
>This smell... it's FORESHADOWING.

Hey guys, thanks for your patience with this one! See you Friday~

Ninja rabbits or skull dogs?

Edited this yesterday.

This... is an enemy stand! I'm sure of it!

I thought the skull dogs were stuck outside the boundary

Man, this page actually looks pretty cool. It almost tricks me into believing the overall comic is good


I don't fucking remember at this point anymore. It's been like two years give me a break

I sure hope King C is smelling the main plot.

>main plot
>is a hostile spirit

Seems fitting for this comic

yeah, except

This is a pretty cool page! calling it right now, Paranatural is BACK ON TRACK

haaaaaa jk

What's that weird stuff behind the characters? Why isn't it just colors?

See, I'm not sure what happened with these two though. If you look back at the earlier art in her comic, she used to have a lot more dynamic linework and varied character designs. She still draws more backgrounds than him.

So who learned the bubble-shaped, pastel-colored style first and rubbed it off on the other? I'm too lazy to go back and check where it started to come in on each comic but I wonder.

Also at least Taylor knows how to fucking pace her story. So far, at least.

What's the context for this scene?

Wallace (the blonde) is a social worker for monsters. He's been going house to house and this is the first to let him in. The guy in the green hoodie has issues and attacked him

Wait this just made it more confusing

Why does the guy have issues? Did he just freak out the moment he saw him or did the social worker guy do something to trigger his autism or what?

Not that poster but green hoodie guy (Charlie) seems to have been forced into some kind of government experiment by the humans that live in the district Wallace is from, so he's got some PTSD kind of thing going on. So seeing Wallace made him freak out thinking they'd come to take him away again.

>A good page

It's sad that that's not a normal thing with this comic these days.

as a general rule, any page with mediums talking with their spirits is a good page

>be trawling the catalogue for no reason
>see striking thumbnail
>you've long given no hoots on title thread anymore yet you're enticed now that one of three reasons to read it is in it again
>yfw conflicted feelings

"life", "webcomic", same thing.

>be trawling the catalogue for no reason
>see striking thumbnail
>you've long given no hoots on these threads anymore yet you're enticed now that one of three reasons to read it is in it again
>yfw conflicted feelings

"life", "webcomic", same thing.

Jesus, are we finally back to the main plot of this fucking chapter?

For the next two pages maybe, then HARD CUT TO ZOE, DOING SOMETHING.

We haven't seen how the lesbian date has been going lately. I think we need a 20 page update on that front

don't be ridiculous, there's no such thing.


wait fuck that's right that's also part of this clusterfuck of a chapter. we're up to like 4 or 5 separate chapters this should be by now.

Reading this post I unironically forgot who Zoe was for a few minutes.

Selling that toothbrush was so long ago.

I thought of the rabbits but he said 'hostile spirit' so it can't be Nin, Isaac hangs out with them and Doorman all the time.

the Ninja Rabbits were amazing and if we don't get more of them eventually I'm rioting.

>the Ninja Rabbits were amazing

And cute. I wanna fuck them.

It's blooooooooooooood

Man you guys this comic greatly benefits from not keeping up with it weekly. I just got caught up with like five weeks of pages and it's really good like that. It was a good decision to stop checking every week. I dare say Paranatural is good again in my eyes.

It probably came from his other friend who draws Computer Love or Gigi.

Yeah its easy to notice the bad pacing if you read weekly.
Like I have since chapter 1

I was a weekly reader since like chapter 2 but I stopped since the pacing sucks now. But it's totally fine if you read it all at once. If you want to like Paranatural again I recommend waiting.

Isaac comes back and we get the most interesting page in about a year or more.

I love Isaac's spirit world theme. What is that, Aztec?

The spirit's name is Montezeusma.

Except the flip-flop thing.

>The guy in the hood has issues
Are you kidding me? Can't you see that social worker is a straight white male?!? He needed his priviledges to be checked; there is literally Nothing wrong with your pic related.