to make any conclusions though. Note JJ started hiding dollar amount couple of months ago.

Do people still read this here?