Well he isn't wrong

Well he isn't wrong.

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Not really.

But then again when is Sup Forums right about superhero movies based on trailers?

We said that Suicide Squad looked bad

Some did. Most said it'd be capekino and BTFO Marvel forever.

Look how that turned out.

He is.
This is Iron Man 5

Think that's less being right and more just stating the obvious

More like Iron Man 6.

Hey there, Marvel Intern!

>iron man got a more developed arc than both captain america and winter soldier

the more i think about this the more its true

cap and bucky were literally catalysts for tony's slow mental breakdown / character arc

Where's Marvel's Oscar?

You're not entirely wrong. Tony Stark had the greatest amount of character development out of all of them. Then Thor. Then Hulk (a little, if you count the previous movies that may or may not be cannon). No one else had any real development.

Oh! "This IS Iron Man 4, little nigger."
I thought he was making manlet joke.
Fucking niggers. Why can't they speak english?

you know it's true because he's just a normie twitter shitposter and even he sees it

They're more concerned with making good movies than winning an Oscar for a shitty category.

Someone have the article about how the Blu Ray sales for SS are higher than any other recent superhero movie including Civil War?

You are way the fuck behind the times sonny.

Tell me user. How socially retarded are you?

Iron Man
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 3: The Avengers
Iron Man 4: Iron Man 3
Iron Man 5: Age of Ultron
Iron Man 6: Civil War
Iron Man 7: Spider Man Homecoming

Captain America had a lot more character development. Much more than Thor.

Development means he changed from someone into someone else, or grew. However, he didn't. All that changed on him was his physical attributes. His moral and personality never did (his character).

The running gag in the movies is he's literally an unchanging relic from the past, man. C'mon.

>Blu-ray sales


Like that was a hard one

Are you some kind of retard? That is the true test of a movie's popularity. Box Office is a one and done outdated model. If you buy the movie you plan to watch it again and again.

>Starting: hot headed warrior that only cares for violence.
>Later: learns about honor and self-sacrifice.

>Captain America
>Starting: hero worship do-gooder whos greatest attribute is something inside (courage)
>Later: hero worship do-gooder whos greatest attribute is something inside (courage)

Captain America literally has ZERO development. A whole piece of his character is he DOESN'T change in the face of circumstances.

But that's wrong. His progression is similar yet opposite to Stark.

Stark objected the system and placed his trust in himself. The he screwed himself over and embraced the system as a way to fix his mistakes.

Cap believe in the system and got screwed over by it to the point where he rejected it in favor of his own judgement. He abandoned the shield because he no longer believes in what it represents and all that.

You're talking about externals to the character, not the character's development itself.

You can't be underage and still post on here, kiddo. And no, that's not what him dropping the shield meant. It meant he left the system behind but his core character is exactly the same.

>Cap'n believed in his own judgement more than the system in his first movie, ignoring orders to be a showpiece and instead be a soldier.
>Cap'n believed more in his own judgement than the system's, not accepting the nuke and leading the Avengers into battle.
>And on and on.

cap has gotten much more distrustful of the government and authorities though? he's definitely gotten a bit cynical over the years

He's always been that way. Even in his own movies.

Even box office wise, it was a success. Reviews from critics, or hate from people online is irrelevant. Suicide Squad is a success, and the most bonafide one of the DCEU.

>Starting: Idealistic company man who follows orders that he might find questionable because he genuinely believes in the government.
>Later: Pragmatic wanted renegade who preferred to abandon his life than work with a system he doesn't believe in.

By your logic Iron Man and Thor haven't changed either. Iron Man is still an rock-and-roll superhero with a witty personality who aggraves everyone but deep down cares and Thor is still a boisterous warrior who enjoys his battles and has a sensitive soul all things considered.

Except I straight up pointed out how he changed. Besides people saying, "Oh, well, he's doing what he wants (though he always had)" no one has provided an actual character development for Captain.

I'm talking about a clear and present personality shift. Maybe it was too subtle for you.

He didn't even know about the nuke when he led the Avengers into battle.

He's had no personality shift at all, though? Thor and Tony has. Clear ones. Undeniable ones.

Name something that's different from the caps in all the movies?

I'm not saying he HAS to have one to be a good character. But he doesn't one. And that's on purpose.

>Suicide Squad
>Total Domestic Video Sales: $71,986,832

>Captain America Civil War
>Total Domestic Video Sales: $73,174,529
You are FAKE NEWS.


I think there's no bigger change than putting the needs of his team and his own judgement ahead of the United Nations' demands. Cap has had moments of rebelliousness but they were never starkly in defiance of the establishment.

When he went AWOL to rescue Bucky and his unit he did it because the military didn't have the resources to venture into Hydra-dominated territory although they wanted to.

When he confronted Fury about Phase 2 he did out of concern for the Tesseract's power than outright disagreement with Fury's perceived need for a nuclear deterrent.

He's always kept within the parameters to collaboration and by the time SHIELD and the government proven themselves corrupt he galvanized the Avengers into an actual team with free agency rather than a emergency government response team.



>SS Total Domestic Video Sales: $71,986,832
>CW Total Domestic Video Sales: $73,174,529
Yes, you are SAD.

Are you listening to yourself, though? You're arguing against concrete factual examples of how he's always acted as, "Not being real examples."

Cap 1: Cap and the Government are pretty unanimous in their goals
Cap 2: Cap has issues with SHIELD's shadiness and methods even without the Secret Hitlers
Cap 3: Cap straight up revolts and then leaves
Though it's more because the Government changes than Cap's.
Cap is sticking to his ideals and they're conflicting with the world around him.

Well, I mean, this meant the government changed and not Captain, right?

I'm voicing my opinion and I'm not even the guy you were arguing with. I'm just throwing my two cents.

Pipe down.

But I'm right? I don't even care if you are? Nothing about what I said meant you were.

Are you retarded, dude?

That article talks only about DVDs. Yes, Suicide Squad DEE VEE DEE outsells the other movies DEE VEE DEEs. It doesn't even shows data for Blu-Ray kek.

Civil War made more in overall video sales.

>cap 1: idealistic, desperately wants to join the US army, willingly gives himself to an experimental government project that had no testing beforehand, does everything the military tells him to
>cap 2: sees that nick fury and SHIELD are going full surveillance rights-violating mode by having three huge gunships ready to fire on anyone in the world who even potentially shows a threat, also finds out that HYDRA was able to infiltrate America for several decades, showing further government incompetence and shadiness. to add on top of all this, his best friend comes back from the dead and is a monstrous shadow of his former self.
>civil war: now unwilling to cooperate with any nation's government in regards to super conflicts, would rather the avengers act as an independent entity. would go so far to even fight his fellow teammates in order to fight for this belief of independence. despite this there are still wavering feelings about doing the wrong thing all for his best friend, who is barely recovering anyways.


I'm from /asp/ actually.

Dimes are my field of expertise.

the changing of governments also changed him.

also, dealing with the death of your life-long best friend and his resurrection to becoming an insane assassin also puts quite a damper on your mood and personality


>looked bad

So bad it was the only reason it got an award?

The Goverment changing for the worse disillusioned Cap as his story progressed. The final straw was the Government hunting Bucky and then he completely goes rogue.

I still can't believe it fucking won an Oscar. I mean, yeah I get is the shittiest category (lol make up), but holy fucking damn it's bizarre it did.

What? He straight up said he was rejecting their decisions at the start of the story, though, and implied he was out if they did. Bucky was just icing on the cake. Even if Bucky wasn't in the story there isn't anything in Captain's personality that would allow him to accept the accords.

Actually, Cap was willing to sign the accords, it wasn't until he learned the government wanted Bucky's head that he fully opposed them.

What part of the story was that?

you idiots are pathetic

I don't remember well but I think it was after the meeting with Ross.

Yeah, he never said he would sign.

>won an Oscar
Again with this user? it´s not a big deal, remember crash? or any other fucking movie since then?

No Tony convinces him for a bit saying the accords are a place holder to aussage fears until something better can come along to give the heroes more leeway in saving the world. It's the reason Widow signs up with Tony. Hell it's the reason Tony and Reed joined in the comics.

When Cap rebelled it made the Registration Act/accords more or less set in stone rather than rewriting the legislature later on.

What's funny is comic avengers already have a UN Charter they have to follow through which that limits their options when it comes to intervening in other countries and they also answer to the Commission of superhuman activities set up by Congress. Making the MCU accords in it pointless.

It's make up no one cares i know but it's still kind hilariously bizarre.

>Widow signs up with Tony
Did she? we all know how that ends, instead of trying to make her point of view relevant she just betrayed good old Tony with no good reason but "Muh reasons, muh captain"

>No Tony convinces him for a bit saying the accords are a place holder to aussage fears until something better can come along to give the heroes more leeway in saving the world. It's the reason Widow signs up with Tony. Hell it's the reason Tony and Reed joined in the comics.
>When Cap rebelled it made the Registration Act/accords more or less set in stone rather than rewriting the legislature later on.
What kind of logic is that? Sign the contract so that you can change it later and hope nothing comes up in the mean time?

Yep, and Suicide Squad was actually about Joker.

Ironman is going to be in the film for less than 10 scenes. Keep trying to spread your meme though OP.

>Tony is in Civil War and Civil War isn't Iron Man 4
>Peter is in Civil War and Civil War isn't Spider-Man 1
>Tony shows up in Homecoming and IT'S THE FUCKING TONY SHOW, STARRING TONY

Stop bullying my Spider-Man. Let Peter have his chance!

>she just betrayed good old Tony with no good reason but "Muh reasons, muh captain"
She believed Steve's claims that there was someone trying to take control of an army of Winter Soldiers and decided to help him which makes complete sense for her character.

>Civil War isn't Iron Man 4
>Completely worthless young Tony flashback with his parents

Is it also the Black Panther movie?

>Completely worthless young Tony flashback with his parents
There are people THIS retarded.

Or maybe Spider-Man's seeing how he also got a scene.

Not to company war or anything, but it was about as needed as the death of the Waynes I'm in BvS. The endings would have had the same impact without these moments in these films.

That was literally a Batman and Superman movie though

>last update January 2917
>suicide squad 4th top seller

>suicide squad 4th top seller
>on DVD

Forgot link
Marvel shills BTFO etc etc

>posts link after he gets BTFO
You didn't see that one comink.

>top 4 in BLURAY sales in the last update 3 months ago
>2 millions away from Civil War
>10 millions away from Deadpool
How will this user ever recover?

>Iron Man being used to get people to see a Spider Man movie
>What went wrong?

Wow, look at how Civil War is barely edging out a movie that the entire media called the worst thing ever made and begged people not to see.

And Civil War was always supposed to be Ironman vs Cap, ever film that had the two of them together was leading up to it, Tony and Steve had been at odds for at least two films prior so it makes sense that he'd be the main opposition of Steve. The point is that showing a young Tony and his last moments with his parents was as needed as showing Bruce's last moment with his parents, which is to say not needed very much at all.

>no one cares

You obviously do

So it's true that Suicide Squad beat Civil War in Video Sales. That's a lot of fans for the Worst Franchise Ever Next One Will Flop Please Daddy Mouse Make It Happen(tm)

the-numbers.com/home-market/bluray-sales-chart/2016/12/25Your own source says civil war sold a million units more than it.

Total units sold was nearly 3 mill, SS barely gets past 2. Aside from that, all those sales don't make up for the 500 million dollar budget.

It's part of WBs marketing strategy, they release a crappie version of their film that people won't like, then when the DVD is released it has a bunch of additional footage that supposedly saves the movie or fixes it some how. So they make you pay to see the same movie twice, that's why it's called the Directors Cut Extended Universe

Nice backpedalling but the only thing that matters is the total spending. It's easier to sell more units of a bluray when it's ten bucks cheaper
>500 million dollar budget
haha triggered as fuck

stop fighting... Cw was better than SS even dc fans know it. Now, BvS...

As expected from the Robert Downey Junior Cinematic Universe

where does Winter Soldier and Civil War fit into this?

On the plus side, at least RDJ can deliver a quip. Holland's quips sound god awful. He doesn't have the charisma to deliver them well, and besides that he's "childlike and innocent" or some shit. He won't have any good quips, and a Spider-Man without good quips is a pretty shit Spider-Man.
I think we should all be glad that RDJ will be carrying this movie for us. The less Peter Holland we see the better.

His name was on Hydra'a list of targets, there was a quick flash of his name when the helicarriers were targeting people. Obviously it was Ironman: Winter Soldier

But seriously I'm mad we never got Crimson Dynamo.

That's because the Russos don't know what to do with Cap they even said they rather have other characters develop and grow and have Cap react to it. Fuck they even said they never liked Cap comics except Brubaker's run.

Only his first movie and Whedon in Age of Ultron bothered to do something with Cap everything else is the Tony Stark wankfest.

Honestly I gave a shit about that and I gave a shit about Winter Soldier killing Tony's parents.

Fuck off they owe us a Cap movie, Evans better not die.

>Captain America had a lot more character development

Yeah, no. "I'm Captain America. I'm always right. Oh look I was right" is not an arc

>may or may not be canon
TIH is canon m8. It ends with Banner learning to control the Hulk, hence Avengers Hulk.

>Not to company war or anything, but it was about as needed as the death of the Waynes I'm in BvS

I disagree. The death of the Waynes is iconic, we all know it, your fucking grandma knows it, we don't need to see it again. Nobody cares about Iron Man's parents and barely anyone but nerds like us remember they were killed by Hydra. The audience needed to be shown Bucky killing them because just being told wouldn't have anywhere near as much weight

You mean The Incredible Ironman, right? Don't forget that Tony showed up in the after credit scene to talk to Ross.

Also, Ross.