Are there people who actually like him or are those people just pretending to justify their hate for Carol...

Are there people who actually like him or are those people just pretending to justify their hate for Carol? I mean the only noteworthy story he has even been in is the one where he died of cancer

He's the Gwen Stacey of cosmic marvel,characters like super skull,Ronan,Thanos etc all respected him so comic fans respect and like him by proxy.

the one with the cosmic cube is pretty good. also the other starlin penned ones.

I like him because I like Carol.

I like him because he's a fascist alien cop. Kinda like Judge Dredd in a way. I'd buy a new solo if he were to return. Written and drawn by a stellar team though. I'd also give him the Ultimate suit.

Marvel doesn't really try with their captain marvel stories. They just want to keep the trade mark to fuck over DC.

Whoever holds the name at any given time, is just being paraded around for legal reasons and will never amount to anything until they ditch the name.

mar-vell and mahr-vell do the fusion dance and become the best captain ever


Meh. He had several god stories, and his Death is Legitimately heart wrenching.

Also, I don't hate Carol.

I really like him. Especially Starlin's stories

Then Best Captain kicks Carol in the head, so snaps out of nuMarvel's brainwashing, and they go have sweet space sex. The End.


Jess can join as well. Threesomes ain't bad. And who's to say they can't be in a polyamorous relationship?!

baby spider gets two daddys and a mommy

I like him and Genis.

I liked what I've read of him in the "Avengers vs Thanos" and "Death of Captain Marvel" trades

why do the Kree have to be into monogamy?

I like him and I think Carol is ok too.

Most don't amount to much with or without the name.

I read his run after reading Carol's. They're cool. He's not as layered as Carol IMO but certainly has his appeal. Moreso than the other 3-5 Cap Marvs.
I like how that's a running theme ITT. The people who actually have read his stories are stable types who don't hateboner fictional characters.

I just bought the Complete Collection by Starlin and it's pretty great. I'm more a fan of Genis, his son, but I respect the hell out of Mar-Vell. The earlier issues where he's disguised as Walt Lawson and wearing his Kree military uniform are pretty cheese, but fun.

I'm not really the person to ask this OP, but I have no beef with Carol, she's okay. I didn't read Captain Marvel at all though, so like, I always thought it was this sort of mantle that was constantly shifting to a new hero, a bit like Mjolnir and worthiness, I figured that the power-cosmic just attached itself to whomever was deemed good enough at the moment.

Like seriously, I thought Hulk and Spider-Man were BOTH Captain Marvel at different points in history. It's in fact what I thought was going to end up happening to Flash Thompson after Brock got the Symbiot back.

Might've confused it with Captain Universe.

He's space Barry Allen. Had a great death, everyone has nothing but nice things to say about him, probably shouldn't ever come back to life.

Captain Marvel is Marvel's one true legacy title but that's because of a long string of publishing coincidences rather than any intentional lore reason.
Bookended between Marv & Carol are only like 4-6 other characters tho.

I think you are correct. I suppose if there was a numarvyl character that suddenly was Captain Universe (but also a strong-willed teen struggling with gender-identity and sexuality issues [also a furry]) and the title just ever-after belonged to.... schloim(?) That would be kind of stupid (and also become a flagship title for shitters who wave the triggerbanner.

I didn't give a fuck about him until I read his stories, Mar-Vell is mostly vanilla in personality (Ultimate Mahr-Vehl had more personality) but I like him and he was in some pretty good stories (Starlin stuff mostly and that one story with Skrull Marv was good too).

He was also more heroic than Carol.

But I enjoyed Genis more than both of them.

I don't think Mar-Vell wants Carol's dick user.

Why doesn't Marvel just give us a Captain Marvel corps.

Mar-Vell's only good stories are the Starlin ones. Despite that they're some of the best Marvel has ever published.

>Are there people who actually like him or are those people just pretending to justify their hate for Carol?
Or Nu carol is just a shit character

There's only ONE TRUE Captain Marvel user

>I don't think Mar-Vell wants Carol's dick user.
At least he can't get knocked up like Jess did.

More like captain placeholder. For title rights. For the title they stole from DC, who stole it from fawcett.

Pretty sure Carol would find a way, they're both Kree too.

Carol probably has alien penis that can do it.

They didn't steal it from anyone, nobody was using it.

DC tried to steal it by licensing Billy from the company they killed but got shut down.

>Teddy's real origin, revealed during the Generations flashback

Bad habit of dying.

it's carol's turn next.


The Yaas Queen slays, she does not get slayed.

Only the Vells are dead, that can be easily fixed.

Also I love that picture, too bad Stohl is going to shit the bed with her writing.


Starlin's run is some of his best 70's work-which is to say his best work period.
I have not read everything with Carol, or even her own series, but man, she is bland as fuck everywhere she shows up outside of UXM. Binary is nest Carol.
Buisick avengers Carol doesn't really work for me, because in UXM 158 Carol is analyzed and found to be genetically perfect; which doesn't really work with the alcoholism thing.

>Buisick avengers Carol doesn't really work for me, because in UXM 158 Carol is analyzed and found to be genetically perfect; which doesn't really work with the alcoholism thing.

Remember she lost her Binary abilities and was essentially downgraded in power. That's why she turned to booze.

Well, yeah, but it was hardly the first or anywhere near the most profound loss of the sort. I like how she is written, it just don't buy the premise 100%. It's not my biggest problem with that run.

That whole corner should just be wiped from marvel