Post heroes doing what needs to be done. Putting down villains like dogs

Post heroes doing what needs to be done. Putting down villains like dogs.

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>Thor kills Uriel
>It's justified
>Magneto kills the Red Skull
>You're just as bad as he is

I am a God! you are a man in a metal suit...


Look, man, we all know Rick Remender is kind of dumb, you don't need to Remend us.

Has there ever been a more JUST alien species than the skrulls

Uriel's death is ultimately revelead to be entirely pointless, caused by his sister's manipulation and doesn't accomplish anything, so Remender's running theme pretty much continues.


None of them did a damn thing and made things worse.
Just like in Uncanny x-force




Best thing to ever come out of Civil War.

>topical 2


Man, Tony was a fucking dick. Was an "I'm sorry" too much to ask?


World shittiest bluff right there



Magneto's a fucking genocidal asshole though.


see, I very much disliked Iron man during civil war, and I still do, but this just feels off to me.




how so?

Oh Christ. Fucking Thor fans power queening everywhere.

That whole scene is garbage. It's Straczynski jerking off in his own face over his frustrations with CW and Spider-Man.


Oh like Thor hasn't slaughtered hordes of Frost Giants, Trolls, Dark Elves and Fire Demons over the millenia



I'm not sure. Maybe it's that I feel like Thor, while still very angry, would still have some semblence of civility down. Maybe I dislike that he basically threatened all of earth for the possible actions of "one faulty entering".

I don't know why, but it all just seems so weird.

"Hey Bob, why don't you zip over here and pull this guy's face off, and tell him might doesn't make right."

You can also post entirety of those two issues.

and her killing Tony


well he was King of Asgard at that point, he had to make a statement for more than just himself


He was king of Asgard, and found out that while he was gone they made a clone of him and then it killed a giant black guy. He seems justified here.
Also it seems less that he's threatening Earth and more threatening SHIELD.


>his pants are still down around his ankles from the rape attempt
kind of ruins the moment

also checked


Thor's out of character. Tony's out of character. Tony would have come more prepared, like he does in every other fucking scene like this.
This is Straczynski's dick-stand-in picking on a fucking strawman version of quesada and CW as a whole- an event with it's own problems, to be sure, but one that peripheral writer like Straczynski made worse by utterly undermining whatever points Iron Man could have had by turning him into a fucking two-bit fascist instead of an exasperated, egotistical dipshit trying to salvage a bad outcome forced on them by a fearful populace.

>Let me tell ya



I know why he did it, but again, I don't know why it feels so strange to me.


shit I remember that, does anyone have the full thing?


what comic?


>shot through the chest

damage magically gone

superregenerative abilities via nanomachines

Honestly this just reads as masturbatory shite.

This brave patriot rid us of the menace posed by Harambe and his communist master.


Didn't the Fantastic Four have a hard time fighting him?

I can top that


Each of the Super-apes, along with the Red Ghost himself, have super-powers. For whatever reason, neither the Super-Apes nor the Red Ghost used their powers when fighting Captain Hydra.


>the Fury kills Miracleman in a single hit
>Merlin thinks Captain Britain could take it on
What the fuck was he thinking?


>This Mxy is the same one in Reborn
So was this Mxy just wondering what would happen if he decided to be a dick to Supes?

The Red Ghost did use his powers, but only after Steve somehow killed all 3 Super-Apes in like 5 seconds. But Steve had some bulsshit science thing prepared so that when the Ghost was trying to phase through the wall, his powers were fritzed and he lost his arm and leg.


It's a video, but here's Batman tossing Joker to his death.

Terrible and it always will be.

>"Before I start the formalities"
>he says while starting a formality

Iron Man is supposedly a super genius, yet how come he doesn't understand basic sentence and language syntax?

nice thumbnail....

that's a pleasantry, not a formality



Oh that's right. Haven't read that issue since it was released.

This is why you don't send Human Torches on a rescue/capture mission.
"Dammit, I was forced to use my only superpower!"

Honestly the Lovecrafty INDESCRIPTIBLE HORROR IM GOING CRAZY LOOKING AT IT doesn't really work too well in a visual medium, or at least not when presented like that
The narration tries to pretend it's Yog-Sothoth when the art just shows a glowing purple dude, one that stays remarkably on-model for supposedly eldritch stuff at that

Damn Bucky, trying to steal credit

injustice or something?

The Fantastic Four has been exiled, and their rogue gallery turned into cannon fodder. Diablo, Mad Thinker and Wizard all showed up in Infamous to die and make it look like Doom is actually doing something meaningufl instead of just farting around for 20 issues like every other Bendis character.

I wonder how many times Hitler actually died in comics which got grouped together under Marvel at this point? Like, did Namor ever kill him?

I'm sure Bucky has killed at least one Hitler clone.
That counts.

He was having a laugh, Merlin was kind of a dick like that.

Nick Fury, Cable and Deadpool also killed Hitler once.

>dude tanks a blast probably worth half a nuke
>"alright, guess I'll just punch him"

God damnit, Tony.....

Why is his body covered in nipples?

it was Injustice and a dream

Thor killed uriel in combat

In additon to already being a faschist himself magnoto killed skull in cold blood purley to make himself feel better and stroke his own ego

>Because I'm not here to fight you
>*takes off mask*

Why is pissed Spidey so freaking good?

He didn't kill him though. Still satisfying, like this scene.

How is it garbage.

And not a incredinly justified respones to being fucking cloned?

Those are really weirdly draw/colored bullet wounds.

Man I'm still sad about Dillion dying.

>Nazi with the brain of the most powerful telepath in the world
Fucker was dangerous as hell and needed to be taken down

Don't lie to me. Logan stopped using his claws because his body started only regenerating nipples.