Why is the popularity of one-dimensional characters growing?

Why is the popularity of one-dimensional characters growing?

Who says it is?

Because the real world got flanderized in the last seven or so years

Because Marvel seems to think that one-dimensional character are all that the people they want to attract can handle.


Everyone was one-dimensional first.

Shes gay brown and feisty.

I think why no new flawed characters makes more sense to say.

This book isn't popular...

The reason female/minority characters tend to be one-dimensional mary sues is because third wave feminism preaches you cannot show the struggle of a woman because that's oppressing. That minority issues are only caused by the white man, or the "white man's system".

That's why all these stories are so fucking awful. Because it's ideology driven nonsense that makes no logical sense and nobody wants to hear.

She has been one-dimensional for quite some time.

Growing? That books number one only sold about 40,000. Marvel are going to have to be really dedicated to deal with low sales numbers, or somehow convince every lesbian in Mexico to pick it up.

The book is floundering because it's awful, tumblr only likes the character because she's a brown lesbian who's a massive cunt to everyone and she's easy to display as.

Every book she gets a new power. What will she get next?

The power to get cancelled.


Dafuq are her powers?

At first she was a typical power brick.
Then she developed the power to punch star-shaped portals to anywhere in any dimension.
And now her star-shaped portals can also travel through time.

>book is doing terribly

You're a fucking idiot if you think just because Marvel publishes something people want to read it.
Marvel hasn't listened to fans or their desires or done anything smart with their comic books for almost twenty years.

But it isn't the only people who know about this comic are the creators and those of us who read it to make out blood boil.

In short her powers are what ever that hack Gabby Rivera wants them to be at any give moment

>character whose entire gimmick is multidimensional travel
>comes from another dimension
>is one-dimensionnal

What did Rivera mean by this?

America isn't one dimensional. She's gay AND latina. That's clearly two dimensions.


What the holy menstruation???

That book isn't popular.

Pic related
Because they turn out to be mildly entertaining in team books.

Come on, chica! What are you trying to say? Menstruacion?




Because idiots found out about comics.

It's not. Who buys this crap?

MMM... well, well, well... look at that chica. I love me some negritas. My lesbiana powers better work now.

>Who buys this crap?
The same people who watch Lifetime ( and CW ).

Holy Shit, this is terrible. Hahaha.

>tfw from the thumbnail it looks less like Spectrum and more like they blackwashed Squirrel Girl

Someone came into to buy specifically issue 1 of this (even though two are out now) at my LCS when I was there to get my Wednesday pulls. She was fat, short, shitty dye hair, basically exactly the sort of tumblr posting losers you expect to buy this.

Nah, even they don't buy it. Nobody buys it, Marvel admitted not too long ago that they literally can't afford to continue pushing diversity in their comics because their customer base are bigoted white males who want their heroes to stay the same.

>Holy Shit, this is terrible
It's not even Chuck Austen bad, user. It's fucking MARVILLE TIER!

Just reading this pissed me off.

>America literally has the power to travel through time and space.
>Gets broken up with for distance reasons as if that is any barrier to someone with her ability whatsoever and she couldn't just portal her way home every night.

Star-shaped teleportation alone would've been a cool-enough power. Teleportation in general isn't uncommon, but within her circles she'd inhabit it would have been cool and unique.

Nope, the usual Marvel spewing and overloading of all sorts of powers. Ugh. Feels sad when Superman feels more defined in power sets than most Marvel characters.

Because Marvel saw Sup Forums and notice it takes zero effort for waifu cults to happen

Super flow?
Just call it the bleed you dumb feminist

Bleed is DC.

jesus user

>sjw yell to get progressive characters
>progressive characters are made by the only purpos of being progressive
>sjw don't buy comics, too busy searching for stuff to complain about
>no one bought them because are shit.
I hope marvel understand this soon.

Wasn't the Bleed used during the Incursions?

I hope she becomes even less of a character. As in not even 1 dimensional, just half a dimension or some such shit.
I want it to fail even harder until Marvel and other companies in media (comics, cartoons, video games) stop this shit.

Believe me, in my personal experience
Lesbians don't buy comics in Mexico the majority thinks they are too much white and retarded and the other ones just downloaded thinking is a smart move.
Sis and brother both gays and married
(Legal in some places) them don't pay a shit for something that is "free"


SJW never buy stuff, they just complain about everything, A LOT until they got what they want, and proceed to not spend a dime on the products they changed.
Companies should just focus on sales results and discard the opinion of these people that only like to push their agendas on other people.

Remain silent didn't do any good, it just allowed these stupid people to do what they wanted. I

Because they're dumb fun. And also not a one dimensional character playing at being something more, because of tacked on political agendas and or sjw faggotry

What's wrong with her?

What do you want from her to not make her one dimensional as you say?

You know what percentage of female population are lesbian?
You know what percentage of lesbians buy comics?
Too low to be the only selling point of a comic, that's what one-dimensional character is.

Or maybe is just a cunt of the kind that transfer the blame of his negligence to others and goes away full claiming is right and with forensic evidence...
Pretty tumbler if you think about it.

Oh fuck!!
That's sad
You are right, good post.