Who here liked this show?

who here liked this show?

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or this one for that matter?

its just yet more american suburbia situation comedy

I unironically liked this one.

Yeah I just found it on netflix. I really do enjoy it, but I have a feeling it probably ruffled everyone's feathers the wrong way. It's a Seth MacFarlane show about a good guy Mexican and a lazy white border patrol agent who constantly gets outsmarted by a bad guy Mexican that smuggles in illegals looney tunes style. People on the left and the right probably hated this shit with a passion.

So it's a show that pisses off both the paranoid nuts and the SJWs? Sounds too patrician for a McFarlane show.

Bordertown was a waste of a good premise. It was advertised as being this big clever satire on immigration, but in the end it was just a generic McFarlane show with some Mexican window dressing. The white dad is basically Peter Griffin, the Latino dad is basically Ned Flanders with an accent.

It didn't offend people on the left or right. It was too boring to offend anyone.

episodes were totally hit and miss, the physical gags at times were amazing and the general underlying theme of race relations always felt tedious.

And yeah, it blanket pissed off people who just hate MacFarlane. It was a good idea for a show, it just never had a foot to stand on.

>too boring to offend anyone
People get beheaded on this show routinely by a retarded Mexican cartel member, the SJW nephew gets his shit blown out every episode, and the right wing dad gets lorded over by a Mestizo who thinks he's white and his wife routinely cheats on him behind his back. I mean hell, they had an episode about demographic shifts and white people needing to breed more so they don't become minorities. The ideas were comedy gold, they just could have been executed a little better. I feel like if this show had gotten a little bit more running time, combined with today's political climate, it would have been pretty decent.

It's by Seth McFarlane? I probably hate it then.

I liked 3 South and it's made by the same guy. So I'll try the 1st couple episodes

> smuggles in illegals Looney Tunes-style

so what idiots think crossing the border is like? This sounds incredibly unfunny and it's not helped by the crap artstyle.

This shit was nigh fucking unwatchable. They think theyre so fucking topical with their jokes that barely qualify as jokes

What is this a sit-com for ants?

I like it
tought it was decent

is this from the same creators of Archer?

if so then picked up

>le ebin centrist

Kill yoruself

I loved the Wario Lopez joke in the last episode

They should have just stuck with 3South

>Uh, bet you didn't expect us to up at the crack of dawn for the first day of class
>For your information, the semester started three weeks ago
>*Shocked thousand yard stare*


Who do you think are centrists? Literally everyone between the guy who polices the Mexican border for free in his spare time and the guy who has a "proud cuck" tattoo?