What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Not enough waifus

Industrial espionage, or so they claim. Somebody came in and deleted all the work they had on the movie when it was almost done, and even destroyed the backups. They had to start from scratch with no funding and rush the fuck out of it.

there wasnt enough conflict between the store items

I like to think thats just an excuse for it being terrible, also didnt something similar almost happen with (i think it was) toystory where it was all lost but one woman had it saved somewhere?

You can't have something go wrong if nothing went right to begin with.

that was accidental, some idiot put in a command to DELETE EVERYTHING by accident

What didn't go wrong?

Which, amusingly, only explains the animation problems.

The script was terrible from day one and the entire thing was masterminded by someone with no experience whatsoever in filmmaking, animated or otherwise. Former employees claim he would just appear behind them at their computers and insist on nonsensical changes like their work being "10% more awesome".

He also voiced the weasel.


I think I just wet myself. It feels rather nice.

>Industrial espionage

The hard drives were supposedly stolen. Not that it really matters in the grand scheme of things.

>He voiced the poop rat.

Well, at least the role fit him.

>What went wrong?

Someone came up with this idea, wrote it down, and developed it into a script. That is what went wrong.

okay those stills actually do look better.

They made a trailer based off the original version: youtube.com/watch?v=KKMvSGNuGHE

It's still not great, even by 2003 standards it's mediocre but you can see it's still miles better than the actual finished product

It's a great movie though can't wait to see the next version.

I hope they gave her a decent check.

It was conceived.

Yeah I think so.
It was Toystory 2 and someone accidentally deleted the file after they were done rendering.
They were super lucky that one woman who worked there made herself a DVD copy for her kids a bit earlier.

Wasnt there something similar with Delgo or whatever that awful cg dinosaur person movie was called?

Didn't they also scrap everything and started over when they realised they didn't like the end result?

I don't think so. I think it was just them trying to scrounge up the funding over a 10 year period or so.

It certainly shows in the final product.