Favorite Book/Comic as a kid

Let's try something new;
Post a book/comic you vividly remember and loved as a kid

Pic related, carried this with me everywhere I went.

I made my own shitty comics and sold them at school thanks to this

Gonna keep posting until it picks up

I wuz raised in Cairo and shiet

Never heard of this book. Popular?

I got a page of search results including multilingual, I guess? Was just a family thing to us. Has some funny gags like. Portrait labelled "dad" that's a suitcase

Holy shit I remember this. In fact, i think my mom still has it in storage. I remember we originally got it when my parents took me to Barnes and Noble and the author was there doing a read outloud at the kids section and talking about how he was inspired by how he was a kid and always got in trouble with his mom.

Holy shit that was so fucking long ago I can't even believe I remember that. This feels like that fucking scene in Ratatouille that zooms into the Critic's eyeball as he remembers a moment from his childhood.

I remember this fucking book and it came with a Danny phantom and spongebob one too. It had one of those photo flicker thingies

It was a compilation of comics. Also Garfield his 9 lives.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets feels user

>5/5 Barnes and Noble

Okay then

I was found of a book called Trouble for Trumpets. It had really great artwork, and I enjoyed looking at the various little animals, planets, devices, etc in the numbered list.

Unfortunately, the book is out of print, so copies are expensive to find, and as far as I know, no scans of it are available.

So you were a strange kid. Right?


Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun was fantastic and instilled a love of Adventure stories and Lost Civilizations. With the latter it's somewhat responsible for my decision to study Archeology.

Still have it too.

I just bought this for my kid.

here we go nigga

>there are PARENTS responsible for ACTUAL CHILDREN on Sup Forums


Wow what a bunch of plebs in this thread. I read proper literature as any child should read, not that infantile nonsense. No wonder most of you grew up to be losers.

Seriously though I remember getting from the library plenty of times this very elaborately illustrated book, kind of in the style of those DK cross section books, about these kids who visit a haunted house and in the end it's all holograms and stuff. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

I loved this too. This was great. And they got people like Paul Auster and Daniel Clowes to work on it.

>Still making money off of a simple childrens book you wrote almost 20 years ago

Man, if only.

Good choice, just but them every book in this thread

You were probably high dude.
THIS is literature

Serendipity really grabbed me. I still own quite a few and my sister got into collecting them. Great old books that sometimes went into some dark places

I think I still have a copy signed by the author that my grandmother got for me. I also named my cat after her (She's all-black and likes to steal stuff off my desk and hide it in her bed). I really liked looking at the illustrations. I remember in one of the books, there was a long page that was Eloise in an elevator going all the way down the building and she was doing something mischievous on every floor. It was just a lot of little fun detail drawings, like those Where's Waldo illustrations where the fun is looking at every little thing that's going on.

Shit, I'm looking at pictures of this book because I forgot a lot about it. I didn't realize it had such a subtle impact on me. I love drawing keyframed drawings like this all the time, more than actually animating. Damn, I think I just found something out about my inspirations.

This just looks creepy


Not everyone here is a NEET, user. Just most.

Got me through some hard times

This and Hank the Cowdog, both series were comfy.

>You were probably high dude.

Hey I've learned to tell the difference between real childhood media and fever dreams and this books was definitely real.

>That one thread all about how the goth chick from "Ghouls don't serve ice cream" or something
Sup Forums has the best reading clubs.


Okay fair enough. But I'm interested in this book. I'll try to find it. Need more details.

One of my favorites from when I was a child.

>all of the plebs in this thread



>Need more details.

I don't know what other helpful info I can give you. To expand on the style, it was like each page showed a whole section of the house at once, and you'd follow the kids' paths through it sorta like a comic but not really.

holey fuck I remember this, do you remember the live action movies that were made of this?

Also for some reason I was a big fan of this series, I probably read like 20 of these books.

The incredibly ugly ducking is something that would have all sorts of butthurt surrounding it nowadays.

>live action


I actually bought the set last year, tho I still have one of the original copies I read as a kid, still has the school property stamp on it kek.
These books probably made me into the weird horror fag I am today.

>Post a book/comic you vividly remember and loved as a kid
>mfw I was reading at a 6th grade level when I was 4 years old
well it's KIND OF Sup Forums related...

Fuck is this shit nigga

yes, they were kinda trippy but i loved them, They were abc weekend specials but my parents bought the vhs for me.

not him but it was like, the storybook the story of Shrek would have been in, if it had been a storybook.

some pretty funny stuff in there iirc


Raz-Ma-Taz, Shimmeree, Gabby are my favs from those in the pic. And pic related I loved as a kid

My local library had to move a few years ago, and was selling the beat up or unwanted things. Got to snag a few childhood favorites for myself, it was a little bitter sweet.

when you liked a book so much as a kid you stole it.
You knew where the security tag was, were it was, and how to remove it
You were so fucking ashamed you never went back to that particular library again

I've donated money to that one in particular as an adult but I still feel really bad about it.

Nobody will believe me because anyone that I've told about this book thought I was just pulling their leg.

But there was this Garfield book I used to read a ton when I was little. Garfield is like, a super hero or something. He fights some pirates? The details of the book are a little foggy, but... I loved the hell out of that book, for some reason.

Oh god, Pet Force.

Was it this? I wore this one out in particular myself.

Those were the shit.

No, although I do remember having that book as well. I didn't like this one as much as the one where Garfield/Jon go to an island and Jon actually gets some islander pussy.

The book I'm talking about was an actual novel but with occasional pictures placed in.

>The incredibly ugly ducking is something that would have all sorts of butthurt surrounding it nowadays
not really, the actual 'Ugly Duckling' story is far more problematic since it implies that if you have troubles in life you are actually just FATED TO RECEIVE A BETTER LIFE BUT JUST DON'T KNOW IT YET

Also that if you're made fun of for your looks you will grow up to be stunningly conventionally attractive.

this is one of the first books i read of my own accord as a kid, we were taking a major test and i finished early but school policy kept me from being able to leave the class room, so the teacher made me pick a random book off of a dusty shelf to read, I actually like it and stole it, read a chapter every night before going to bed.

I always saw it as 'you'll find where you belong eventually' but I guess that's a crap moral too.

Here you go sempai

Actually book 2 in a series.



>No Horrible Harry

speaking of Sup Forums books, that reminds me I somehow got my hands on a few Beavis and Butthead books and my parents were okay with me having them even though I wasn't allowed to watch the show.

I've got a couple



But do you have the tiger poster?

Dinotopia. Made such a lasting impression, twenty or so years later I still have dreams set in the waterfall city.

I remember this one book about an ape and I don't recall much other than the illustrations being really detailed and the ape turning into a beast in one of the pages.

I was really young so I doubt I'll ever find it again.

I really liked the pictures in this. Junie B. Jones was also my shit K-5 all the way

this shit was so based

I can't remember her name, but horrible harry's little Asian girl friend was the primordial, original waifu for me


Post "Dracula doesn't fucking play" pls

They even made an anime out of it.

I am absolutely positive this book is one of the origins for my fetishes.

when i was a kid i used to collect arthur books and me and my mom would look for the authers kids names hidden in the book i think i had to quit though after i got a book with his og design and it scared me to tears

Holy shit, I remember that one too. I got my copy at the end of school one year when a teacher was cleaning out her room. Been forever since I've even remotely thought of it.


I still have this. Good stuff.

My book of Silver Age Daredevil reprints was HUGE to me as a kid

>>tfw when you haven't read that book in years, but still remember it, because you have the same name as the character, and was read to you practically every night because of that fact.


been years since I read it

What happened?

My mom loved reading this to me a lot

>ctrl + F Goosebumps
>phrase not found
How can this be?

This was practically a favorite of mine.

did she died? ;_;

Nah but she will in probably 40 years ;_;


mommy get knocked up in highschool? ;_;

No she's 46. I'm 20 ;_;

my dick is hard and I don't know why.
I know exactly why

Couldn't stand these as a kid because of the spelling errors.

Oh man, I loved this book as a kid, I would look at the illustrations for hours. Wasn't there like a suspicious guy in a trenchcoat hidden on some pages?

Vivid memories of these.



This book still hits a sweet spot for me. It gets the weirdness of stuff like Alice in Wonderland without attracting the lolsorandumb edgy type people. It was just super comfy and surreal, and actually clever with its puns and silliness.

god bless your mommy user ;_;

>contacted the author of this book through Reddit when I was 13
>made a fool of myself
I loved his books, especially Franny K. Stein, but goddamn I hate my teenage self.

Dave is a little shit.

At a young age I even knew he was a shit and didn't get what he had coming.

He should of gotten beaten half to death if that was my household. I really don't know why my dad thought this was a decent book when this brat was worse that Cialou

Aww hellz yeah