I thought it was okay

I thought it was okay.

Your opinion is wrong

I can't think of anything that has tried to be edgier.

At least it was different from all the 2000s lolsorandom and 2smrt4u webcomics like Memestuck and xkcd

I love it. I still do.

Then you must be pretty sheltered. Compared to, say, 'The Goddamned', 'Crossed' or 'Preacher' it was pretty gentle.


I miss the good times. The board was so much fun. Some of the happiest years of my life happened when 'Jack' was at its peak.

And now it's gone.

I was honestly amazed how that author managed to interconnect a whole fuckload of characters. The worldbuilding and continuity is far better than it has any right to be.


David Hopkins gets more shit than credit.

>the author is a piece of shit

I will forever honor and respect Dave just for creating a 2000+ pages comic over 15 years practically on his own, getting so much shit for it and still committing to it.

He has discipline and he cares.

"Unapologetically dark and horrible in a way no other comic wants to go into" The fuck you talking about, jo-jo? There is SO much worse stuff out there.

I ought to know, I made some of it.

The strangest fact of all: The main message of 'Jack' is NOT horror, although it is a horror comic, it's hope and love.

that comic made me reevaluate my religious views

That's another thing that surprised me, that comic has actually quite reasonable morals past the edge. That kid seemed to take his faith sincerely, albeit in a weird and admittedly autistic way.

I don't think it's good but parts of it were effective

Since it is unlikely I will ever have another opportunity to show these off to anyone...

Covers for the longest arc of the series.


Just because he worked hard on his shit and put care and thought into his shit doesn't make it any less shit.

Tried is the operative word here. Jack tried really fucking hard, and for multiple reasons it just didn't work.

Also The Unfunnies might have tried harder actually, now that I think about it.

What animal is the brownish orange one supposed to be?


No argument here.

It still didn't stop me from marathoning this shit in one sleepless night and having the time of my life.

It worked fine for me. Besides of which, how was it supposed to 'work'? Is there a standard for webcomics? Ha. That would be something.

Nobody knows. That's Megan, btw.

Last one I finished.

One night? Damn, it took even me two days, and that was when 'Debts' was still running.

Do you have a favorite?

Mine always used to be 'Games we play in Hell' until 'Megan's Run' came out.
And no, not because of Musical Holes.

Hopkins actually edited the arc later to omit most of that!

Almost 50% of the infamous rape content of the series actually occurs in 'Games'.

I miss cardboard WHALE bro

Well I sort of agree. It's what makes it endearing, even though it's so laughably grimdark/edge incarnate. There is some sort of angsty teenager innocence to it. it's so heartfelt.

What did the author do?

>Games we play in Hell
That was one of my favorites as well, it's the perfect chapter to show to your friends to give them a clear idea what the comic is about.

I personally liked Drip's(?) backstory and other chapters focusing on worldbuilding. It's stuff like that that made the comic feel like a poor man's Homestuck.