Reader's beware your in for a scare









Had to resize this one. Original was too large







Now for the R. l. Stine short


This is on my backlogs.
How is R.L. doing in the writing end?

I remember there was some upset for the first issue?


>I remember there was some upset for the first issue?
Yeah people didn't like man thing talking

His writing not the best but better than Slott


The end

The translation from script to panel really doesn't work for his comedic dialogue.

Too rapid-fire

Gotta get back
Back to the Swamp

It seems that he's a bit uncomfortable with writing comics. His style is the same one he used for his horror stories, and it doesn't work as well in a visual medium. It is interesting, but ti's very different from other comics

I feel like if he could just space the back-to-back thoughts out a bit more between panels, his writing would work a bit better. I don't know how dialogue is added to comics when the art and writing are handled separately, though, so I don't even know if that's possible.

The backup story seems alright, just like the first one.

Wow... Did R.L.Stine have a MRA ghostwrite this?

It is just a twist ending. People acting like assholes is common there.

It's just that it's real weird because this was the solicitation.

>With a horror backup from R.L. STINE and KATE NIEMCZYK (MOCKINGBIRD)! You’ll want to check out THIS feminist agenda…


Having Man-Thing play Greek Chorus just doesn't work for the character either. If he just left that out and let Man-Thing's actions speak for him the entire story would be a lot better.