All-New, All-Different Marvel Reading Chronology (2017)


Have a good laugh Sup Forums


U da best preacher user, i always read your threads when i eat dinner


>U da best preacher user, i always read your threads when i eat dinner
Thank you user.






>no A-Force


>>no A-Force




Just seeing "Marvel" causes me physical pain


>that feel when you actually need charts like this because of the constant relaunching Marvel has done over the last few years

It's fucking annoying.

>There were more Inhumans trades of recent comics than Spider-Man
Something went wrong






>Spider-Woman stopped being pregnant
RIP. Shit was hot.



I'm just glad it's finally over.


>I'm just glad it's finally over.
Thank god.





The end

so I know people hate Carol now, but what are the actual recommended readings for Carol?

>not plugging their recent X-23 collections
>no A-Force
>no Spider-Man/Deadpool
>no Ultimates as far as I can tell

what a weird list. I don't like it much

Thanks anyway Preacher user

>Spiral (Male)'s name is He-Lix
Ouch. That must be painful for when you need to introduce yourself.

The 1977 Ms Marvel series was pretty fun. I'd also recommend A-Force and The Ultimates.

>Carol not on the cover
B-But I thought she was the center of the Marvel Universe now!
>Kamala not on the cover even though she's the most successful new character
>Thanos on the cover despite not being in anything ANAD
>Nothing from any of Ewing's books
>No Inhumans OR X-Men, not even Wolverine
>Nothing from Bendis' books
>Vision despite Marvel not giving a flying fuck about King's series
Hahahahaha Marvel can't even keep what they're trying to promote straight.

Based PA bringing the comedy

>marvel completely fucks up the good, the bad, the ugly's details.
it's like they don't want their most popular stories to succeed.

Reed's run is her essential series. In addition to what recommended, check out Kang Dynasty.

god i hate shield they just seem so overused in so many books i'm surprise marvel even have different government facilities with shield being everywhere

They didn't even include Howling Commandos lol


This is the best compilation.

thank you


>Patsy Walker
Yeah, like fifty years ago.

Busiek's Avengers

This isn't really supposed to be a "recommended reading" thing, I think it's just telling you what books are relevant to their current ongoings.

Which is funny because if they didn't keep relaunching everything there wouldn't be any confusion over this in the first place.

When are they going to get someone who draws women well?

When the movie's first trailer comes out.

>god i hate shield they just seem so overused in so many books

Ike still has control over the TV shows
TV shows include Agents of SHIELD, Inhumans, Cloak and Dagger, and the Netflix Defenders

Guess what happens?

And I read them when I poop.

>Based PA bringing the comedy

Same here.

this is a good idea but it's funny and a screw up by marvel that they have to put it out. also it's clearly meant to be the past couple of years and not all time.

not doing legacy numbering with arc numbering was a mistake.

Hawkeye did it right with the post-Fraction/Aja stuff still having the trades numbered 5, 6, etc

Why do they want that? Thatwould mean they make the right decisions and are successfull.
They still have an image to defend.


Older runs have problematic material and don't resemble the movies, user.

I thought this was supposed to be an all-time chronology, best-of, some combo.

Not...not just the past year or so.

What's been going on with Marvel since I've been skipping out on comic-reading this decade?! Who are all these people?! Why is Cho the Hulk? Why are they promoting Miles Morales like he's in 616? What's going on?

>spoilering three pages
For what fucking purpose aside from the obvious Captain Marvel Carol?

You don't want to know

>That The Good, The Bad and The Ugly description
>That vol. 2 description

Did this not have anyone proofreading? For the love of god, i know apparently editors can't be assed to proofread the comics, but at least get descriptions right for something designed for casuals to pick up en masse. This is a horrible first impression

I am sorry user.

Actually it's kinda weird they aren't promoting some older stuff. Like i think they just put out epics of the original Secret Empire stuff and some GruCap.

They got Panther's Rage and Priest's run out in time for Black Panther thank goodness

>even though Eddie Brock Venom hasn't been a thing for several years (until last week) they still use classic Venom in Marvel marketing
>in literally anything non-MCU related including crossovers

Really makes u think

>5 years
>4 relaunches
>worse sales with each relaunch

>4 relaunches
5th if we add the secret wars mini.

>Uncanny Inhuamns
>All-New Inhumans
what will be the next stupid inhuman title?

Extraordinary Inhumans? Superior Inhumans?

>no Nova

>King and Walta craft a Vision story for all time!
>The conclusion of one of the most critically acclaimed books of the new century!

Is that seriously the best they can muster for "The Vision"?

>Superior Inhumans?
Written by a time travelling Chris Claremont.