Ice Cream - Bill Nye Saves The World

Where were you when Bill Nye educated the masses on sexuality via Ice Cream?

Other urls found in this thread:

>bill nye
reddit normie shit

>It's a vanilla is bad episode

Plebs continue hating best flavor


I didn't hate what I watched but it's another liberal show that preaches to the choir and will convince just about nobody

these tweets explain it better

Why is all of fucking Sup Forums so upset about this.

This is Sup Forums again right. Fuck off.

Billy Nye what the hell happened to you

Shitposting aside that's a good point.
Those that this show is made for are the least likely to watch it.

more like what happened to YOU, Morte

>I didn't hate what I watched but it's another liberal show that preaches to the choir
isn't it more correct to say it's directed at children? Which is honestly where it should be directed at, what with the percent of children that watch Netflix over other things.

Not to say trying to educate the uneducated on sciences isn't effective, but that doesn't seem to be the goal here

How the fuck do you say something this arrogant. Literally saying that everyone who disagrees with you is a bigot holy fuck

>I want to start a kids show to educate children about science
we don't have a lot of money Bill, but on a budget I suppose that could be accomplished
>works for me

yeah he must have been a real conservative back in the day as well....

Is liberalism about to fucking collapse?

...What the fuck did I just watch?

>Literally saying that everyone who disagrees with you is a bigot holy fuck

He's not wrong, though.

Argue all you like, but Bill's right.

This video is even better!

user you're just not 'enlightened enough' to be on Bill's level~~~~

shitposting aside though, it's absolutely abhorrent that he said this with a clear conscience. I'm going to sleep with vitriol flowing through my veins.

He's referring to conversion therapy.


It's not bad, but bland as hell. However, it is the ultimate for combining with other flavors

But he's right. If your feelings get hurt because someone has a different sexuality than you, you're a cunt.


There is literally no way to reason with conservatives because their beliefs aren't based in reason to begin with.

>all of this b8 in the thread

>m...muh feels!!!

Congratulations on proving him right?

Come on user, don't generalize like that, it isn't good for discussion.

>using a reddit meme

this, t.b.h.

>Bill Nye educated the masses on sexuality via Ice Cream
he's such a fucking kike goddamn.

kys ya manlet nerd

>There is literally no way to reason with conservatives because their beliefs aren't based in reason to begin with.

>There is literally no way to reason with liberals because their beliefs aren't based in reason to begin with.

Fuck both your religions.

>lefties thinking they own history
>therefore anybody who disagrees is backwards, regressive, against progress
>when the future belongs to you, there is no need to persuade and convince
This is cute. I wonder how many times will US libs need to lose before they get their version of the guy saying "history will absolve me".

>Fuck both your religions.

>implying Neapolitan is good
Neapolitan has and always will be a poor man's spumoni.

From now on when ever Sup Forumsmblr starts a thread like this I am linking it to Sup Forums and let you guys fight

Don't you have horribly autistic Harry Potter fanfics to make?

Bill is still the same: he's educating the public with science and facts. You are just no longer receptive to those things.

Bill didn't change. You just got dumber.

What did you mean by this?

Says the side that believes that truth is a social construct?
Why do liberals still believe that the right invented alternative facts?

Is conversion therapy even a thing anymore? Wasn't it always the most fringe, outlier, and usually deep south crazy people that both ran and got involved in that shit?
The whole video is smug "we're right you're wrong" strawmanning that manufactures the opposing argument from a liberal point of view with liberal writers, as far as making an actually interesting point goes, this entire show seems fucking worthless from what i've seen so far

>Sup Forumsmblr starts a thread like this
It's literally the opposite, you are dumb.

>Bill is still the same: he's educating the public with science and facts. You are just no longer receptive to those things.

too obvious user, too obvious
work on your subtlety

>He's not wrong, though.

post it on Sup Forums, fool

you won't
we all know you won't

>Bill didn't change

he did tho, He went from that guy who's videos were the best part of your day at school, to like a Neil Degrasse Tyson, and look what happened to him. They both got massive egos and are sort of well known for talking down to and being rude to what they consider the "little people". Bill Nye can handle some fox news dickheads and it makes for a good video thats gets lots of upvotes, but who cares anyone can do that.

End of the day, Nye really has no credibility, only a script

When will Mr. Bill Nye top this?

No but the LGBT crowd that likes to collapse onto their fainting couches about being lehitlerally afraid for their lives around rednecks kind of needs it to be a thing.

It sure is. Trump is the most popular president in history and he's about to round up all the kikes, niggers, spics, and fags and gas them to usher in the glorious Fourth Reich. Society as a whole hates nonwhites and faggots more than ever and now that based Steve Bannon is in the whitehouse there is nothing they can do to stop us.

Alright ya fucking liberal ya can quit being a smartass

>somebody who did educational videos for children is no longer entertaining me as an adult
>because I have autism I view this as a problem

Underage detected.

that song about butt stuff is for children? Jesus christ
If you're out there
Make it stop

>a board that has constant trap threads gets triggered when someone brings up sexual equality

rly mks u thnk

2D =/= 3DPD

More like
>Someone I idolized as a child slowly transformed into an enormous patronizing asshole before my very eyes

I hope Bill Nye cries himself to sleep at night because of this shit

What you jerk to reflects on who you are as a person.

That's why ebony porn is so popular in the south.

>It's another liberal who can't seem to make the distinction between fiction and reality again
Shouldn't you be on tumblr comparing Trump to Darth Vader or Voldemort for the millionth time?

>What you jerk to reflects on who you are as a person
Pseudo-psychological wank.

But the ice cream video in the OP was clearly a cartoon, so why are you getting buttblasted about it?

>tips fedora

>What you jerk to reflects on who you are as a person.

You're right, let send to prison all furries and bronies. Incestfags and lolifags too.

We do send lolifags to prison, dummy.

Daily reminder that Beakman > Nye

Because it's a fiction portraying itself as reality?

It's pretty obvious why I don't like it.




That's not how you say pure. They are right in the video it's the purest expression of Icecream, everything else is just Icecream + (extraneous shit).

If you don't like Vanilla, I don't think you can say you like Icecream.

But you just said fiction and reality are two different things. Which one is it, user?

There are gays who'd rather not be gay anymore, and some studies have shown that conversion therapy can potentially work if the subject is willing.

People tend to automatically associated the term with gays getting sent off to camp to un-gay them or the shit like electroshock therapy that hasn't been done in 30 years. That happened to Mike Pence when he supported people having the right to conversion therapy and suddenly everyone on the left was like "Mike Pence supports shocking gay people until they're straight".

It's fiction.

I literally just said this.
Are you okay?

he's trying to be cute but failing

If it's fiction then it shouldn't bother you, but you clearly just stated it does. So what's your logic there, only some fiction is okay?

[stock laughter]

who cares,neil degrasse Tyson is the new cool scientist that'ss hip with the kiddies

Fiction does not bother me.
People treating fiction like its reality does bother me.

I'm thinking of them alright

>fiction portraying itself as reality
>People treating fiction like its reality does bother me.

Again, rly mks u thnk

In a certain way, yes. There is a strong realignment happening.
As of now, the far left and the alt right agree on the following:
Health care:
(Mike Cernovich also spoke in support of universal basic income)
Being anti war:
Protectionism and anti-globalism:
Prioritizing identity politics:

Couple that with centrist liberals becoming indistinguishable from neocons (as we saw from their raging boners after Trump bombed Syria), and you'll see we're getting an antiglobalist/globalist split just like the UK and France are getting.

>it's an "if you're conservative you're secretly a gay, degenerate and crave cock" episode
Why do they do this? Watching an ice cream orgy isn't convincing me of anything. I'm getting PTSD flashbacks from the ending of Sausage Party.

Mixing some science with psudoscience and lots of political beliefs does not make it a fact or scientific.

Also Beakman > Nye

My thoughts exactly
>Fuck that movie

>Why do they do this?
Because it does happen?

This is a fucking retarded analogy.
If you don't believe in gender fluidity, then you could as easily make a flavor analogy that makes sense.

>Imagine if a shop only had chocolate and vanilla ice cream
>And then they'd label some of that vanilla and chocolate ice cream as the other flavor, or even as flavors that they don't even have
>You wouldn't suddenly start believing that it was those flavors, when you can clearly see that it isn't, just because they're saying it is. You'd most likely accuse them of trying to sell things as something it isn't

I honestly expected better from Bill.

Vanilla isn't the purest flavour of ice cream.
Plain milk/fiordilatte is.
And it tastes much better than vanilla, in my opinion. Vanilla makes me wanna puke.


fuck everything

The occasional gay senator or self-hating closet fag does not a trend make

Shouldn't the other sexual orentations have been sorbets or sherbet curious?

Don't worry these people will be hanged sooner or later.

>because it does happen
so what? It doesn't mean that the average conservative is a closeted gay that is projected onto faggots.

I guess it depends on if the point of this video is to make people change their opinions or to circlejerk to people already accepting of gays and liberals. The idea of "haha, he's only against gays because HE'S gay himself" is stupid.

somehow this picture is more embarrassing than the ice cream video

>oh god please watch my garbage propaganda show, all the real scientists are laughing at me, and doing what daddy scholmo says is the only way i can get work. i need this job or my wife is going to leave me for the black fake scientist

>food analogies
The whole thing is embarassing and way too simple minded. Looks like a sect endoctrination video, you watch that shit in loop for 5 days and the next thing you do is bombing a subway in the name of some Asian fuck

>b'awww why doesn't a person who claims to be a scientist believe in pseudoscience or give it time to talk

maybe because pseudoscience ain't fucking science? You almost had my sympathy till that line

Gender Theory is not science.
Psychology is not science.
Sociology is not science.

I'm a psychologist and I believe that being transgendered isn't really a thing.

Gender is a social construct independant of sex. You shouldn't have to chop off your genitials to feel comfortable in your own skin.