
Honest question: How do you guys watch this without cringing? I'm here for the comics predominately, but since this show is so popular I checked it out. I don't see how it is any different from other kids shows where they say "THIS IS AWESOME" and make awkward attempts at youth vernacular.
>it's for shipping and "waifus"
Seriously? You're watching this children's shows to see how the love triangle between three animated 14-year-olds play out?

Look, I don't want to sound like a dick and stuff, but it kind of bothers me that people here obsess over this. I'm open to any justification from fans of the show

It's fun.

How much of it did you even watch, OP?

>it kind of bothers me that people here obsess over this

you have autism then

I used to hate it too, especially the art style. It gets a lot better from Mewberty onward.

Ludo in the Wild convinced me. First few episodes were animated under a different studio and writers btw.

anywhere else i'd take it

but in Sup Forums out of all places... did you just get into baiting, user?

Its an interesting show that looks fun and innocent on the surface but actually offers more depth as the series progresses. If you're not hooked after midway of the first season, the show probably isn't for you. However, sticking with it pays off by the end of season 2.

Then don't watch it. I don't get MLP either, but to each their own.

Meh, I didn't like it either before watching it but now I enjoy it more than Samurai Jack. It's a very fun show.

It's fun. Main characters are entertaining. (fuck pony head) It's a solid 7.5-8/10 in my book.

It's not too great season 1 but picks up season 2

>make awkward attempts at youth vernacular

I don't really notice much if any of this. I mean there's Pony Head but she's so obviously portrayed as an obnoxious bitch + doesn't actually talk like any real person anyway that it's hard to read that as the show trying to be DOWN WITH THE KIDS or anything.

But anyway. I like the general plot, universe, the way it builds off the stuff it sets up early on and generally is really committed to make everything fit together well.

The first episodes are weak compared to what comes later (not to say the show's bad then either though) but it eventually moves beyond that while not ignoring the stuff established then.

For what it's worth I'm not into the shipping aspect at all. The stuff related to romance is handled well but is a small part of the show altogether.

It's a decent show and I can totally understand being put off by the first couple episodes (if those were all I'd watched or knew of it and someone told me it never really changes, I'd probably believe that) but it does honestly get better. If you're not into it you're not into it. but there's more of a reason to watch it than shipping/waifus (threads just tend to degenerate when there are no new episodes for a while).

You're not welcome here reddit.

I would have given this show a chance if all the facial expressions weren't generic tumblr trash.

This. It's the only show Sup Forums ever recced that I never finished the first season of. It's like listening to anime dub VAs.

Animation's great, though. It's like Spumco's Scott Pilgrim.

It's not even that popular, you're trying tiki make a big deal about nothing.


And I'm being serious. Autists actually often do have problems understanding why people enjoy things that they don't.

I really don't get it either. It's nothing more than a mediocre, generic kid's cartoon.

Threads asking why they don't like something or need validation on something should be banned.

>people being wrong on the internet should be banned

morelikely I am watchin LSD on children

The first season is cringey as fuck, I agree but the second season gets rid of most of the cringe and flows a lot better.

I got into it for the cuck memes

Tumblr is nothing more than a social media website, not an adjective.

I just watch it for the interracial love.

I hope I can get a cute white gf on my own soon.

What is interracial about two white kids hooking up

>Its an interesting show that looks fun and innocent on the surface but actually offers more depth as the series progresses.
i'm very sure this has been used to justify every single cartoon network show of the past decade
this isn't even close to a selling point

Star is an alien. She should be deported.

>he reads comic books about muscle beasts and idealic hero fantasy
>implies he isn't as much of a bother as the cartoon watchers
Ayyyyyyyyyyy. Can't we be losers in harmony?

Star is an alien insect humanoid that just so happens to have blonde hair and blue eyes
Marco is Mexican
Jackie is either White or a mermaid

>it's for shipping and "waifus"
Not again.
Ok, I'll tell you what I say to every "busy adult into adult stuff".
Unlike what seems to be the trend, I actually DID like the first part of season 1, mostly for its jokes, characters (of course not all of them were fun/interesting) and also the care they have for some details. However, most lore/plotfags start to like it by episode 6 or 8, so if you're still cringing so much and not interested by then, you can drop.
The plot actually isn't still in full action by then, but not wanting to wait a dozen of episodes is understandable, I guess.

Personal taste and/or watch more.

it has a really uplifting, infectious energy

the following it has on this board is shit though. you faggots should be ashamed

but I do cringe

I don't care about shipping. I'm in it for the lore and the ongoing plot.

It doesn't really kick in until the second season, with a few hints in the latter half of season 1.

I honestly have no idea.
The animation looks great, but otherwise it's nothing really noteworthy. Gags fall flat, and the ship-teasing is intolerable and juvenile.

If you like it, that's fine, but I can't understand all the people on Sup Forums screeching about how it's objectively superior, smarter, and deeper than other shows like Gravity Falls, Rick and Morty, SU, Adventure Time, etc, even as overhyped and flawed as those shows might be.

>Seriously? You're watching this children's shows to see how the love triangle between three animated 14-year-olds play out?
Among other reasons, yes. Because no other show - kids' or adult, cartoon or live-action - has ever made me care about its characters as deeply as this show. There is just something about the way it is written which won over me in a way countless other media couldn't. But it starts slow, and takes a while to get there. A lot of people didn't like it much at first, but stuck around and were eventually won over. Some weren't, and that's perfectly fine. If this is not your cup of tea, that's okay! To each their own. But don't you act all superior here. There is nothing unnatural or shameful in relating to or rooting for 14 y.o. characters. We often face similar problems in life as they do onscreen, and many of us were in their boots not so long ago anyway. Or do you really think your comics are somehow "deeper" and "better" because they are more "mature"?

>can't understand all the people on Sup Forums screeching about how it's objectively superior, smarter, and deeper than other shows like Gravity Falls, Rick and Morty, SU, Adventure Time
Uh... Have you even seen SU lately?

The dimension hopping adventures is pretty interesting and so are the magic spells cast.

Yes, SU currently is bogged down by slow-paced, pointless filler, and it's hard to get invested. I still think my criticism stands, especially concerning the other shows, though I admittedly haven't watched AT in a while.

Again, if you like Star, that's fine. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with liking/relating to something that doesn't try to include adults in its demographic--I'd be a hypocrite if I said there was.

I feel that OP's criticism is due in part to the fact that Star vs fans have not yet been quarantined into a general, whereas a lot of other shows on Sup Forums with a comparable popularity have (though with good reason). Combine that with the fact that fans tend to claim its deeper and more intellectual than other shows that, while flawed, give you more to think about and are more tightly written.

While threads about the other shows tend to degenerate into shipping and waifufagging as well, Star vs. as a whole doesn't offer much more than that to begin with.

I don't watch the show personally but from what I've read on Sup Forums and many other sites is that a lot of it boils down to attachment to the characters and possibly even a bit of projection. People identify a lot with the characters and the love triangle sometimes they've been in a similar situation. Heck you could argue that your enjoyment of any show can be based upon your enjoyment of the characters. Of course there's always the exception of watching something purely for plot/lore, but aren't you more likely to drudge through any show, even if it doesn't have a plot, if you love the characters?

>And there's absolutely nothing wrong with liking/relating to something that doesn't try to include adults in its demographic
While children, of course, are the primary target audience, the creators of modern cartoons know their works are enjoyed by people of all ages, and it is often reflected in them (Gravity Falls even made meta jokes about this, like when Stan defended watching Duck-tective).

I mean, things like wanting a tentacle to be your boyfriend are not exactly kids' jokes...

A lot of adult enjoyment of cartoons hinges more on good writing and smart jokes than just dirty humor.

I think even Ruby Gloom had a veiled masturbation joke in there somewhere, but it's a childish show that most adults won't find much value in. In contrast, Phineas and Ferb, from what I recall of it, was pretty clean in regards to veiled sex jokes, but in its heyday its smart writing garnered it a large adult audience.

Star, while not nearly as childish as Ruby Gloom, is more an example of the former than the latter.

Again, which is fine. I was an adult when I saw Ruby Gloom for the first time, and I remember liking it, as kiddy and dumb as I knew it was. Not trying to shit on people's tastes here, just saying that Star is dissimilar to shows that can claim to appeal to a large number of adults in addition to kids in regards to its writing. And when I say adults, I mean people in their 20s and beyond. If you're still a teen, I get that a high school setting would be more engaging to you.

>I'm here for the comics

This might be your problem

Oh wow, heavens forbid people have fun

>How do you guys watch this without cringing?
It's easy, OP.

By being someone who actually enjoys cartoons and animation.

>Not trying to shit on people's tastes here, just saying that Star is dissimilar to shows that can claim to appeal to a large number of adults in addition to kids in regards to its writing
For me, Star is exactly one of those shows, precisely because of how well it writes its characters.
But yeah, I'm only 21, so maybe you do have a point there.

I'm assuming you watched the first episode and then stopped. I need to really emphasize that the first episode really really sucks and doesn't represent what the show turns into.

>and make awkward attempts at youth vernacular.
I don't remember this though. Like, I know some cartoons that do that but not Star vs.