Alright guys

Alright guys,

4 episodes left

All the synopses are out

Now it's time to ask,

They gonna stay friends

Or they gonna fug

Ashi will be pregnant in Episode 9

they will

f u g

Much like with LOK
Shippers have ruined another show
I'm glad unlike Bryke Gendy won't give AF though since this is the last season.


Bow chikka wow wow.

>Season taking place in a span of days

>Fetuses take weeks to form

Tho let's say this is true, judging the theme of this season, it would probably be a daughter.

>pregnancy tests and modern medicine can detect pregnancy close to time of conception

How bout dis?

A part of me hopes that at the last second the High Priestess reveals she stole Jack's DNA to make her daughters just to spite shippers

I'm hoping that episode 10 will be 46 minutes instead of 23


It's likely Jack's daughter.
Aku will manipulate Ashi and say he hid her sisters to protect him. The mother says the same thing as well. Then they tell Ashi to kill Jack.

>jack's daughters
>hide daughters from their father because he's trying to kill his own daughters

yeah no, that would just be shit tier writing on genndy's part

it's probably gonna be something simple like
"hurr I know you love ashi so I'm going to kill her"


"hurr I know you love ashi, but I (aku) am part of her and I can control her"

Say user. Who hurt you? Which girl did this to you? Do you still believe in love?

what are you talking about



Flora > Ashi desu

Look like Aku is going to kick the bucket.

posting really thicc niggas
fat shit need not apply

She dies. Jack goes back. Names his next daughter after her.


Jack gets flung forward in time, Ashi takes up the sword, Jack, arrives in the THE FUTURE THAT IS ASHI which is bretty good


They're gonna be friendswho fug

Why can't Gennendy draw Ashi's profile this good

Ashi looks uncomfortably John K-esque there.


>Aku is controlling Jack Ronin-style
>Ashi is flung into the future that is Jaku
>She kills them
>Jack's been sentient the whole time and is finally at peace

I would accept this.

next leak when ?

Fuck if I know, nothing shows them having any romantic interest in each other so far but they could easily toss that shit in whenever they want.


I was out of town for the last episode, could anyone spare a spoon of mega link?

Tomorrow or Friday.

>The fate of the entire universe hangs in the balance as Samurai Jack faces Aku
Think it'll surpass their duel in the graveyard?

I dunno if I can handle another leak
Nekkid Ashi was pretty intense

I just hope it doesn't spoil anything intimate. I want to go in with a surprise, though I think the sex will happen in episode 8.

4? what the fuck
oh yeah. man it feels like it's been 4 max

he can't draw period. are you just now noticing that?
people who cant draw for shit feel freeer to make major experiments in movement and composition. that's why his shows are so unique and fun to watch. they're not DRAWN well, they're CHOREOGRAPHED well. he's a great director.

Good body but the fetal syndrome face ruins it for me

Ashi and her sisters are modified clones from Jack

Oh boy, I can't believe they're finally going to show fucking on screen with visible penetration in my Saturday morning cartoons for children.

I hope the sex is tasteful and artsy as fuck.