Touch yourself again, Sup Forums, and I'll know

Touch yourself again, Sup Forums, and I'll know.

>I will never watch DD again for the first time

It hurts.

Man, Daredevil S1 was too good

>Matt spends weeks being tortured because he can hear some sicko down the street molesting his daughter every night

Edgy. Sounds like something out of an 80s comic book.

>I will never watch DD again for the second time
>Because it's shit

great costume

it's pretty cool that the design and its inspirations were able to take regular household clothing and make something that looks so iconic out of common items.

Was getting kind of sore anyway.

Season 1 was a fluke.

That's the default excuse for you Dcfags isn't it?

Season two was better though, what's that mean?

Don't tell me how to live my life, nigger. I'll jack it to 2D cats all I want!

Punisher when?

How would Frank handle Luke?

how do RPGs work against him?

Semiautomatic shotguns and a van to the face would work

Here's a better question: why would Frank handle Luke?


Well, at least the Punisher part was.

How many times do you think he heard Foggy jerking it while they were roommates?

The media paints him as a dangerous criminal.

Because he's technically a criminal. Old-school Punisher was nuts, man. He used to shoot at litterers.

That hair is terrible.

The way whatsername, black Hillary, suggested to Cottonmouth way back near the beginning.

Drown his ass.

A better question is: would Frank handle Jessica with his dick?

>the Daredevil is untouchable Sup Forums gold meme
It was a solid series and better than the film but it was a 7/10 at best. Especially the last few episodes.

Season 2's Punisher arc was superior but everything after was trash. Which I'm starting to notice is a common trend with these Marvel shows

>Which I'm starting to notice is a common trend with these Marvel shows
>Which I'm starting to notice
Congrats user! You're retarded!

Is there any evidence to support that Bernthal can actually grow a full head of hair?



That works. They should've gone with that.

Why did Shades want to fuck her?