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That is wire grappling hook

But she can fly


She can glide.

Wasn't Jessica the child of Hydra scientists in the first place?

kek Millar

Only if you count her wife giving her a lift.

For that kek, you are forgiven The Unfunnies, Mark Millar.

Something like that.

There's also her weird thing with Viper.

Nothing will ever wash that stain, user


is that real

fukken lol

It is.


This is going to blow up in Spencer's face so badly...

It's already started, by the time the event will end Marvel will probably fire him/distance themselves from him, and he'll have nothing aside from his independent productions

Yeah that threw me off too

>make her a Nazi
Would it make more or less sense to have Jess rejoin Hydra?

Maybe he'll finally get Bedlam back up again.

Jess is a simple girl, with simple dreams.


>on their way to a threesome
Based Carol finally putting together her Spider-Harem.

Why even have editors anymore?

When the hornyness strikes, there's no escape.


They didn't fire Bendis after Civil War II flopped.

Bendis has the anti-semitism card in case he's fired.

Meanwhile, SJWs are convinced that Nick Spencer and Richard Spencer are the same person.

the bendis is strong in this page

he's got seniority

It's good Bendis at least.