Mother Panic #6 Storytime

Good job with the storytimes bros
















oh yeah, I forgot this comes out this week. thanks OP



those fingernails are fucking huge











remarkably clear diction for a man missing his lips

np problem bro




Who's the mousy looking girl

Why don't people like this book

someone to keep an eye out for next issue, probably

who knows. you can't crunch the numbers for taste

To me the comic kinda smacks of an independent comic but in it's really not.

It's like an independent comic they panel beat into being a DC comic.

I just don't like the art since Tommy Lee Edwards left, the whole thing hasn't felt right.

the whole thing felt wrong from the very beginning, that's part of why I like it


it's like the mad thoughts of an addict, that's what this feels like

The bad art is a turn off. Is it a good book despite this, and how long is an artist usually on for a Young Animal book?

We have absolutely no idea

It's just not very interesting.
Nothings "wrong" with it, but there's also nothing really good about it either.

Has it been established that Gather House was a pet project of Doctor Strange? Because that's the vibe I'm getting

Well it certainly wasn't Pyg. It might have been Hurt related at some point.

Thanks for the storytime OP.

This shitter artist is off the title now, right? God, who the fuck was the retard that thought it was a good idea to sandwich this shit between Tommy Lee Edwards and John Paul Leon?

>This one, too fat! This one, too tall! This one...too symmetrical!

I'm enjoying this.

Thank you.

Next arc has a new artist, who looks more like the first one

I like it. It's got the right kind of tone for a Gotham comic and the psychology focus has been cool so far, a little more creepy than what we're getting from current Bat-comics. The shorter arcs help too, and I like all the artists they got.

Cool issue.

>Why don't people like this book

Well I'm reading the issue posted right here and it just confuses me. Also I hate that artstyle and the MC. So there's that.

Why are you not mentioning John Paul Leon by name? He's pretty legendary.


I read it and just think to myself what the hell is going on. Doesn't help that for half the comic I couldn't tell the difference between the main heroine and the adonis guy and thought it was the one person cause they looked almost the same.