Good god

Good god

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mm UB


There is always a part of me that finds the dying pose recycling funny.

>Family Guy

I can hear it doing the HAHA OOOOOOOHH, come on you know what I mean

I'm surprised that Family Guy is still on the air

Jesus , what a fucking hack

why the humor of Family Guy is pretentious and I don't get the pop culture references 60% of times? It is because i'm not american and i don't know the live action FOX programs? I never liked those post season 9-simpsons tier jokes about celebrities not really famous outside an american channel or even during a former decade, and Family Guy is constantly abusing of it.

i'm watching psychicpebbles on twitter, too, you ain't nothing special

Same, it's lazy as fuck and I always notice it, but it's still funny.

Reminds me of this.

why would it surprise you?

pre- first cancellation family guy was genuinely good

Recent Family Guy episodes have some of the laziest fucking animation I've ever seen. It's even more pathetic if you compare it to the animation that Family Guy used to have, like during the first three seasons. Nowhere near as stiff as it is now, and you can tell that they actually put effort into it back then.

It's the arm. If they were just lying flat, it would be just annoying but the arm sells it as "McFarlane dying pose" and it's funny

Also usually the reasons why they end up in that pose is funny too

Why isn't American Dad like this?

Why is American Dad objectively better than FG, even with shit other than the humor?

I believe it has a different team of writers. Also it doesn't rely heavily on cutaway jokes

It was great as an animated light parody of sitcoms.