

Why hate on something that's not out yet. We've had caped crusader and judas contract which were both good. The only reason to worry is that they chose Bruce timm to work on anharley quinn movie and not Paul dini.

Isn't the job of a trailer to hype you for something? well that went really wrong.

because people need to make money.

Why what?

They aren't going to suddenly stop shilling batman

I questioned the removal the mullet too. Why?

I'm watching a preview for it, something seems off about the animation, and I really don't like Harley's voice.

10 bucks says it ends with Ivy-on-Harley, the punching is a red herring.

It's not supposed to be a trailer, just a first look. That's why half the animation was unfinished and needed some sound editing.

Mullets are shit.

>We've had caped crusader and judas contract which were both good.
Judas Contract was horrible.

Because executives love something that's "safe" and Harley Quinn is big right now and Bruce Timm is (was) very successful with the character.

Whether this actually translates into a financial and artistic success, we don't know. (From the previews though, I'm not optimistic. Feels like the new Powerpuff Girls.)

At least they're not using Tara Strong, which is a huge huge plus because she's been phoning in all her parts lately.

despite what people on Sup Forums think harley quinn is a lot more popular than the d list characters a lot of anons like
timm's movies also make a lot more money than the non timm movies


Jesus Fuck, are the South Koreans sub-contracting the animation to Mongolia now?

>timm's movies also make a lot more money than the non timm movies
False, otherwise Gods and Monsters wouldn't have flopped.

>Timm gets to work on a Harley Quinn movie
>Dini is stuck doing mediocre Tom & Jerry movies

Well that was to be expected but my post was in reference to the TKJ movie selling like it did

give both men a harley quinn cartoon and you will see how wildly different they both view the character

I'm not even worried about the animation. The writing and the acting (in the preview) are bad enough to make me not want to watch this.

>spoiled pic
Oh my god, i just fucking got that joke. Im feel both great at my new intelligence and angry at my younger sepf's ignorance

But they've already done a few Harley comics together, besides the episodes that they also did together.

The trailer is fucking ABYSMAL but it looks interesting overall.

Glad to finally see some Batman/Nightwing teamup.