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Angel grove is in danger!

I call upon the power of the power rangers thread

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anybody else get the new Boom stuff?

I can hear the dragon whistle just by looking at that picture

Nigga mods delete Power Rangers threads unless a Boom comic pic is the OP topic/pic
That said, lets do it

Ya think theres a factory thats dedicated to making just candy-cane colored smokestacks so Dragonzord always has something to bite?

When I was a kid I argued with my babysitter's boyfriend that the Red Ranger was still the leader instead of the White Ranger. I see now that he was right, but I didn't think it was fair the Red Ranger got usurped.

Dragonzord's not alive
None of the primary or sixth ranger Zords were alive until Turbo
Yes, the cars were sentient but not the dinosaurs (except for Titanus)

Autism time.

Green Ranger was hella cool. But I hated how special he became versus the others, especially when the later series' trope was to give the Red Ranger the "Battleizer" armor, which the Dragon Shield essentially was.

Make Green Ranger get a completely identical uniform to the others with no special armor or markers, give the Dragon Dagger the more generic name of Power Dagger/Knife, make clear the MegaDragonzord is merely a COMPLETED Megazord without a fancier name, and let Red Ranger gain the Dragon Shield/arm bands under the more generic name Power Shield to stress him being the leader and main ranger as the MMPR version of Battleizer armor. Green Ranger will always stay cool by default of being a parallel Red with a badass animal theme and zord that will be completely viable on its own, so his popularity won't diminish while giving Red his proper due and power upgrade.

i know the quality is shit but we just talk about how neat this story has been

Fuck off back to

Well, the actor wanted more money and quit.

And kids already like Tommy more, so...boom. He's leader now.

>Pre Tommy
>More in depth with the Ranger's personal lives
Sounds cool
>Written by the guy who did Aftershock
Please don't suck


Just glad they're finally moving past the Drakkon arc in a few months
I love his design but his "character" was nothing but Evil Tommy who hates regular Tommy and served just to be a part of the latter's growth

The problem with your ideas was that Power Rangers wasn't an original series. It was a Frankenstein of Japanese footage.

The original Green Ranger was the trial run for adding a sixth ranger that was more than just a one off. It was an attempt to spread out the toy sales for that years Sentai so that it wasn't all front loaded like it had been. The reason the Green Ranger had so many unique things was because they were trying to sell NEW toys.

same poster fyi just wanted to say that this shit was badass, not just wat happened to tommy but the whole war was awesome. I know they barely showed anything it was just great to see some believable drama

Zyuranger had Red still play the role of the leader since Burai was off screen a lot for reasons

Have you converted yet?

Sentai Musou when?

>you will never hold David Yost close on the set of Power Rangers and comfort him after all the homophobic bullying that went on backstage.

I dig the cape but that weapon is just the Blue Ranger's spear

Oh, I remember learning that and it completely makes sense to me, believe me on that - doesn't change the series was fun and the rangers rocked as-is. Call it a sort-of wish list of retcons, to both match it to later series once they settled into a groove and what said re: Red Ranger.

More like Tricerabottoms

Just a heads up
Ranger Danger has frequent podcasts with Kyle Higgins once a month and they're open to fan questions about the comic via email and tweets.

Real talk. Was it the STAFF who did that and the cast actually defended him, or did they join in too? I hope so so the whole after-school messages actually rung true there.

Undermining Green is a cheap way to "improve" shit though. Everything about Green is way past cool and into radical tier so to combat that instead of trying to downplay just how fucking big his dick is, you need to improve Red. Have Tyrannosaurus transform into it's own robot like the dragon, let it have a special combination with the Dragonzord, buff up the power sword, and let the rangers combine their powers to give Red his own special shield made out of teamwork. Play up the leader aspect and incorporate the team more, not isolate because he just can't compete with the solo factor Green has and that sweet ass Dragonzord.

It's most likely modeled after the Imperial Guards from Star Wars seeing how they're always in a pair protecting Drakkon

The staff definitely. Allegedly one of the directors would end each scene with "Now get the faggot off the set" or something like that.

Only a decent amount of the production team harassed him.
Cast was cool with him.
There are rumors he had beef with JDF but none of it was confirmed and even if they did had a feud, the two are good friends now

This art is gorgeous , holy shitballs.


it was a different time

Mini or ongoing?

Covers have been mostly great

>I hope so so the whole after-school messages actually rung true there.

Homosexuality is a mental illness that can be cure. The fact that he didn't pursue a medical cure is his own fault.

I wonder if the MMPR ongoing will move onto season 2 then. Doesn't make sense to have both take places around the same time

Should I post the preview of next week's issue?

the said that they only intend to do/can only do MMPR-In Space

>The "Mighty Morphin" canon extends from Season 1 up through "In Space." That's our sandbox. It's all fair game. There is still so much more that happens to these characters and this world—from new Zords to new Rangers—that we want to explore, but we want to make sure it feels earned and that we've exhausted all we can with the story we're currently telling. Personally, I love the mythology that comes with Zeo. It really cracks open the world and introduces a lot of new and interesting elements to the series, like the new Power Chamber and The Machine Empire, one of the more formidable foes for the Rangers. Also, who wouldn't want to see Hendry draw the Gold Zeo Ranger?
>There is still a lot of story to tell with these characters and Zords, but we would never say never. If and when do get to new Zords or Rangers, we want to make sure the change feels necessary and organic to the story we're telling.

The mediocre MMPR Pink mini did take place in Season 3

>It's been almost two months
Feels like yesterday, doesn't it?

Is this sentai only thread? Or general toku?

I only watched Lightspeed Rescue because I was smitten with this dame

I'll always regret not taking part in the stream. I should have just sucked it up and accepted that I wasn't gonna be able to watch it continuously

Do it faggot

Alright user, this is for you




Yeah seems like they actual love drawing this shit. It's pretty amazing. Have they put any trades out yet? I wanna catch up to all of this.

Gonna sound retarded but whatever.

This is pretty dope but it's missing a few. Like really no Andros or Carlos? Kinda odd. Also wasn't there at least two other ranger chicks everyone likes. Idk just seems like a sausage fest.


This is so much better than mine I happily concede. My only concern is the thought you'd have too many special snowflake rangers in a team thatis supposed to be uniform, even if it's merely two outta six being unique.

Just letting you know that the art inside the book isn't as good as the cover art and variants.
Vol 1 and 2 are out now
Also, Sup Forums didn't like Carlos until pic related happen

Would making Red the best be so important to you guys if you hadn't watched all those other seasons or known that "Red is the leader and Red gets Battlizers and Red this and Red that" was the Sentai tradition?

Like...why DOES Red have to be the leader?

>t. faggot that always got picked as the blue ranger

Jump ahead if it fits naturally

>tfw always picked the Blue Ranger on purpose because he was a dorky nerd that became a superhero

Yeah I saw , it's fine. I actually don't hate the art in the book. Kinda reminds me of colored sketches. Ahh cool. Haha really? Carlos was like their billy , I thought he was pretty cool.

Shocked the elephant from the hotel episode with the retarded guy didn't get added either. Thanks user.

I'll give an actual response.

You absolutely have a point, I can see it. If Green Ranger was there from the get-go or clearly meant to be the leader all along, that'd be one thing. But Red was clearly meant to be the star, and he got overshadowed by Green to say nothing of the other rangers. So him getting the Cool Stuff would've made sense anyway.

>Knasty Knight
>Pumpkin Rapper again

>Pumpkin Rapper was among the major participants in the AU Ranger's last stand
What kinda beats do you think he was unleashing during the clash?

ya i know i just think the look is cool as hell

Green overshadowed Red specifically because he's an outsider, not a member of the team.

When you have a team, you have matching uniforms, so Red doesn't get unique gear. Meanwhile, Green has to be this guy who all by himself can kick an entire team's ass, so he gets extra armor. Also, his zord isn't even a dinosaur or otherwise prehistoric creature, Dragon doesn't fit the theme. Green is special...but not in a way that says "leader", he's a different thing.

But white makes a better looking color for a leader than red would. Like, it kinda bugs me now that the lore is "Zordon was a red ranger", I always pictured him as a white because they said the White Ranger powers were made of "pure goodness" or some shit like that, plus Zordon could command Titanus.

i personally want more costumes like these

I feel like you didn't actually grow up with the first power rangers series because otherwise I don't know how you could think like this.

>No Triceratops Sentry
>A rendition of pic related with Drakkon and Sentries can't be completed

red isnt the leader of time force, its pink, and iirc, 6th ranger shows up AND gets his upgrade, long before red gets his (not through virtue of getting more powers, some weird time traveling knight did some weird shit)

whats weird is that i cant think of any season offhand where red used a spear (that the rest of the team didnt also have them), yet the game chroma squad (amazing and shit at the same time) had the lead characters main weapon focus be spears
but you know what? thats a fucking majestic ass leader design. hell, all the unused ones were great, imo they were better than blacks, which as far as i know, was the only in comic one

>which as far as i know, was the only in comic one
user, all of them are in the comic

>But Red was clearly meant to be the star, and he got overshadowed by Green to say nothing of the other rangers. So him getting the Cool Stuff would've made sense anyway.

See, the problem is the idea that any one Ranger can be "the star" when the show was always meant to be an ensemble, at least initially. Sure, the Tommy wank got ridiculous throughout seasons 1 and 2, but it eventually evened out. And it was ultimately for the best, as it showed that not only could anyone be the leader, that a loner could find a place within a group, go through the ranks and become a leader among his peers.

well im retarded then. im in no way up to date on it, and the only pictures iv seen posted were the full page spread versions of , and blacks in comic one here

>the said that they only intend to do/can only do MMPR-In Space
>In Space

user you're not retarded just not informed.

>time force

So the thing about me is, I never liked it when they started doing the Sentai "abandon casts and continuity, start fresh every season" thing.

In fact, I don't even like the Thunder and Ninjazords. I just want one team and one theme and to see "Hey, what would happen if Zordon's Rangers actually stayed Rangers into adulthood?"

In fact, they kinda DID stay Rangers into adulthood and apparently repaired their power coins and have adventures offscreen given the way they keep coming back for anniversary crossovers. It bothers me a little that we have no idea what the story is behind that.

>In fact, I don't even like the Thunder and Ninjazords. I just want one team and one theme and to see "Hey, what would happen if Zordon's Rangers actually stayed Rangers into adulthood?"
What is Turbo 2.0/Space

I really hope they don't go for a 1:1 adaptation but at the same time I hope they do not ignore what made that season so beloved in the first place

well then in response to that, ill post pinks, since its missing with weapon

>In fact, they kinda DID stay Rangers into adulthood and apparently repaired their power coins and have adventures offscreen given the way they keep coming back for anniversary crossovers. It bothers me a little that we have no idea what the story is behind that.

Something something Zordon Wave something something your guess is as good as mine.

>What is Turbo 2.0/Space

A story about a bunch of new people who show up only because Zordon's bitch replacement said completely arbitrarily to Tommy and Adam and co. "oh what's that? You're graduating high school? Well I guess that means you can't be superheroes anymore! Have fun at college, assholes, get out of my command center!"

>I hope they do not ignore what made that season so beloved in the first place
Ashley and Cassie?

This makes sense, for sure, and I dig it. I suppose I felt if he was in the team at least fit him in more. IE, the 'Red parallel' even if he was special by default, or like always getting MegaDragonzord going on when possible (besides the obvious collorary of more power at once from an in-universe perspective).

Rolling from the above, you're also correct he got evened out on wankery and that helped a lot. I also admit it's a good point on a loner going through the ranks.

It's a good discussion and I appreciate it. Green was cool, I only disliked he got wanked *so much*, wanking in general was fine by me due to his very nature.

It's neat how even when militarized, the Sentries still fit a distinct role and identities
Foot soldier, Sniper, Commando, and Imperial Guard

To those who did not grew up on MMPR.
I have a question, which ranger civilian names do you remember more easily?
The ones you grew up with or MMPR's?


The thing is, I totally believe the power coins could BE repaired. The ones that got destroyed were the Ninja coins. The dino coins we never saw actually go away, they were just "unusable" when the Thunderzords were destroyed.

I just wanna see how it happens. Like, maybe Billy comes back from Aquitar with the knowledge to fix them and reunites the team, maybe Tommy goes on a quest to find a new power source because he's the guy who again and again wants to come back. Just tell me a fuckin' story about it already.

But user lightspeed was the best one

Dana is waifutier

In Space was the best season. New movie is cool with the Zeo crystal refrences, cant wait to see it gear up to space opera levels.

I hope we get to 10 rangers. Make the gold ranger a permanent fixture

rpm and spd are also quite good.

I find it funny everything thinks it is flute or a clarinet but it has 3 keys and sounds like a trumpet.

ya if we got a big scene with Drakkon and an army of these rangers behind him,,,FUCK
ya i cant remember many spears now that u mention it. remember some staffs and wizaerd wand things ,,,o and that staff with the cresent the black ranger used id SPACE

Connor from Dino Thunder's weapon was a spear

It sounded more like a flute in the original. Don't know why they deepened the tune for MMPR.

i just want a team up comic with tommy, andros and cpt marvelous

best 3 of all time

jap version of in space had black as the leader as well

Marvelous is too good for PR.

>Drakkon still hasn't had a Zord matching his costume yet
come on

It was weird that his zord was the black dragon when his costume is white and green. I think they said that when he corrupted the green coin it corrupted the Dragon Zord. But you also saw the White Tiger and Falcon so im wondering who controlled them unless billy found a way to use them. Maybe he will be back in the future and get another zord. I thought it was going to be symbolism with the white tiger beating the black dragon but who knows

I wonder if Sup Forums is capable to have a Power Rangers thread without menioning the Japshit Rangers, even only once

What's weird is that he lost his Black Dragonzord and didn't really seem to care

Even if he somehow got another zord (though we saw the wreckage of the Thunderzords, as well as the aforementioned White Tiger and Falconzords so I'm not sure what's left. Shogunzords?)

Even in the comics, the product placement is strong.

C'mon user, don't be like that. They're close cousins after all.

They didn't say Dragonzord wasn't corrupted, just that the Black Dragon used its parts.
Also, Saba was the one who controlled the Falcon and White Tigerzord
Speaking of Saba, why didn't he teleport away out of Drakkon's hand in the last issue like the time Drakkon did after gaining the extra power?
The Black Dragon was really just a glorified recon drone for scouting purposes