Is this the most forgettable superhero movie ever? Not even two months later and nobody is talking about it

Is this the most forgettable superhero movie ever? Not even two months later and nobody is talking about it.

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Pretty much. I didn't think it was as great as people were saying.

You could toss it in with the rest of the capeshit shovelware like Fant4stic, Amazing Spiderman 1&2, Suicide Squad, and more.

I thought it was pretty good. I do agree that it's overrated, though.

I really hated the forced and emotionally manipulative father-daughter thing, the kid that played Laura was also pretty awful.

Hugh Jackman brought his A game though and the action was amazing. Xavier and Caliban were also good. I just wish they ditched the X-23 and Mexican kids shit and went with some other plot, it didn't work for me at all.

>Not even two months later and nobody is talking about it.

it doesn't have any shitposting memes so the discussion lost all longevity

had there been a "Martha" or "Pizza time" or something, you might still see discussion

somehow there was not ONE notable meme

There's an even more forgetable one

While we're at it, I don't see how people loved this so much. It's an ok movie, no more, no less, with good moments here and there, but nothing to lose your shit so much about.


Sup Forums doesn't talk about good things. If there's no controversy or things to directly hate, Sup Forums lets it drift away.

>Is this the most forgettable superhero movie ever?
1990 Captain America and Supergirl come to mind.

It was a good movie, definitely showed capes can be serious, and I hope it does things for teh future of movies like this.

That being said there was a few things I didn't like about it. Most prominent is how they implied the black dad would've been killed either way by the rednecks. I know they wanted to show Logan is still willing to do the right thing, but it takes away any emotion of him and his family dying later because the rednecks probably would've killed them anyway.

No-one's talking about it for the same reason no-one talks about the Hellboy comic. There's very little to get angry about. It was a damn good movie, its few flaws weren't really enough to detract from the overall experience, and there's not really much to say that a thousand positive reviews haven't said.

Contrast a movie like BvS, which had threads for ages because it was awful and people loved to shit on it.

Good movies don't spark discussion. Controversy does.

Small nitpicks
>Iceman's daughter being fat.
>Time for other kids to use powers
Just throw your hands in the air and we'll add cg later
>Nobody at all talks about mechanical enhancement. None of it really helped at all
>Forced black love interest. This kid's okay. . .dies

>Forced black love interest
Fucking what?

It was good, better then a majority of capeshit, better then any MCU stuff and a lot more memorable.

The film will probably generate more discussion when a good DVD/Blu-Ray rip is out.
>No-one's talking about it for the same reason no-one talks about the Hellboy comic.
I never understood this train of thought "CO never talks about stuff it likes, only what it hates" and then use Hellboy as the only example. Like no shit there's few threads, barley anyone on Sup Forums has read it. Same goes for Judge Dredd and Euro shit, even though its not constant, whenever threads do show up they stick around for an age.

>Contrast a movie like BvS, which had threads for ages because it was awful and people loved to shit on it.
And that just seems disingenuous, there's been plenty of people that liked the film and made threads about that, its not all so pale sided.

If you're anything but canadian you're black.

He's just a faggot trying to bait a company war, ignore him

The movie had some promise but when Charles breaks character to endanger a black family for no reason and le clone man comes to reap, it's all downhill.

It's good and doesn't have a lot of memes and Sup Forums only likes talking about memes and bad things.

The BBC cuck meme is getting to Sup Forums. That black kid was way out of Laura's age range.

Too good to discuss here, earnestly. We'll have a million meme guardian and wonder girl threads when those shitshows come out, I'm sure.

>Not even two months later and nobody is talking about it.

What the fuck people even mean with this?

NOBODY keeps talking about movies after months of it being premiered.

This always was the dumbest complain.

It is even more stupid, because you are talking about it now, and could have started the thread on other way, which would again nullify your point.

Wow, autists can't meme about a movie on a Japanese anime board months after it premiered. Looks like it's inferior to BvS.

TDKR must be the greatest movie ever because we're still memeing about that 5 years later.

The fact that its good is the reason its not getting memed to death. Not seeing it on Sup Forums is a sign of true quality

When a movie is bad, people like sitting around and shitting on it.
When a movie divisive, people like getting around and arguing about it.
When a movie is good, people usually agree that its good, shake hands over having reached an agreement and move on to the next shitposting thread. That's basically how it goes.

>make an entire movie proving Magneto right but don't include him at all
>make the entire second half a series of easily avoidable screwups to doom half the introduced characters
>rush through the third act, in which you still find room to have 3 scenes of Logan falling asleep and waking up
Still a good movie but everything related to the farm people onwards pisses me off

>people here acting like movies are actually 'good' or 'bad' outside of somebody's opinion
Are they being retarded on purpose?

It was pretty mediocre IMO. First half was decent, but from the farm onward it was dumb as hell while taking itself seriously. Also insanely predictable.

I don't get this complaint,no one talks about something they've already enjoyed and talked at length about,co loved the vision comic and hasn't talked about since it ended,because they've been satisfied.Co discusses and story times the America Chavez comic at every opportunity because it's just that bad.Discussion isn't a bar of excellence

When a thing is good, and everyone agrees on it, we don't have to keep harping on the issue. What a surprise, right?

Logan was excellent and we've broken it down as to why already.

Have a nice day.

Better than 99% of marvel movies drone
Also is a legit movie on its own , even if you cut the superhero part.

Logan should have told him to fuck off, what were they thinking

>TFW Laura finally opens her mouth, and Logan tells her to shut up

nobody's talking about it because it was good, you fucking moron. ever notice there's no Dark Knight or Winter Soldier threads, like, ever, yet, we still get AoU, BvS, SS and various other shitty cape film threads on an almost daily basis?

>hi i'm op and i'm dumb as fuck, here let me prove it to you

The list of superhero movies people care about (note that caring doesn't require liking it) after the opening weekend is quite short.

honestly I saw it more as a drama rather than capeshit
I really enjoyed it but I agree it's overrated

>Good movies don't spark discussion.
If by discussion you mean Sup Forums shitposting, yes.

I enjoyed it, there's just not a lot to say.

Is it really that strange that Sup Forums stops talking about a movie after it's out of the theater? That's probably just the norm.

where did like all the mutants go? Xavier killed like a dozen or whatever in the incident but there's still like a ton of them right?

Logan's powers are fading, existing mutant powers are fading too I thought. But why exactly? I don't know.

ahh welcome newfag. allow me to let you in on the gag. /co never talks about things it likes.
you're welcome. lurk moar.

You mean nobody is talking about the greatest super hero movie of all time?


it's basically her first time acting, and it's not like they gave her an easy script


You mean POPEYE'S: The Movie?

Man we were still talking about Green Lantern for years afterwards. And Man of Steel.