I Will Press

Who enjoy's Jim's other content, other than Foamy or Germaine.

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I dont even know what this is, but i want smut of it now because it told me not to.

Indeed. It is arrogant to demand exception to a rule and expect to be heeded.

yes but who

It's reverse psychology.
Say that and draw your character once.
Get free publicity and smut of your oc.

>Good lord that exposed midriff.


Is it bad if I really want to blow a raspberry on her belly?

Who is this semen demon?


Could it be any more obvious he wants people to draw porn? Or maybe it's an attempt at reverse psychology.

Never got to see porn of Dia, Indian Germaine

not as bad as you feeling the need to bring it up in conversation

Always with the fucking piercings, that shit just isn't attractive yo.

Don't forget his black waifu
Sue Z June

The dead Goth girl was pretty cute

why isnt padoga on this list
i love his stuff

Goth Girl series incoming?

No, most likely a small short and shilling out merchandise.

I hate the Pumpkin shit, his voice is grating, not charming like Foamy

I tend to hate this guys work. Mostly because he spends is time going over the same old topics, characters, tropes, and writing a lot.

I mean he's been doing the same shit for a decade and still doesn't resolve anything in his stories.

He's a hack in my opinion.

Whatever brings in the views with less of the effort.