Baby Doll

So how old was she? My estimate is 30-45.

Other urls found in this thread:

She was, is, and will always be 5.

How about this, how many literal years have passed since her birth?

Yeah she's middle-aged

Literally five.

Go back to Arkham, Dahl, you're relapsing.





Babydoll makes me remember that one skit on Les Kassos with Hello Kitty

Why does she wear a coat that's far too long for her?

It's sad current media will neger allow for her to come back. So much unused potential. One of the few villains who actively wanted to get better... then had a relapse.

Because it was all she could find in an adult style in anything close to her size on her meager budget as an ex-con with a shit job.

Seriously thought this was Darla.

Why didn't she just made easy money by doing porn flicks?

This was the early 2000s. Before the internet hit it's full speed and ALL the fetishes went main stream.

Hell, even if she never got her show back she could still do like...commercials or even films. Do you know how much people would love having a child character with the acting chops of an experienced veteran performer.

I mean...GRANTED she had gotten a reputation of being difficult, but her appearance is novelty enough that she probably wouldn't be completely out of the industry.

The end of this episode still gives me the feels

She probably wanted to break away from child characters completely and focus on serious roles but as seen in her initial episode, that didn't really work out.

I understand wanting the world to see you as an adult, but at the same time you should definitely choose roles that'd suit your appearance. You don't see Micheal Cera starring in the remake of Shaft.

>want to rewatch some kassos
>not available in your country
the fuck

No but now I want that to be a thing.


Not every actor is cool with being typecast, and it really wouldn't help if their typecasting involved a physical problem they clearly have hangups about.

The episode says she was 20 years old when the sitcom was in its prime, the show itself hadn't aired in 20 years, so she's 40+. 45+ in The New Batman Adventures episode.

try vimeo


vimeo doesnt have subs
youtube did

Considering she's in her 30s


She's in her mid to late 30s.

Though I bet that's yet another thing dwarfs have to put up with. Just when you finally find someone to hold at night, said lover gets dirty looks because they're dating someone half their height, and you start to worry if they might leave you to avoid accusations of being a pedo.

Too short to do that

it's been a while since i've watched her episodes, but was she taken off the air, or did she quit? i can't remember if she resented being a child character or if she wanted it more. her introduction episode was fucked up and i can't possibly say what her motivation was.

a lot of very short actors refuse to be cast as gnomes, dwarves, midgets, children, oompa-loompas, munchkins, and small animals out of a sense of dignity. it's like a woman going to porn; you're not acting, you're just being used for your body with no respect as a person.

there's also the nagging doubt in the back of their minds they must have, if they still look good and their face isn't melting, if the person they're with might be a closet pedo and using you as a legal outlet for their kink

Adult dwarves really don't look like kids. Pedophilia accusations would be scarce.

>having a baby dick

>it's been a while since i've watched her episodes, but was she taken off the air, or did she quit?
She quit, but the show was already on the way out. It had been airing for 10 years and they added a wacky cousin character in an attempt to boost the ratings. She hated being upstaged by him, so she left before it could be canceled.
>i can't remember if she resented being a child character or if she wanted it more.
She tried to break out into serious roles and all the critics trashed her performance as Lady MacBeth. She couldn't act.

She said she trained her acting chops and worked hard to find a new place in the acting bizz, but no one wanted her (at least not as more than typecast side-roles). Lady Macbeth really poisoned the well and that well was already fucked with her being an eternal child.

Was it that she couldn't ACT as Lady Mcbeth? Or is it that her appearance made it impossible for an audience or critics to take her seriously in that role?

The acting.
Nothing says a little person can't be bloodthirsty royalty. Just look at Tyrion.

When they watched the scene of her acting as Lady Mcbeth, even Robin said her acting was bad. So it was known to be her acting that couldn't let her go farther than what she was

Aside from the difference in acting, Peter Dinklage looks like an adult and when you see him, you don't think 'wow, that five year old has a beard'. You think, 'hey, that's a little person who is also an adult.'

Baby Doll literally looked like a child.

Robin just said PU after watching a scene. While that more than likely was cause of her acting, it could've been from just the sight of a child looking actress playing Lady Macbeth and playing it straight.

baby doll looks like a child because she's a cartoon; you can't see the wrinkles, tortilla-skin, blemishes, and subtleties that come with years. she is also wearing a curly wig and a toddler's dress, which really doesn't help the appearance. in the earlier image of her working at the motel they do give her features of dwarfism like the wide, stunted limbs and chubby digits, and the outfit and hairstyle of an older woman. outside of her psychotic episodes she's just a dwarfed woman.
peter dinklage also sported a beard and a sword, and was given witty dialogue and prostitutes to further his performance. baby doll got killer croc, which also didn't help as much as you'd think.

no, if I remember she was really hamming it up as Lady Macbeth, most likely a life as a 'child' star never gave her the experience to act at anything less than an 11

>Dinklage looks like an adult and when you see him, you don't think 'wow, that five year old has a beard'.

No, you think " I want this sexy dwarf to bang me."

>ALL the fetishes went main stream
It's funny how true that is.

I wouldn't call it hamming it up. Or at least not in a way unexpected for a Shakespearean work. I'd say getting the audience to accept Lady Macbeth as a child would be a harder pill than her performance. Like do you really think Peter Dinklage could play Macbeth proper?

Well maybe with the right director, but then maybe the right director could've made Baby Doll's Lady Macbeth work.



No seriously. Why did she wear such a long coat?



God damnit, I love Dhaal's voice. It's such a mature voice coming out of this cute kid. She sounds like she's in her 40s or so.

I can see that Baby Doll's design is very...Minnie mouse in the fact that it has a short skirt and bloomers, but I can't shake the feeling that Mary is like...40.

I also have to wonder if she indeed has the body of a child or if she's just childlike.
It may just be Bruce Timm's style shining through but she does cut quite a figure when she's not in costume.

Jay please

We did get to see some lines in this close-up.

How come there aren't any dwarf superheroes. There are a few supporting characters, even some villains, but no heroes. And no, Doll Man does not count, smartass. Nor does Troll, because calling that guy a hero is generous at best.

I dunno, it's just weird.


Alpha Flight's Puck bro.

Old enough. .

Actually I kind of imagine she'd wear diapers and use them since, and she pays her assistant to change and pamper her like a baby, just a thought


Hell, she's probably older than everyone posting in this thread.

Assuming they weren't watching VHS taken from a shitty TV her show was in black & white.

Did she ever appear in Brave and the Bold?

Kinda. As a literal doll.

She would've made a great episode I bet.

Brave and the Bold was the shit, I need to watch all the episodes

All televisions in B:TAS were black and white.

>would YOU
SHE would, that much is said.

They had a lot of balls with that show. A lot of people died, including Batman (it was an adaptation of Emperor Joker).


Part of me always wondered if that's even a negative things.

I've always maintained that we have very little control over our fetishes. And the reason why we're against it has everything to do with them not being mentally or emotionally mature enough to handle those things.

The physical appearance shouldn't really be the outlier, right? It's the idea of dominating and and corrupting someone or something innocent.

Like for the same reason it'd be frowned upon to have sex with someone retarded.


To emphasize how it doesn't fit. Character design 101.

>Only one reviewer ever talked about her
>Guest starred the Nostalgia Critic

Babydoll just can't win

eh, I'd say this was from NC's golden age. And CR is pretty based as well.
I may be biased because that's how I learned about this character in the first place.

Finally a woman my age that I find attractive.

It also does cover up her height a bit so her standing on stool sorta looks like a woman of normal height

>Pt is afraid to be alone , even in death.
>Recommend solitairy confinement
Does anybody at Arkham even have a degree?

they all followed the Harley Quinn method of psychiatric education

That's to be more edgy.


>mffw this looks like me

the episode mentioned her to be in her mid 30s, IIRC

in a heartbeat

Don't we all?

Anyone who isn't gay for Dinklage isn't human.

>Adult dwarves really don't look like kids
It's entirely dependent on the form of dwarfism, dwarfism is a spectrum of different disorders, some look like adults vertically squashed, some look like proportional adults but shrunken, some do look like kids.

Even with a foot long cock you would have to be a super manlet for that to work since she's like 3 feet tall.

oh jeez i forgot all about this lady.
she might have kickstarted something in me when i was a kid

Oh user, you poor bastard, there was a whole thread about her a week or two ago. Her name is Mariam, by the way.

oh nuts.
i guess i'll go looking for it then.

I would leave her more semen than midget.

>Steven universe OP.Jpg

I'm sure she just needed some dicking, but pedos doesn't exist on cartoons, I bet she is a 33 year old virgin, so she is fucked(not literally)


>I bet that's yet another thing dwarfs have to put up with
>another thing dwarfs have to put up with
>put up with

You know I've realized a thing that makes Meriam so unique among Timm girls. Despite being an adult, she doesn't have the lipstick lips that come standard with everyone.

Given her age she'd probably look like tara strong with a little body.

Also the argument that it's ok because "They're technically OLDER than that" Is purely a cartoon thing and still makes you a pedo.

Being a pedo just makes you a social pariah if it's public knowledge. Those guys have to live with that quirk until the day they die. It's being a child molester that makes you scum deserving to rot away in a cell.

Though I'm curious. If someone had the same body problems as Baby Doll, should they just give up on sex since the only people they'd attract are pedos no matter how well mannered?

there's actually an SVU episode just about that. The cops were total assholes to the guy and tried to convince the woman to give up on him but in the end she stayed and even if he had pedo tendencies he did seem to care for her so it was one of those ambiguous-esque endings

>It's wrong for two adults to have a loving consensual encounter due to one's physical characteristics

If anything saying you wouldnt is discriminatory and you'd be in the wrong