All-New Guardians of the Galaxy #1 Lettered Preview

Will this put in the running to be the best since DnA?

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>reading current Marvel comics


John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant

>been confirmed that the first new member isn't going to be Mantis, Yondu, or Nebula
Thank god.

Skottie Young variant

Leinil Yu Variant

Aaron Kuder & Jason Keith Variant

Jeffrey Veregge Hip-Hop Variant

Kris Anka Fried Pie Variant

Art Adams Midtown Comics variant


is anyone going to explain to me why drax is wearing Aladdin pants?

He's sworn off violence and become a monk.

Fuck you, I want Mantis back.

>Movie Synergy of the Galaxy

Not even Duggen can salvage this book

His boob allergy continues.

well shit, when did that happen.

last i read was cm punks book. he didnt murder thriller kill but i assumed he still killed things

Duggan's giving us a non-movie member and the Fraternity of Raptors right away, though. And he's even taking baby Groot in a darker direction than the movie.

That is some quality art. Pete lookin like a Star-Lord again.

Between runs. Duggan's explaining it in #7, I think.

well now im far more interested in this book than i use to be

thanks user

>wanting synergy
You're the reason Marvel has gone to shit.

>that Gamora design

i miss gammora wearin her thong

Thong was dumb. Fishnets Gamora is Best Gamora.

nah let them green cheeks flap in the space breeze

>Trojan galactus



No prob. This is probably going to be the best Guardians has been in years.

I forgot:
Natalie Sanders KRS Comics variant

> wanting Mantis back, something we've wanted and waited on for years, is now suddenly a mark of 'synergy bullshit'

You had me going for a second there, very subtle

It's pretty boring but then I've never seen a Gamora costume that wasn't either boring or slutty. It's better than the space armor I guess.

Well, I guess it never hurt to give someone a chance, let's see if this can be a good r--

>retardation on the second page already.
Okay, party's over. Time to leave the ship again.

Really? Now the Guardians are robbing a space bank by disguising as Galactus?
>b-but g-give duggan a c-chance!!!!
Another 5 years of shit.

>Baby Groot

Looks like shit.

>Comic Guardians of the Galaxy, robbing people.

Hopefully they're there to extract a really dangerous artifact or something or else this is shit.

Also Rich is going to appear in this comic right? Yeah I can't see him being OK with them stealing shit, he might be an antagonist.

>IP was 13 before your post
>IP count is still 13


It goes Posts, images, then IP's.

I'm not sure if Rich will be in this or the "aliens only" Nova corps and the Secret Wars family.
Also, they're explaining when Xandar rebuilt in fucking Deadpool of all places.

Yes, and the IP count was still 13 before and after that post. wasn't there when I started typing.

It's confirmed he'll be appearing in this after Nova got cancelled.

So they're thieves now?

try since the movie came out. And not even the cool kind of thieves, the manchild retarded kind.

>capeshit is serious business guys

>Groot just so happens to be a tiny baby tree again
>he still can't fucking talk normally like he used to

Where do you think you are, faggot?

It's confirmed that he'll appear by Duggan and Jordan White (the GotG editor) both him and the Bakian family will be in GotG.

The Alien Nova corps that hates humans is also going to affect him in some way, don't know how or why but White wouldn't say anything else.

Are you implying that I can't earnestly enjoy all the ridiculous bullshit that comes with the turf? That's why I loved GOTG in the first place.

Thanos Imperative had a fucking Galactus train. It was played for cosmic horror, but still.

Do you realize people are complaining because the Guardians are now thieves because of movie synergy, retard?

>It was played for cosmic horror
>"h-hey i also read the storytime..."
That line alone answers your stupid question, idiot.

>he still can't fucking talk normally like he used to
You can blame DnA for that one, not the movie.

>tiny baby tree again
Its worse because when Groot was a baby he was supposed to be in a planter. He shouldn't be walking around like that

>comparing Thanos Imperatice to this meme piece of shit
Bendisfags everyone!

I liked gentle giant. The DnA version was barely a character, but baby Groot is just annoying.

>Bendis not even involved


I was here when Thanos Imperative was releasing you jackass.

Bendis is shit.


>I was here when Thanos Imperative was releasing you jackass.
Sure you were, champ.

Damn right I was. Newfag til the day I die.

>The DnA version was barely a character
Shut the fuck up.

Truth hurts fuccboi.

It's true and also this too.

Cosmic poseurs like you need to fuck off.

That's because he's not a baby.

>Been asked about Groot's size. He's not a baby, and why he is seemingly stuck small is one of the more messed-up things we're planning.

Duggan's said before he's using the movie synergy to do some messed up shit.

I liked the DnA run and Groot was barely anything but a bruiser there.

Giffen gave him character and DnA just took that away and made him say "I am Groot" over and over and had him beat up stuff.

What the fuck did Groot even do in Thanos Imperative BTW?

t. Bendis, Humphries, and Loeb

This looks fun and I like the art. I'll probably trade wait for it.

Almost as shitty as Bendis and what's with the beyond shitty costumes? Gamora and Drax alone look like total ass WWE wrestlers.

Cute, but getting old


It's true though. DnA turned him into a one-note gag character. They took a one-off funny joke from Giffen then turned the entire character into that.
>b-but he was still King of Planet-X and like super-smart!
No, he wasn't. Every aspect of Groot's previous character got thrown out the window when DnA decided to retcon Groot's backstory in the Annihilators back-ups into him being an exile from Planet-X, and making it so apparently every single person on Planet-X is named Groot and can only say "I am Groot."

Those back-ups were awful. People treat them like the godliest writers, but why did DnA constantly retcon characters backstories' into something worse?

>b-but he was still King of Planet-X and like super-smart!
I want to trust Maximus in this but again he's mad.

Lmao fucking baby groot in the comic too Jesus christ

Son of a bitch don't make me actually get this

Come on, he's the man who took the tawdry straw which was WayPool and spun from it the gleaming gold of his Deadpool and Uncanny Avengers runs. It's hard not to have a lot of faith in him. I'm definitely going to give this a chance.

That is a low, low bar to set, user.

What characterization did Groot had in DnA's run? Stop being a blind faggot.

In Guardians of Infinity (also by Abnett) Groot helps Rocket decipher an ancient text or something so he at least isn't an idiot.

Yet besides Valentino and Drake (and Giffen if you wanna count him) no one else has been able to surpass that low, low bar, especially any of the modern writers.

>wanting founding member of GotG
That's autism, mate

>founding member of GotG
I don't see Mantis anywhere on this cover.

>Baby Groot

Peter's hair color sure changes an awful lot.

Guardians of Infinity also has the best synergized Guardians in media so far.

SO SO SOOOOO FUCKING STUPID AND DUMB. God, I love the MCU films but fuck I hate this so so so so so so so much.

>in the running to be the best since DnA?
You mean it'll be in the running to be better than Bendis' comic? Because that was the only other one since DnA.

I can deal with dumb stuff if it's the first issue. Remember that Duggan's Deadpool run started with him killing some random green monster and that's what they used for the trade covers instead of the Bachalo variant.

considering what we had before...

Better no Mantis at all than transforming comic book Mantis into movie Mantis

>It's better than the space armor I guess.
No, it's fucking not.

Talk about overrated most of these books have been better than what those hacks did

And don't even get me started on how superior the movies are

Well I gave up on duggans deadpool soon after he got a team of guys. Hopefully his guardians is as good as his initial deadpool run.

Giffen's version was cliche as hell too. Just Rygel as a tree. I can't take any amount of "not muh groot" seriously.

Hey now Drake wrote, what, one issue? Gerber's honestly more important.

>DnAfags will forever be butthurt
Fuck book quality, this is enough to satisfy me

Oh, that's who those fuckers in the finale of GotG 2 were supposed to be

>marveshill counts his tears
make it 14

It's good too see that someone remembers Valentino's DEFINITIVE run on the GOTG