Episode 8 Plot Synopsis

>The burgeoning relationship between Jack and Ashi takes a turn after they are hunted by one of the galaxy's deadliest creatures.[29]
>The burgeoning relationship relationship between Jack and Ashi
>Jack and Ashi
>Burgeoning relationship


It's fucking obvious they were getting together. Most of Sup Forums consists of people who are too retarded to get laid and hence use that frustration on hating romance in shows.

What if...what if the deadliest creature mentioned is Demongo...who has enslaved the souls of Ashi's sisters as his personal army?

But they aren't, they lost their first fight.

That would make the penis inside my heart erect.

>The basic premise of Samurai Jack comes from Tartakovsky's childhood fascination with samurai culture and the bushido code, as well as a recurring dream where he'd wander a post-apocalyptic Earth with a samurai sword and travel the world fighting mutants with his crush.
We've known from the beginning. Fujoshits and antishippers are just grasping at straws

Demongo only gathers the strongest victors. Ashi's sisters failed in their first fight. They are low tier.

Now. If he took Scotsman then we might see a rematch.

While we are here.

How does Sup Forums think the relationship would even blossom the next 2 episodes?

My predictation

>Jack only sees Ashi as a companion atm

>Ashi will develop feelings for Jack

>Feelings Jack can't share because "gotta get back to past" and stuff like that"

>Once they both defeat this "deadliest creature", they'll both be at an emotional high that would result in either a passionate kiss or off screen fucking.

>Feelings Jack can't share because "gotta get back to past" and stuff like that"
I think that's already been resolved as of last episode. Jack has accepted he can't go back, but Ashi has given him hope for the world he helped cultivate. He has something to fight for again, and that was key to breaking him from his ritual suicide.

Which will make for an interesting emotional conflict when the Guardian shows up again.

Well, maybe Demongo was either in desperate need of killers that the bar is set lower...or he knows of Ashi's connection to them and may just use them for that psychological edge.

What if it's an intentionally misleading synopsis, and "after they are hunted by one of the galaxy's deadliest creatures" refers to the Scotsman's ghost while "takes a turn" refers to him insulting and making fun of them for a good chunk of the episode?

>3 episodes left
>Still no jack/scotsman reunion, pretty guaranteed they won't have a proper episode together
>big cameos from past fan favourites all stuffed into one episode, a few seconds for each
>Ashi storyline is pretty okay, but it's dragging on way too much
Can someone compare jack screentime vs. Ashi screentime? It feels like we've been seeing more of her than of him. Next episode looks like a lot of her as well.

Kinda feels like he got ten episodes and only got 5 or maybe 6 episodes of good stuff.

I can tell you right fucking now Jack has had way more screentime than Ashi.

>takes a turn

doesn't that imply that it goes the opposite? she will betray him

It can mean both

How would you even pull that off?

There wasn't a single misleading synopsis ao far, it won't start now.

>galaxy's deadliest creature
I wonder what


Da-Bomb & Deathblow.


going left, going right, and doing a 180 are all considers kinds off turns you can make while travelling

>But they aren't, they lost their first fight.
infinite respawn


their salt shall season my meals for lifetimes

>Jack has accepted he can't go back

I don't think that's the point.

You fuckers always know how to drag me back

Didn't the one for Ep. 5 say something about Jack saving a village from being used as power supply for a giant robot or something?

I really hope they kiss, and ashi-haters get rekt. But it's Genndy series, so I'm not sure it's possible

Requesting the picture where Jack cuts down the Sister's "outfits"

>his sword wipes out the ashes of their skins.


This is my favorite piece so far.

[spoiler/]they gonna fug[/spoiler]

So the pacing of the new episodes is basically fucked. Subtlty is completely out the window.

Is that because of the 10-episode count? Is it forgiveable?

Hey how do you censor out spoilers on a post? (Black it out)

You go to reddit.com and stay there

Don't know why he didn't settle with the traditional 13 episodes. 3 more episodes could'be made a difference.

A true fan accepts the good AND the bad, whether they like it or not.

On mobile. I mean how do you black it out using a script

Only type spoiler in the first brackets, then add a / on the second brackets

thanks m8[/]

Yeah they probably are going to be in a relationship. Unless Geendy wants to go with the Star Wars route

because that really worked the first time

But won't she be erased once Jack defeats past Aku?

>yfw Ashi gets JACKED.com

You really think he's going to go back? After all the lives he's changed? He's going to stay and rebuild the world he lives in now with Ashi.



I'm Donald Trump and I support this ship

Isn't Ashi way too fucking young for Jack though?

She's 18.

Jack is old enough (psychologically ) to be her fucking grandfather

That just gave me diabeetus because of how sweet it is

she could go back to the past with him

He hasn't aged.

She's no minor.

He hasnt aged though

She's an adult I guess.

They showed her training with a much larger head:body ratio, which I assume is her as a teenager

Anyway, they wouldn't have made her so sexy if they werent going to have a romance later on

Not with that ass

Are people still saying that Jack and Ashi will have a father daughter relationship at this point? I'm not saying it's going to be 100% romantic, personally I wouldn't mind if it ended up as more of a master pupil type relationship. But people who want to project their daddy issues onto Samurai Jack are really grasping at straws now.

>it's an "Aku finds out that Jack lost his sword" episode

>naked the whole time



I dunno the Fujoshits seemed pleased that Jack looked happy. That and Scaramouche coming back.

Episode 5's synopsis was very misleading.


>makes this face

Do people that keep bringing the the "age difference" forget that Genndy directed pic related where a 21 year old guy and a 118 year old girl end up together and even have a child?

They only gave him 10 episodes.

Aku: a living breathing meme

This is what happens when a fan lets their biases color how they view entertainment to the point of absolute absurdity

That just gives them fuel.

What if as pulls an old boy with jack and ashi?

But his people

Yeah, least he pulled it off. Even if it feels rushed.


How can a female vampire have babies? Aren't they suppose to be (un)dead?

Empires rise and fall. Such is life.

Don't use Van Helsing logic

The most important point to make here is who's going to be in the army during the final battle.

They're both adults. Wonder if Jack shaving will calm 'em down.

Dogs maybe
Monks maybe
Bunch of other warriors.

>takes a turn

But we just got Ashi to fully turn face

>deadliest creatures

Are we going to see the two guys above Scaramouche

Alright, whos making the first move, and who will be the most awkward?

She's so tsundere that its cute

That's what I predict.

Ashi will be overcome by his rugged handsomeness. Jack is too pure to initiate.

Ashi. Jack will be awkward. He'd probably have to explain the butterflies in her stomach.

Ladies love rugged men

But Van Helsing canonically existed in Hotel Transylvania, because Drac is gonna fall for a chick that happens to be one of Van Helsing's descendants in the 3rd movie.

ashi's gonna die in ep 8

fucking death flags written all over that episode

You know what movie I'm referring to.

"Relationship" does not automatically mean a sexual relationship. You have relationships with your families, your friends, your peers, and your enemies.

But in all seriousness are we ever going to get the answer to who fucked the heiress?
>aku actually did

I doubt it.
Leaks say otherwise.

>mfw ashi will try to emulate those two deer she saw before and rub her nose with jack's

That shit is going to be cute as fuck.

>"I liked my plant dress..."
