Why the fuck does no one talk about this show anymore?

Why the fuck does no one talk about this show anymore?

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What else is there to talk about? It's been over and done for years, and it's not like there's any unresolved plotlines or overarching secrets to discuss.

It was pretty bad

I loved this show.

its shit. Anything aired between1995 and 2015 is utter garbage this is the bottom of the shit barrel

pretty much this
it ended a long time ago and there isn't a lot to talk about
it's not like EE&E where the gags stay with you forever

i want to cum inside grim's eye sockets

elaborate, i need to know why you want to do this its a Jamaican skeleton what could have possibly brought about this

I mean, Billy & Mandy was fun & all, but it's been a decade since its finale in 2007. What's there to talk about, outside of the potential of an Underfist series?

please pass the egg salad

Scrape and lick

Underfist when?

t. Thanos


He was objectively the single best part of this show, holy shit

I want to cum inside Eris.

Anyone else feel the same way?



If carrots are good for your eyes, can they dial a phone?

The world needs more Skarr.

Because we will be talking about Dead Meat.

Whenever the fuck that comes out.

So never?

I've recently started rewatching it and I am having a great time. It is weird going back to the first episodes when Billy was just autistic and slighly retarded, Grim tried to keep his dignity as best as he could despite being everybody's punching bag and how Mandy was just this really smart, cruel, sarcastic kid who could even smile once in a while.

It was lame when it became it's own show.

It really was

Billy is probably one of the worst cartoon characters ever created. He's like if somebody was dumb enough to make Ralph Wiggum a main character.

I feel bad for maxwell that projects main flaw is puppets, hes a talented guy i just dont think any studio will pick it up cause of that

Samurai jack s5e8

The last one or two seasons sucked. Went from dark humor and the supernatural to merely lolrandom things.

oh shit, checkt

Epitome of wrong opinions.

Same user, same.

That's what led me down the dark path of Undertale porn

I want grim to come inside MY eyesockets

It was a fucking genius idea to bring back Skarr. All his episodes were good.

Cuz it's over and only had a cute unicorn in 1 ep. Let it die.

Underappreciated post


What was his name again?

I like his gundam reference


WhAt WaS HiS nAmE aGaIn?

normie meme desu

check and m8

That's an amazing line delivered with such shitty performance. Pre 2010 dubbing sure was a dark time.

really nice meme there mate

Oh man

Like an angry woman

Yeah. I liked the Grim & Evil format much better. Thought I was the only one with that opinion.

Lord moldybutt

>something destructing

1. There are threads about this show nearly every day.

2. Wtf, Sup Forums hates this show now?

lord valdomero

I used to love this show but I've become old and jaded. Old Grim was actually one of my favorite characters when he still acted like... Death.

It still has some really great moments but some episodes are just throw-away since most of them are 'Billy does something stupid' episodes. Some 4th wall jokes work and others just feel over done nowadays.

Still one of CN's better shows.

Because Bleedman.

I know it's not true, but I'll blame him anyway.

Billy was best when used as a punching back, such as episides dealing with his fear of clowns or spiders. His spider son, Jeff, is stil one of the best characters

What about Dead Meat?

So fucking cringy



I wanted to marry Mandy when I was a kid.

>NoRmIe MeMe dEsU!
Sorry. Had to.

fuck that is one ripe-ass normie
like he just came out of a 'le ironic ebin' facebook page

the love far surpasses the hatred in this thread