
My dick is hard.

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Looks good.

I see Halle Berry is still immortal.

> Colin Firth


Looks good.

I really enjoyed the first movie but was kind of worried about a sequel, I mean the fun was seeing some chav work his way up to being Bond...once he's Bond it's just Bond, isn't it?

Still, this puts me at ease a bit. I'm digging the continued use of crazy cyborgs.

This looks promising. Hella promising.

Also, obligatory

looks fun as hell

I'm wet.

From what was said in early articles, they don't want to try to top the first one, but still keep things zany. There's not gonna be a church scene, but there will be really unique fight scenes, which they said include Robot Dogs and a giant sausage.

The trailer alone is already kino


The first one was astonishingly good


Heh, how is the comic by the way?

The film was better. Outside what happens to Mark Hamill in the comics, the film is much, much better.

Tried reading it after seeing the flick, it's far inferior. The movie took something utterly mediocre and improved on it in basically every way.

I hope the film pushes the boundaries like the first one. Especially with Every world leader head exploding.

So from that poster, is it safe to assume that the film is a buddy cop action set between Eggsy and Channing Tatum's character?

Because I am so down. I fucking love cowboys

Glad someone is still making James Bond movies.

Basically most of the movies based off of Millar's work.

And that's how Mark Millar becomes a millionaire.

You'll love this. Apparently all the Statesmen are named after different Whiskies. Their leader is Jack Daniels.

Though this is different because this film has gone beyond Mark Millar's territory. Still Mathew Vaughn though, so I'm not worried about that front.

So is Channing Bourbon given the belt buckle?

I'm wondering what a Nemesis film would look like desu.

How could you make THAT good?

>all the Statesmen are named after different Whiskies.
>Their leader is Jack Daniels.


Tried looking up Channing Tatum's character name, but having trouble.

BUT, Hallie Berry is Ginger.

That's probably the coolest thing I've ever read


Give it to Mathew Vaughn, and he'll make it good.

imdb tells me Channing is Agent Tequila

Looks like the names are based off alcohol in general

>The Golden Circle is an allusion to McDonald's golden arches rather than to some secret cult or something like that

mfw Harry Hart is alive

That's all you had to say

this feels rather by-the-numbers

There is definitely something 1950's going on with the villain.


Like, her base seems to be this 1950's town in the middle of the jungle with everything named Poppy


I'm genuinely curious about the villain's goal.


What does it mean?!

Seems about par for the course considering the last villain was a celebrity tech tycoon.

Is this going to be the most Murican armament in film?

fuck everything I could think up I found in there

>no Browning M191


>Poppy Land a 1950 Americana town in the jungle
>shots of butterflies
>shot of tubes/bottles filled with honey colored stuff with Poppy's logo and pharmaceuticals
>Robo dogs
>Poppy bowling with cyborg guy

Poppy is making something from butterflies, maybe it has something to do with cyborgs. It might also have something to do with Harry being alive?



and bats!

Notice the cow diagrams behind Poppy? I think her plan involves something with a fast food joint and those butterflies.

There's also a few shots of food in the teaser that are Poppy-related. Maybe it's some kind of additive to a mass fast food chain? Control the population through consumption this time instead of through cellphones?


imagine the prison escape scene but BUT GOOD

Hmmm, I hope they go somewhere different than mind control. I mean, the first villain's plan was the cellphone signal that turned off inhibitors and ramped up aggression. To have burgers that control people feels too similar.

...I wouldn't be shocked if they turn people into zombies.

I fucking want that orange corduroy dinner jacket.

That actually sounds pretty possible. Fast food turning people into zombies is that niche thing that they would do.

Yes, yes, and yes.
I am officially hyped.

Are statesmen good or bad?

They're the American Kingsmen

that cast sign me the fuck up senpai

Either way, they're right.

They're American

You know what? There's so few Hollywood franchises that don't rely on the source material to carry the film these days, that seeing a potential franchise that is made out of the zanier aspects of 60's James Bond just makes me so happy.

Is Halle Berry as hot as she was in X Men?

Slightly embarrassing question.
Who's the guy with the eyepatch?

You know what kills me about the first film? How bad the American Trailer was and how awesome the International trailer was.

American Trailer:

International Trailer:

I mean, fuck man Why did we get Iggy Izalia over David Fucking Bowie?!

Colin Firth. Harry from the first movie who was shot in the head, but apparently has survived.

Looks good. The only problem I have is that fucking logo with all the circles. I know there's a logo somewhere in there but my color blindness won't fucking allow it.

It says MARV

I was actually wondering about that, I knew it was designed like one of those color blindness tests, what an odd choice for a logo

I didn't even think there was supposed to be a logo in there. In hindsight I guess it is a little odd just to have a bunch of circles in a rectangle.

I didn't recognize Elton John at any point in the trailer. Am I blind?

I'm betting he's either the head honcho of the Statesmen or the villain, you don't get the Queen of Rock n Roll to play a bit part.

>>A James Bond Spy Agency, with submarine cars, teams up with a Cowboy, American Spy Agency, lead by a man code named Jack Daniels, to fight a villain who operates a 1950's town out of the jungle who has robotic dogs.

This feeling...what is this feeling? This is like a film that's merging so many awesome ideas at once. I hope they don't fuck this up.

Now that you mention it
>>Bennie and the Jet
>>The Bitch is Back
If Elton John is the villain...this film would be legendary. But I suspect the villain (Julianne Moore) is just obsessed with him.

>Elton John
>head honcho of the Statesmen

Nigga, what have you been smoking. The only man that can properly be the head of the Statesmen is a resurrected John Wayne.

I saw his name mentioned in Imdb

>The only man that can properly be the head of the Statesmen is a resurrected John Wayne.
Jeff Bridges seems like a solid substitute.

If I had a time machine, I would make this perfect vision real.
But instead we have to live in reality.
Damn it.

Also fitting, a still living Steve McQueen, circa The Cincinnati Kid.

>>A trailer where Sup Forums is mostly positive about it
Shit, is this the end of days?

when care is put into something, it shows

>Halle Berry
>Jeff Bridges

Tough call.

How many cowboys has Jeff Bridges played now?

Not enough.

How about Sam Elliott?

About as many as Kurt Russel.
Which, as said, is still not enough.



I don't know why but that one little detail pushed me to maximum hype. The first flick was insanely entertaining.


>The Statesmen are all spies with a cowboy/Indiana Jones motif
>Their leader is Jeff Bridges
>His codename is Jack Daniels
It's like someone took a dream I never knew I had and made it real.

these are suave agents not fuds, now go back to fucking your litteral slampig you fucking hick

>International Trailer spoils the twist
I mean it was a good trailer but seriously what the fuck?

Why such a small screenshot?

go watch the first movie and then jump off the nearest building for asking such a stupid fucking question you fucking ingrate

>Standard guns and grenades and shit
>Pool cue
>Hip flasks

What, no Apple Pie?

>BvS grenade launcher

>Bowie Knife

obligatory post

It's not a Marvel or DC movie.

The Villains found a way to return the dead back to life. Even the stuffed dog was brought back to life.

They're going to feed it to people in the form of burgers to make their guts explode in a gory mess as the contents of their stomachs create new life. This will save the world and reduce the human population

>people calling the movie sexist because of this one scene

Meanwhile Roxy is shown to be just a competent as Eggsy, actually manages to pass the final test when he can't, is never hyper-sexualized and even gets her own little character arc to go through while never becoming a love interest.

And the most physically competent villain in the movie was a woman who was also never really sexualized and pretty much every scene with her had one memorable action beat in it.

but omg there's a butt joke at the end this movie literally hates women i'm shaking #triggered

Fucking morons.

Roxy is a qt.


Shes dead when the missile hits 100%

If it's true then I'm not going to see the movie