Secret Empire FCBD Ending

>Nazis and Norse gods, right? LMAO
Spencer going for subtlety. Who's getting fired and when, Sup Forums?


I guess i'll have to read the issue... but... why/how did this happen? poor Odinson. He's going to be a laughing stock for the next year or so. I'm 90% sure he's going to be jobbed in his own movie... and everyone in Thor comics will have a hammer but him...

Either his head is way too large here or his arms are too small

Someone get to Kirby's grave.Convert the RPM into electricity and we would'nt have to worry about energy for years.

According to those few anons actually reading the current Thor comic the hammer has been acting strangely for a while. And ScanBro said that it's like it drops itself in the issue IIRC.

So it's probably the hammer that's corrupted rather than Steve being worthy. That'll come way too late to prevent outrage upon outrage though.

Spencer's clearly going for outrage, and he'll likely complain about the backlash too.

Spencer reminds me of that one image of the guy sticking a pipe into his own bike and blaming someone else when he eats shit.


Is the issue out? Is there a scanbro thread?

Thor's hammer hasn't been acting strange. It's a sentient super-storm. It knows exactly what it is doing. It can even perform surgery.

I don't know what happens in FCBD, but this is either somone wasn't paying attention to what was going on in Thor or this is just showing that Mjolnr has an extremely perverse sense of humor. Odin was right. Lock the hammer away.

Basically, yeah.

Honestly if Spencer had no social media account I think this event would have been a 1000 times better received. He's almost autistic in his refusal to accept criticism and his double-think position.

Think back to the "DC Rebirth double-shipping is extortion and promoting harmful conservative values" vs. "Marvel double-shipping is setting up cash stores for diversity books that really matter" Spencer is a fucking loon.

>Thor's hammer hasn't been acting strange. It's a sentient super-storm. It knows exactly what it is doing. It can even perform surgery.
Fuck Aaron.

How is that even outrage worthy? Everyone knows Cap is pretty fucking close to worthy.

That hammer sure has some weird definitions of being worthy
>Thor's hammer hasn't been acting strange. It's a sentient super-storm
No it's not

It's a sentient super space storm

You know the old Thor is getting a hammer and coming back into the book, right?

He's currently a Facist who's killed a bunch of people in cold blood.

Even when he plots the deaths of heroes in order to promote his fascist views?

When you consider Odin has been an asshole for the past, what? Forever? It fits.

I can almost guarantee that if Spencer acted like the average DC employee does on twitter and just said something like, "Just wait, you'll see where I'm going," way more people would at least give it a chance. Unfortunately, he autistically screeches almost every time he uses it.

When is this? He put down ultimate mjolnr and someone else picked up the ultimate mjolnir.

I hope thor gets his hammer back. but I don't see it happening for a while.

There's already rumors of Marvel Studios sending negative headlines about the comics division up the corporate ladder, and that the no-events mandate came down from Disney.

If Secret Empire isn't a huge hit I expect the heads to finally start rolling soon after.

bumping for interest

I dunno, in the Marvel panel at C2E2 they showed Odinson with a hammer, and a third thor.

>no-events mandate

Marvel has said they're not doing any line wide events for a year plus after Secret Empire is over.

Its pretty obviously the comics equivalent of Bait. This isnt to make a good story, but just to make people angry.

Odin goes back and forth. It was more a Fraction thing that made Odin seem bad. The thing is, Odin was 100% right-- the hammer is dangerous without the enchantment.

Now that I think about it-- Spencer has a point. let's look at Mjolnir--
Mjolnr was semi-sentient super-storm that decided to destroy asgard for kicks and odin stopped it. Aaron says the storm could blow galaxies off course. So it bided its time and pretended that it was just a hammer, calling to Thor from time to time because it wanted to be free. Its under enchantment to not be lifted by anyone who isn't worthy. But in all the times the universe was in danger the hammer never once gave thor the benefit of any of its powers.

Then when Thor is at its weakest moment it lets jane pick it up. Jane then precedes to get into fights with Odin, leading Cul (who destroyed the world tree before) in charge of asgard and Odin and Freya on the Disable List.

Next thing you know it goes to Steve Rogers once he goes hail hydra. Mjolnr has a taste for dictators and destroying asgard. Everything according to its plan. If it is ever free it probably will destroy the milky way.


Can't wait for the thinkpieces

Okay cool. Glad to hear.

Fucking finally. Though a year doesn't really seem that long. They used to do events yearly, didn't they?

Aaron ("the Serpent's Crown is just a paperweight") and Spencer making Mjolnir into a joke.

How has Sup Forums not found this thread yet

>Aaron ("the Serpent's Crown is just a paperweight")
What? When did that happen?

No. no. no no. no. No.


This isn't real.

Because the comic isn't officially out and most places aren't reporting on it. They'll find out soon enough once the SJWs start their outrage.

In Aaron's Last Days of Magic arc in his Doctor Strange comic.

The best thing about this is that with the double and even triple shipping of this event and the general timeline of comic production, Marvel has no choice now but to see this train derail into a fiery explosion. This is going to completely alienate the casual audience even more already who have been told by every outlet other than comics that Hydra are Nazis and you need to be a good and worthy to pick up Thor's hammer. This event is going to poison whatever reset initative Marvel is trying to push with Generations and Legacy. Secret Empire and Spencer have no business being the linewide event and it should have been relegated to something smaller and contained. People need to be fucking fired.

ppppfffffbbttt what a hack

They got Jae Lee to draw this shit?

I know this is an edit but still...Whor explained.

Honest question, do people expect Capt's numbers to drop for years because of this bullshit? Kinda like with OMD?


Which one? Balder, Loki? Or do you mean fucking Thor.

>Or do you mean fucking Thor
Yes, I mean Thor because he is literally just fucking called Odinson now and has been since Original Sin.

Wait do you guys hate this because story wise it's stupid, because it's spencer, or are you all legitimately mad that a hydra agent can pick up the hammer? I'm indifferent to it and I guess I'll see where Spencer is taking it

You understand my confusion though. Odinson is the last name of Odin's children. Just like Odin was Borson.

>leading Cul (who destroyed the world tree before) in charge of asgard)
hey don't blame that shit on the hammer or Jane, that's all on Loki.

I'm mad because we are going to 4 years of Thor getting buttfucked by this fucking hammer when he is in his most humble phase ever, while you have people being "worthy" left and right without a clear definition of worthiness.

I mean, I guess, if you haven't opened a comic with Thor in it since before Original Sin.

So this is like Injustice but canon, right?

I hate it because it's clear that Marvel has no self awareness or long term vision. They've already alienated a large segment of their fans with the shit they've been publishing and their antics on social media. This event has already turned the casual audience off, especially since their current storyline on AoS is "Hydra are totally Nazis guys!" This is going to look nothing to them but "Marvel is endorsing Nazis for shock value!" And all this is righg before a major publishing initative to get lapsed readers back but everyone is rightfully calling a half assed insencere Rebirth. SE is already getting bitchslapped by Batman and Superman books in both BC's bestseller list and the Comixology rankings. Prior to Rebirth, DC did nothing like this to continue to alienate their readers. This is like backing up a petrolium truck into a burning house.

Also without the YARGH, any kind of butlerings, or the charm

Loki is Laufeyson

>and everyone in Thor comics will have a hammer but him...
That already happened, it was called Fear Itself.

Sup Forums doesn't care.

Seen it and done it better.

>It's a sentient super-storm. It knows exactly what it is doing. It can even perform surgery.
I remember back to the Go Butcher saga and I wonder what my reaction would be if someone said to me that Jason Aaron's run has to be retconned out of existence.

Andrea Sorrentino, IIRC

Did you forget that Wonder Woman is considered Worthy.

She is no fascist.

She is an ambassador, for fucks sake.

It's the arms. Def way too small

All the people she killed were evil dicks and outside Max Lord were killed in battle. HydraCap threw Jack Flag out a plane and had a bunch of SHEILD guys shot when they weren't looking.

And given Norse Mythology's boner for honor the duplicity and betrayal wouldn't put him in good standing anyway.

I still haven't heard any good reason why Hydra Cap shouldn't be worthy.

Right there with you, user. God Butcher arc was amazing, it's amazing how far someone can fall due to ideology.

Concentration camps for Mutants and Inhumans.

You must be one of these guys that jerk off thinking of Hitler.

How does that make him less worthy? Remember, worthiness isn't about good or evil.

What makes him worthy?

The same thing that made him worthy before, he's a grade AAA warrior with a solid conviction, even now more than ever since the fucker is fighting against the world and he still doesn't buckle under the weight.

>grade AAA warrior with a solid conviction
Literally every super-hero.

Isn't Thor a grade AAA warrior with a solid conviction? He can't lift the hammer.

Isn't Odin the same? He also can't.

Was Jane Foster ever one of these things? Well, she can.

Your definition doesn't fit.

Does that mean anyone can pick up the hammer? Can Cyclops lift the hammer?

If fucking red hulk can anyone can

I fucking forgot about that.

Good. Events should be special. Not a yearly staple.

Why is modern Marvel so terrible?

Despite saying so, Thor and Odin still feel they're Gods or God-like. The closest they're getting to picking up that hammer is watching Shaq star in Steel.

Actually, in context that makes sense. The Serpent Crown is a magical artifact, and the Empir-
The Empirik -

Yeah, okay, he's a hack.

Hmmm, it is kind of like that, isn't it? Except Cap didn't go into this willingly, he basically was raped.

Odd. They have never reverted OMD. That means they'll probably never do it now. Peter is always going to have made a deal with the Devil. Forever.

>God Butcher arc was amazing

Every time I see someone saying this I just wonder.

The art was amazing. The story was shite. In my opinion, anyway.

Also, didn't we already have a - ?

Eh, Thor's inability to lift the hammer apparently has nothing to do with actually being worthy. He believes he's unworthy, so he can't lift the hammer. Its a reverse-Dumbo mental block.

>Spider-Man's web shooters? Nazi.
>Hawkeye's bow? Nazi.
>Reed Richards' diary? Nazi.
>Kid Nova? Finds out the message board he posts on makes him a Nazi.
>Crossbones? Rethinks being a Nazi now that Cap is one because no one remembers whether or not Crossbones is alive anymore.

I think we'll just have to wait and see what the hell happens in this event. I do think the PR coming from it alone is going to be a nightmare.

Remember, these events are trying to get casuals to jump in. It's really clear that casuals think Hydra=Type of Nazi analogue. So when a casual doesn't follow what's happened before this event thinks Cap is a Nazi, I don't think it's going to end well. This also goes with him lifting Thor's hammer. They at least understand that you need to be some sort of heroic person to lift it. Nazis aren't depicted as heroic types. They're usually scumbags, cowardly, and corrupt. So I don't think it'll get that casual boost most events get.

>Kid Nova? Finds out the message board he posts on makes him a Nazi.

That would happen to Sam

Scanbro spoiled it like a week ago, but without this image, and it was in a The Button thread so no one paid attention to it.

What do we whisper in his ear to make him unworthy?

Futa is gay

Stucky is endgame

Flag-Smasher was right

delete this

Is Spencer some kind of a neo nazi and puts on a facade of supporting Clinton but actually is a Trump supporter? Is Secret Empire his endgame?

Well it's about time that someone said that.

Is this by Nick Spencer or Richard Spencer?

It's by Nick "don't punch the Nazi, also Hydra ain't Nazi" Spencer.

Nah, the point is to write a Zemo redemption arc and reset him back to anti-hero mode. You're overthinking it.

We know from yesterday that tumblr and twitter found out about it. Where are my outrage screencaps? I want them.

Exactly. The easy maths that 99% of new readers are going to do here is:

>Hydra are Nazis
>Only good people can lift Mjolnir
>Captain America is Hydra now
>QED, Marvel are openly saying Nazis are good people.

And I can't even blame them for thinking that! It's a fairly easy and obvious train of thought.

6'0" man standing beside 5'11" man.

>poor Odinson.

That's Jane Foster's hammer. Meaning she'll be unworthy.

Vikings held honorable combat in high honor. Hydra Cap is a pussy who never actually has fought his own battles. Why would he get a weapon to fight his battles with when it's easier just to have someone else do it for him. Would make more sense to have Thor work for him.

>This event has already turned the casual audience off



I can't. I'm literally shaking right now.


>the uru jew

>Jane Foster is now unworthy.

Good, fuck that bitch.