Cars 3 Official Trailer

Cars 3 Official Trailer.
looks fine to me.

So Rocky 3 with cars.



looks like a finally decent story

I will never understand the hate on 2. It's because Matter?

I forgot it was coming.
Haha our VA for Matter died a couple days ago (he was 90). They're fucked.

>Larry the Cable Guy died
I'm not even going to look it up

Wow, you underage or something? They obviously meant their dub guy

I'd guess exactly that, likely we'll see Doc die and McQueen lose in the end, only to have someone push him across the finish line to repay the end of the first movie. Or, it could be Rocky 4 with the genetically superior supercar built by the Russians to kill that green dude and then after a montage sequence McQueen defeats communism.

>I'd guess exactly that, likely we'll see Doc

Doc died offscreen in Cars 2 because his VA died before the film got made. They make allusions to it in the flick but its understandable people don't know cause that movie was awful.

It was a spy movie

I liked it but whatever

Same but I saw it in theaters so it might be the whole thematic experience talking. I rewatched it before on my laptop and liked it still though, but I can see why a Cars 1 fan wouldn't like the change, it had it's fair share of dumb jokes and weird shit, very disconnected from the original that was scenery and soundtrack porn and felt character heavy instead of comedy character heavy

Looks bland and uninteresting. Might be better than Cars 2 at least.

>you're gonna be the best racer ever
>what is this about?
>your racing days are coming to an end
fucking A+ trailer

>currently most famous racer needs help from a klutzy female that's funny but also has a smug sense of superiority

I kind of want Mcqueen to lose the inevitable big race

he's not in the big race the new girl is

Looks alright. I'll probably check it out.

I was thinking more like Rocky Balboa.

What the fuck, that was paul newman?


Never realized paul newman was in cars till now.

Why is Sup Forums so afraid of women?

>"This is about your LEGACY"
That word triggers me so much now

Stop this butthurt meme, it's a grating fact that this is continued to be pushed for the market.

I don't know what that is so I'm fine

I'm just glad they're finally making a Cars movie about, you know, racing.

Looking forward to some of the NASCAR driver cameos.

As long as it's not "Larry The Cable Guy as an special agent" it has a chance to be good.

>Nathan Fillion as some merchandising man whore

That's a good start.

>Cars 3: What Cars 1 was supposed to be

Yes, they made the comic relief the main character and it's a spy movie masquerading as a race movie.

>Oh Waaow, they say I'm washed up now! That's Amazing! waaow...

that's probably what's gonna happen

No no no, it will go McQueen's on his way to winning, but then he stops and tells the girl to do the last 10 laps and wins it

Is the big track by the ocean supposed to be a Daytona clone or something?



Wtf how can that yellow car make a more likeable girl than most female characters being pushed nowadays?

buy our toys!

they know why they are making this movie, at least.

yeah, they want market cars for girls now.

>Rocky 3,4, and 5
>But with cars

>Storm's chances of winning are 95.2%
>95 (Lightning) in 2nd place

Which country

Why are they promoting "new isn't always better"

With vehicles, new is always better

>how to trigger /o/: the post


Because McQueen is the main character

oh shit, nie wiedzialem.

First mr. Potato Head and now this.

This is the reason why you should not milk franchises for decades.

>"you'll never be as fast as Storm"

That makes me wonder, can the cars not upgrade themselves? Like put in more powerful engines and change their setups? Is that equivalent to a heart transplant?

>equating Rocky 5 to any other Rocky movie

kill yourself


I hope they'll establish the concept of car's "brain" and which details are responsible for their personalities and stuff. The lack of lore in it is stupid.

He's playing the owner for Lightning's team. Likely cause the original VA's for the Team owners in the first died in the meantime (The guys who did Car Talk on NPR).

Old age is a bitch when it comes to Pixar casting.

Matter lives in a junkyard, dead bodies, limbs and body parts everywhere.

That's kinda creepy.